23 research outputs found

    Orally available Mn porphyrins with superoxide dismutase and catalase activities

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    Superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics, such as salen Mn complexes and certain metalloporphyrins, catalytically neutralize reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, which have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many serious diseases. Both classes of mimetic are protective in animal models of oxidative stress. However, only AEOL11207 and EUK-418, two uncharged Mn porphyrins, have been shown to be orally bioavailable. In this study, EUK-418 and several new analogs (the EUK-400 series) were synthesized and shown to exhibit superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase activities in vitro. Some also protected PC12 cells against staurosporine-induced cell death. All EUK-400 compounds were stable in simulated gastric fluid, and most were substantially more lipophilic than the salen Mn complexes EUK-189 and EUK-207, which lack oral activity. Pharmacokinetics studies demonstrate the presence of all EUK-400 series compounds in the plasma of rats after oral administration. These EUK-400 series compounds are potential oral therapeutic agents for cellular damage caused by oxidative stress

    NIS2NL, NWO-Middengroot (420-004)

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    The New Immigrant Survey (NIS2NL) is a longitudinal panel study on early integration processes of recent migrants to the Netherlands. NIS2NL is targeted at Bulgarian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish immigrants who recently moved to the Netherlands and contains questions about demographic characteristics, living situation, education, employment, income, language, identification, contact, and perceived discrimination. The data collection for the first wave of NIS2NL was carried out in late 2013 and early 2014. Data for the second wave were collected in late 2014 and early 2015. The third wave was conducted in late 2016 and the fourth in early 2018. Answers were collected in written format either online or on paper. All correspondence with the respondents took place in their native (country of origin) language

    NIS2NL, NWO-Middengroot (420-004) - Version 2

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    The New Immigrant Survey (NIS2NL) is a longitudinal panel study on early integration processes of recent migrants to the Netherlands. NIS2NL is targeted at Bulgarian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish immigrants who recently moved to the Netherlands and contains questions about demographic characteristics, living situation, education, employment, income, language, identification, contact, and perceived discrimination. The data collection for the first wave of NIS2NL was carried out in late 2013 and early 2014. Data for the second wave were collected in late 2014 and early 2015. The third wave was conducted in late 2016 and the fourth in early 2018. Answers were collected in written format either online or on paper. All correspondence with the respondents took place in their native (country of origin) language. In this second version an error related to the Thermometer questions included in wave 4 has been corrected. The fieldwork company had assigned the written questionnaires to the wrong question. The order of these questions were immigrant-group specific which was not accounted for in handling the written questionnaires. The original variables have been kept in the data and renamed into: SOCDISNL_4ERROR (although this was the only one correct in this battery) SOCDIST_4ERROR SOCDISM_4ERROR SOCDISP_4ERROR SOCDISB_4ERROR SOCDISS_4ERROR The correct variables have the names in line with the codebook: SOCDISNL_4 SOCDIST_4 SOCDISM_4 SOCDISP_4 SOCDISB_4 SOCDISS_

    Source code for the interpreted mTask language

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    Source code accompanying the paper: M. Lubbers, P. Koopman, and R. Plasmeijer, β€˜Interpreting Task Oriented Programs on Tiny Computers’, in Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, New York, NY, USA, 2019. doi: 10.1145/3412932.3412936. This is a snapshot of the mTask git repository: https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/mlubbers/mTask Abstract: Small Microcontroller Units (MCUs) drive the omnipresent Internet of Things (IoT). These devices are small, cheap, and energy efficient. However, they are not very powerful and lack an Operating System. Hence it is difficult to apply high level abstractions and write software that stays close to the design.Task Oriented Programming (TOP) is a paradigm for creating multi-user collaborative systems. A program consists of tasksβ€”descriptions of what needs to be done. The tasks represent the actual work and a task value is observable during execution. Furthermore, tasks can be combined and transformed using combinators.mTask is an embedded Domain Specific Language (eDSL) to program MCUs following the TOP paradigm. Previous work has described the mTask language, a static C code generator, and how to integrate mTask with TOP servers. This paper shows that for dynamic IOT applications, tasks must be sent at runtime to the devices for interpretation. It describes in detail how to compile specialized IOT TOP tasks to bytecode and how to interpret them on devices with very little memory. These additions allow the creation of complete, dynamic IOT applications arising from a single source using a mix of iTasks and mTask tasks. Details such as serialization and communication are captured in simple abstractions. Contents: - Zip file containing a snapshot of the CVS repository of mTask. * README.md: contains information about mTask * DEVICES.md: contains device specific installation notes * INSTALL.md: contains installation instructions * rts/: contains the mTask run-time-system C source code * library/: contains the mTask library Clean source code * programs/: contains the mTask examples * tests/: contains some tests for library functionality * tools/: contains auxiliary programs for generating symbols and class constraints * dependencies/: library dependencies for the mTask library - README.md: contains information about mTask and installation instruction

