15 research outputs found

    One-loop amplitudes for W+3 jet production in hadron collisions

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    We employ the recently developed method of generalized DD-dimensional unitarity to compute one-loop virtual corrections to all scattering amplitudes relevant for the production of a WW boson in association with three jets in hadronic collisions, treating all quarks as massless.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, v2 to agree with published versio

    On the Numerical Evaluation of One-Loop Amplitudes: the Gluonic Case

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    We develop an algorithm of polynomial complexity for evaluating one-loop amplitudes with an arbitrary number of external particles. The algorithm is implemented in the Rocket program. Starting from particle vertices given by Feynman rules, tree amplitudes are constructed using recursive relations. The tree amplitudes are then used to build one-loop amplitudes using an integer dimension on-shell cut method. As a first application we considered only three and four gluon vertices calculating the pure gluonic one-loop amplitudes for arbitrary external helicity or polarization states. We compare our numerical results to analytical results in the literature, analyze the time behavior of the algorithm and the accuracy of the results, and give explicit results for fixed phase space points for up to twenty external gluons.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures; v2: references added, version accepted for publicatio

    Multi-gluon one-loop amplitudes using tensor integrals

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    An efficient numerical algorithm to evaluate one-loop amplitudes using tensor integrals is presented. In particular, it is shown by explicit calculations that for ordered QCD amplitudes with a number of external legs up to 10, its performance is competitive with other methods.Comment: 25 pages, results for quark loops added, accuracy analysis extended, mistakes corrected, reference adde

    On the Structure of Infrared Singularities of Gauge-Theory Amplitudes

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    A closed formula is obtained for the infrared singularities of dimensionally regularized, massless gauge-theory scattering amplitudes with an arbitrary number of legs and loops. It follows from an all-order conjecture for the anomalous-dimension matrix of n-jet operators in soft-collinear effective theory. We show that the form of this anomalous dimension is severely constrained by soft-collinear factorization, non-abelian exponentiation, and the behavior of amplitudes in collinear limits. Using a diagrammatic analysis, we demonstrate that these constraints imply that to three-loop order the anomalous dimension involves only two-parton correlations, with the possible exception of a single color structure multiplying a function of conformal cross ratios depending on the momenta of four external partons, which would have to vanish in all two-particle collinear limits. We argue that such a function does not appear at three-loop order, and that the same is true in higher orders. Our formula predicts Casimir scaling of the cusp anomalous dimension to all orders in perturbation theory, and we explicitly check that the constraints exclude the appearance of higher Casimir invariants at four loops. Using known results for the quark and gluon form factors, we derive the three-loop coefficients of the 1/epsilon^n pole terms (with n=1,...,6) for an arbitrary n-parton scattering amplitude in massless QCD. This generalizes Catani's two-loop formula proposed in 1998.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figures; v2: improved treatment of collinear limits, references added; v3: improved discussion of non-abelian exponentiation, references updated; v4: typo in eq. (17) fixed, references updated; v5: additional term in (17

    Generalized unitarity at work: first NLO QCD results for hadronic W+3jet production

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    We compute the leading color, next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the dominant partonic channels for the production of a W boson in association with three jets at the Tevatron and the LHC. This is the first application of generalized unitarity for realistic one-loop calculations. The method performs well in this non-trivial test and offers great promise for the future.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Feynman Rules for the Rational Part of the QCD 1-loop amplitudes

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    We compute the complete set of Feynman Rules producing the Rational Terms of kind R_2 needed to perform any QCD 1-loop calculation. We also explicitly check that in order to account for the entire R_2 contribution, even in case of processes with more than four external legs, only up to four-point vertices are needed. Our results are expressed both in the 't Hooft Veltman regularization scheme and in the Four Dimensional Helicity scheme, using explicit color configurations as well as the color connection language.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Misprints corrected in Appendix A. Version to be published in JHE

    Optimizing the Reduction of One-Loop Amplitudes

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    We present an optimization of the reduction algorithm of one-loop amplitudes in terms of master integrals. It is based on the exploitation of the polynomial structure of the integrand when evaluated at values of the loop-momentum fulfilling multiple cut-conditions, as emerged in the OPP-method. The reconstruction of the polynomials, needed for the complete reduction, is rended very versatile by using a projection-technique based on the Discrete Fourier Transform. The novel implementation is applied in the context of the NLO QCD corrections to u d-bar --> W+ W- W+

    Polarizing the Dipoles

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    We extend the massless dipole formalism of Catani and Seymour, as well as its massive version as developed by Catani, Dittmaier, Seymour and Trocsanyi, to arbitrary helicity eigenstates of the external partons. We modify the real radiation subtraction terms only, the primary aim being an improved efficiency of the numerical Monte Carlo integration of this contribution as part of a complete next-to-leading order calculation. In consequence, our extension is only applicable to unpolarized scattering. Upon summation over the helicities of the emitter pairs, our formulae trivially reduce to their original form. We implement our extension within the framework of Helac-Phegas, and give some examples of results pertinent to recent studies of backgrounds for the LHC. The code is publicly available. Since the integrated dipole contributions do not require any modifications, we do not discuss them, but they are implemented in the software.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, Integrated dipoles implemented for massless and massive case

    Automated one-loop calculations: a proof of concept

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    An algorithm, based on the OPP reduction method, to automatically compute any one-loop amplitude, for all momentum, color and helicity configurations of the external particles, is presented. It has been implemented using the tree-order matrix element code HELAC and the OPP reduction code CutTools. As a demonstration of the potential of the current implementation, results for all sub-processes included in the 2007 Les Houches wish list for LHC, are presented.Comment: 22 pages, published versio

    Direct Extraction Of One Loop Rational Terms

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    We present a method for the direct extraction of rational contributions to one-loop scattering amplitudes, missed by standard four-dimensional unitarity techniques. We use generalised unitarity in D=4-2\e dimensions to write the loop amplitudes in terms of products of massive tree amplitudes. We find that the rational terms in 4-2\e dimensions can be determined from quadruple, triple and double cuts without the need for independent pentagon contributions using a massive integral basis. The additional mass-dependent integral coefficients may then be extracted from the large mass limit which can be performed analytically or numerically. We check the method by computing the rational parts of all gluon helicity amplitudes with up to six external legs. We also present a simple application to amplitudes with external massless fermions.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures. Major revisions: new analytic results for gluon amplitudes and new section on treatment of massless fermions. References added and typos corrected. Accepted for publication in JHE