150 research outputs found

    Competitiveness of Romania’s South-East Region in the European Context

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    The European interventionist policy is much stronger on the regional level than on the level of national states. Each economic activity in Europe’s regions has now its own place on the European market economy. Creating a European market is important due to its size and economic potential. The Central and Eastern Europe is a potential area of new markets expansion and organization. Moreover expansion and trade are becoming important to the entire European economy as well as all its regions.region, regional development, competitiveness, European Union

    The American Mortgage Crisis Implications on the international economics evolutions

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    Shock waves that produce large cracks deepen existing political, economic and social, and sometimes a new order replaces the old. In 2010, states across the world over blast, which invariably will lead to changing the current world order. Last twenty years have seen major changes in international economic context, the Soviet Union collapsed and centralized economies in Eastern Europe, reforms in China and India, export-based growth strategies in East Asia, all leading to the creation of a world economy market and also bringing 4 to 5 billion people.mortgage crisis, financial crisis, stock market, bank loans, international trade

    The Knowledge Economy

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    We are living through a period of profound change and transformation of the shape of society and its underlying economic base .The nature of production, trade, employment and work in the coming decades will be very different from what it is today. In an agricultural economy land is the key resource. In industrial economy natural resources, such as coal and iron ore and labour are the main resources. A knowledge economy is one in which knowledge is the key resource. One in which the generation and the exploitation of knowledge has come to play the predominant part in the creation of wealth.Key words: knowledge economy, globalization, organization, comparative advantage

    The Knowledge Economy

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    We are living through a period of profound change and transformation of the shape of society and its underlying economic base .The nature of production, trade, employment and work in the coming decades will be very different from what it is today. In an agricultural economy land is the key resource. In industrial economy natural resources, such as coal and iron ore and labour are the main resources. A knowledge economy is one in which knowledge is the key resource. One in which the generation and the exploitation of knowledge has come to play the predominant part in the creation of wealth.knowledge economy, globalization, organization, comparative advantage


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    The contemporary migration is considered a phenomenon that proliferates rapidly, its main engine being the globalization. According to the United States Division of Population, the international migration currently includes approximately 200 million persomigration, employment, highly qualified persons

    Perforated small intestine in a patient with T-cell lymphoma; a rare cause of peritonitis

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    The nontraumatic perforations of the small intestine are pathological entities with particular aspects in respect to diagnosis and treatment. These peculiarities derive from the nonspecific clinical expression of the peritonitis syndrome, and from the multitude of causes that might be the primary sources of the perforation: foreign bodies, inflammatory diseases, tumors, infectious diseases, etc. Accordingly, in most cases intestinal perforation is discovered only by laparotomy and the definitive diagnosis is available only after histopathologic examination. Small bowel malignancies are rare; among them, lymphomas rank third in frequency, being mostly B-cell non Hodgkin lymphomas. Only 10% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas are with T-cell. We report the case of a 57 years’ old woman with intestinal T-cell lymphoma, whose first clinical symptomatology was related to a complication represented by perforation of the small intestine. Laparotomy performed in emergency identified an ulcerative lesion with perforation in the jejunum, which required segmental enterectomy with anastomosis. The nonspecific clinical manifestations of intestinal lymphomas make from diagnosis a difficult procedure. Due to the fact that surgery does not have a definite place in the treatment of the small intestinal lymphomas (for cases complicated with perforation), and beyond the morbidity associated with the surgery performed in emergency conditions, prognosis of these patients is finally given by the possibility to control the systemic disease through adjuvant therapy

    Nonlocal approach for the analysis of damage in hybrid masonry under cyclic loading

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    Hybrid masonry is a recent technology that facilitates the use of concrete masonry unit blocks in connection with steel components in seismic areas. A continuum damage mechanics formulation is utilized due to the quasi-brittle character of masonry panels. A two scalar damage model that accounts for tension and compression is im- plemented with its local and nonlocal formulation. The nontrivial process of calibrating the parameters is addressed and numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the computational framework utilized

    Risk Management in International Bussiness

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    Any activity or economic effort is based on a number of unknown and uncertain factors or opportunities simply because its subject is located in the future. All decisions or actions that will lead to a production process or act of foreign trade is inevitably initiated or taken in circumstances of uncertainty and risk. There are sometimes situations where the uncertainty is too high, making it virtually impossible because a decision or goal in itself or the way that it can achieve are not sufficiently defined, or that risks could be totally destructive. In normal economic life, we don’t have to choose between risky situations and certain situations, but between different degrees of risk and different outcomes

    Risk Management in International Bussiness

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    Any activity or economic effort is based on a number of unknown and uncertain factors or opportunities simply because its subject is located in the future. All decisions or actions that will lead to a production process or act of foreign trade is inevitably initiated or taken in circumstances of uncertainty and risk. There are sometimes situations where the uncertainty is too high, making it virtually impossible because a decision or goal in itself or the way that it can achieve are not sufficiently defined, or that risks could be totally destructive. In normal economic life, we don’t have to choose between risky situations and certain situations, but between different degrees of risk and different outcomes