    Source code for the mTask language

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    Source code accompanying the paper: Koopman, P., Lubbers, M. & Plasmeijer, R. (2018). A Task-Based DSL for Microcomputers. In R. Stewart (Ed.), RWDSL2018: Proceedings of the Real World Domain Specific Languages Workshop 2018, Vienna, Austria β€” February 24 - 24, 2018 (pp. 1-11). New York: ACM doi: 10.1145/3183895.3183902 This is a snapshot of the mTask git repository: https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/mlubbers/mTask Abstract: The Internet of Things, IoT, makes small connected computing devices almost omnipresent. These devices have typically very limited computing power and severe memory restrictions to make them cheap and power efficient. These devices can interact with the environment via special sensors and actuators. Since each device controls several peripherals running interleaved, the control software is quite complicated and hard to maintain. Task Oriented Programming, TOP, offers lightweight communicating threads that can inspect each other’s intermediate results. This makes it well suited for the IoT. In this paper presents a functional task-based domain specific language for these IoT devices. We show that it yields concise control programs. By restricting the datatypes and using strict evaluation these programs fit within the restrictions of microcontrollers. Contents: README.md contains a brief description of the files mTaskExamples.icl: contains the example mTask programs *.icl, *.dcl: contain the mTask library Clean (https://clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean) source file

    Source code for the multitasking mTask language integrated with the iTask system

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    Source code accompanying the paper: Lubbers, M., Koopman, P. & Plasmeijer, R. (2019). Multitasking on Microcontrollers using Task Oriented Programming. In M. Koricic (Ed.), 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO): May 20 – 24, 2019 Opatija, Croatia. Proceedings (pp. 1587-1592). Piscataway: IEEE doi: 10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8756711 Abstract: Microcontroller Units (MCUs) are all around us powering many of our so called smart devices. Most programs running on MCUs are control applications performing multiple jobs at the same time. Examples of these jobs are: blinking a status LED, reading button states, talking to sensors or communicating with the world. Often these jobs are dependent on each other and require communication between them. Small MCUs have no support for multiple threads, therefore the programmer needs to manually interleave the tasks. The job structure bears great similarities with tasks in Task Oriented Programming (TOP). Tasks representing work that needs to be done, can be interleaved and combined to form compound tasks. The embedded Domain Specific Language (eDSL) mTask is a TOP language that works on even the smallest of MCUs. This paper explains how to write multi-task control applications for MCUs using a TOP language such as mTask. This is a snapshot of the mTask git repository: https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/mlubbers/mTask Contents: - Zip file containing a snapshot of the CVS repository of mTask. * NOTES.md: contains device specific installation notes * client/: contains the mTask run-time-system C source code * library/: contains the mTask library Clean source code * programs/: contains the mTask examples * tests/: contains some tests for library functionality - README.md: contains information about mTask and installation instruction

    Source code for a simplified mTask language integrated with the iTask system

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    Source code accompanying the paper: Lubbers, M., Koopman, P. & Plasmeijer, R. (2018). Task Oriented Programming and the Internet of Things. In M. Cimini (Ed.), IFL 2018 Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: Lowell, MA, USA β€” September 05 - 07, 2018 (pp. 83-94). New York: ACM doi: 10.1145/3310232.3310239 Abstract: In the omnipresent Internet of Things (IoT), tiny devices sense and alter the environment, process information and communicate with the world. These devices have limited amounts of processing power and memory. This imposes severe restrictions on their software and communication protocols. As a result, applications are composed of parts written in various programming languages that communicate in many different ways. This impedance mismatch hampers development and maintenance. In previous work we have shown how an IoT device can be programmed by defining an embedded Domain Specific Language (eDSL). This paper shows how IoT tasks can be seemlessly integrated with a Task Oriented Programming (TOP) server such as iTasks. It allows the specification on a high level of abstraction of arbitrary collaborations between human beings, large systems, and now also IoT devices. The implementation is made in three steps. First, there is an interface to connect devices dynamically to an iTasks server using various communication protocols. Next, we solve the communication problem between IoT devices and the server by porting Shared Data Sources (SDSs) from TOP. As a result, data can be shared, viewed and updated from the server or IoT device. Finally, we crack the maintenance problem by switching from generating fixed code for the IoT devices to dynamically shipping code. It makes it possible to run multiple tasks on an IoT device and to decide at runtime what tasks that should be. This is a snapshot of the mTask git repository: https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/mlubbers/mTask Contents: - Zip file containing a snapshot of the CVS repository of mTask. * client/: contains the mTask run-time-system C source code * library/: contains the mTask library Clean source code * programs/: contains the mTask examples * tests/: contains some tests for library functionality - README.md: contains information about mTask and installation instruction