    A Személyes Autoritás a Családi Rendszerben Kérdőív magyar változatának (PAFSQ-H) pszichometriai jellemzői = Psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian Version of the Personal Authority in the Family System Questionnaire (PAFSQ-H)

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    Elméleti háttér: A „személyes autoritás a családi rendszerben” fogalmát Williamson (1981, 1982) dolgozta ki. Olyan sajátos fejlődési feladatot és szakaszt ír le, mely egyszerre érvényes egyéni és családi szinten, és lényege a fiatal felnőtt személy és szülei közötti családi hierarchia újraértelmezése és átrendezése. A fejlődési szakasz optimális esetben a korábbi, jelentős mértékben tekintélyre alapozott kapcsolattól egy differenciált, mégis bensőséges kapcsolati mód, az individuáció és az intimitás közötti egyensúly elérését jelenti. Cél: Tanulmányunkban a Bray és munkatársai (1984) által kidolgozott Személyes Autoritás a Családi Rendszerben Kérdőív (Personal Authority in the Family System Questionnaire, PAFSQ) magyar adaptációjának folyamatát írjuk le és a kérdőív pszichometriai jellemzőit is bemutatjuk. A PAFSQ intergenerációs családi folyamatokkal kapcsolatos, 132 tételből álló kérdőív, mely három generáción keresztül méri a családi kapcsolatokat, a vizsgálati személy szemszögéből. Módszerek: Kérdőíves vizsgálatunkban 338 felnőtt, tartós párkapcsolatban élő személy vett részt (123 férfi és 215 nő, átlagéletkor: 41,09 ± 10,95 év). Ellenőrző faktoranalízissel megvizsgáltuk, hogy magyar mintán is megfigyelhető-e a Bray és munkatársai (1984) által meghatározott faktorstruktúra. Emellett feltáró faktoranalízist is végeztünk, hogy megvizsgáljuk, van-e olyan faktorszerkezet, amely a magyar mintára jobban illeszkedik az eredetinél. Eredmények: Az általunk azonosított faktorstruktúra nagymértékben egyezik a Bray és munkatársai (1984) által közölttel. Hat faktor azonos volt, míg a két eltérő (Trianguláció, Személyes felelősség a fontos kapcsolatokban) kulturális különbségeket tükrözhet. Az így kapott faktorok Cronbach-alfa mutatói elfogadhatónak bizonyultak (0,70—0,90). A kérdőív nyolc itemének segítségével négy elégedettségi mutatót képeztünk, amelyek a párkapcsolatra, a gyermekkel, az anyával és az apával való kapcsolatra kérdeznek rá. Fenti mutatók és a magyar mintán kapott faktorok között összefüggést mutattunk ki. Utóbbiak segítségével három, az individuáció és az intimitás különböző fokozatait mutató profiltípust azonosítottunk. Következtetések: A Személyes Autoritás a Családi Rendszerben Kérdőív magyar változata (PAFSQ-H) pszichometriai jellemzői megfelelőek. A kérdőív alkalmazható a kutatásokban, de struktúrája véglegesítéséhez további vizsgálatok szükségesek. | Background: The term “personal authority in the family system” (PAFS) was coined by Williamson (1981, 1982). The PAFS is an individual as well as family life cycle stage, having the aim to terminate the intergenerational boundaries between parents and their adult offsprings, by reinterpreting and ordering these boundaries. PAFS is a synthesizing construct representing the tension between differentiation and intimacy, as occur in the biological family to be recreated later in other significant personal relationships. Aim: In this study, we present the psychometric characteristics and the adaptation process of the Hungarian Version of the Personal Authority in the Family System Questionnaire (PAFSQ-H) elaborated by James Bray and his associates. The PAFSQ contains 132 items, and was developed to measure the family relationships through three generations as perceived by each individual in the family. Methods: Our sample is composed of 338 adults (215 women and 123 men, aged between 20 and 88 years, Mage = 41.09 ± 10.95 yrs), living in stable pair bonds. Using confirmatory factor analysis, we examined whether the factor structure determined by Bray and collagues (1984) can be replicated in a Hungarian sample as well. Exploratory factor analysis was also performed to examine whether there is a factor structure, which fits better to the Hungarian sample than the original. Results: Factor structure in the present sample was mostly consistent with the one Bray and his associates (1984) reported. Six factors were the same and two were different (Triangulation and Personal responsibility in important relationships) that may reflect cultural differences. The resulting Cronbach’s alpha indicators were acceptable (0.70 to 0.90). Significant correlation between the satisfaction index (compiled from eight questionnaire items, related to satisfaction with partner, mother and father relationships, respectively) and Bray’s factor structure were established. We also identified three profile types from our factors, showing different stages of developmental process of individuation and intimacy. Conclusion: The psychometric properties of the Hungarian version of Personal Authority in the Family System Questionnaire (PFSQ-H) were found to be adequate. The questionnaire can be used in the research but further studies are needed to finalize its structure