522 research outputs found

    One Body, Washed

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    (excerpt) So much that adults do and say makes little sense in the minds of children. I can’t imagine that I was the only small child of Christian parents who ever puzzled over the oddity of a day that came once a year, just before Easter. It was Monday Thursday, a day that was somehow two days of the week at once. Like the official lyrics of several hymns I’d memorized by hearing them sung repeatedly, the name of this peculiar Thursday got straightened out, at least partially, when I learned to read. Even though “Maundy” made no sense, it made better sense than Monday Thursday

    The Resurrection of our Lord Series C

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    (Excerpt) Luke\u27s empty tomb story has several typically Lukan features. First, the scene has an aura of calm when compared to Mark\u27s report that the women ran away frightened and dumbstruck, or Matthew\u27s picture of the angel who comes and scares the soldiers to death. This same calmness was in evidence throughout Luke\u27s passion narrative. Second, the two men whose clothing reminds the reader of the Transfiguration in Luke (9:29-30), and whose question to the women reminds the reader of the ascension scene in Acts (1:10-11), speak a message which is one of Luke\u27s most consistent themes: It was necessary ( dei) that the Son of Man be delivered ... and on the third day rise. Third, the centrality of Jerusalem in Luke is accommodated in the same speech, as the women are not bidden to go to Galilee as in Matthew and Mark. Instead, they are to remember what Jesus had said while they were all still in Galilee

    The Message Is from God

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    (Excerpt) I never settled on an opening line for this presentation, so I\u27ll simply tell you that it\u27s a humbling thing to stand here today charged with giving the keynote address for a gathering of the Institute for Liturgical Studies. I have attended this conference for many years-not for as long as many of you, but in twenty-six years at Valparaiso University I recall only one institute I missed completely. That means I\u27ve heard at least a hundred institute talks from this podium, and the excellence of the speakers here has consistently enriched and encouraged, sometimes entertained, and often awed me. Thus, it\u27s an honor, a weighty matter, to be here

    Sermon at the Holy Communion

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    (Excerpt) I have been told that when you are dying of thirst, you crave salt--not water, but salt. Your last efforts are spent seeking desperately that very thing which will hasten your end. So it is, I fear, with all of our terrible thirsts. The alcoholic, sick and frightened to death of his thirst, finds a temporary peace only in one more day and one more night of stupor. The adulterer, so very ashamed and so strangely alone, finds a momentary solace only in the forgetfulness of just one more forbidden embrace

    Imaging studies of comets

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    Schmidt camera plates of comet Bradfield were secured on several nights in October 1987. The images of October 20 show the development of a huge bend in the plasma tail travelling several hundred kilometers per second down the tail; the likely solar-wind origin of this event is being explored. A charged coupled device (CCD) detector has been obtained. Calibration of the CCD is still underway, but high-quality, filtered cometary images shoud be possible in the near future

    Observational data needs for plasma phenomena

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    Bright comets display a rich variety of interesting plasma phenomena which occur over an enormous range of spatial scales, and which require different observational techniques to be studied effectively. Wide-angle photography of high time resolution is probably the best method of studying the phenomenon of largest known scale: the plasma tail disconnection event (DE), which has been attributed to magnetic reconnection at interplanetary sector boundary crossings. These structures usually accelerate as they recede from the head region and observed velocities are typically in the range 50 V km/s. They are often visible for several days following the time of disconnection, and are sometimes seen out past 0.2 AU from the cometary head. The following areas pertaining to plasma phenomena in the ionoshere are addressed: the existence, size, and heliocentric distance variations of the contact surface, and the observational signatures of magnetic reconnection at sector boundary crossings

    Large-scale interaction of the solar wind with comets Halley and Giacobini-Zinner

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    In-situ measurements of comets Halley and Giacobini-Zinner have confirmed the accepted basic physics of comet/solar wind interaction. The solar wind magnetic field is captured by the comet through the mechanism of field-line loading by cometary ions and the field lines drape around the cometary ionosphere. With this basic model in hand, the large-scale structure of the plasma tail as revealed by submissions to the Large Scale Phenomena Network of the International Halley Watch is reviewed. The turn-on and turn-off of plasma activity seem consistent with theory. Some 16 obvious disconnection events (DEs) have been recorded. Preliminary results showed agreement with the sector-boundary model; a detailed analysis of all DEs will be required in order to make a definitive statement. A study of plasma activity around the time of the VEGA encounters provides strong support for the sector-boundary model and illustrates once again the power of simultaneous remote and in-situ measurements

    Early Scientific Results and Future Prospects for the Rejuvenated Hubble Space Telescope

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    Following the extraordinarily successful Servicing Mission 4 (SM4) of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in May of 2009, the Observatory is now fully equipped with a broad array of powerful science instruments that put it at the pinnacle of its scientific power. Relevant to the subject matter of the Beyond 2010 Conference, HST will be well-placed over the next five-plus years to advance our knowledge of the formation of high-redshift galaxies and their growth with cosmic time; the emergence of structure in the early universe via Dark Matter-driven gravitational instability; and the universe's expansion history and any resulting implications for the temporal character of Dark Energy. These are fitting projects for the iconic facility now celebrating its 20th anniversary in orbit

    The Great Physician

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    When God made man, He used the humblest material and made a supreme creature. Great artists have dipped their brushes into pigments and have painted upon canvas figures that seemed to live. God took the dust of the ground and made of it a body that really lived. And when the Creator had breathed into this body\u27s nostrils the breath of life, man became a living soul. This man\u27s body was fearfully and wonderfully made, perfect in its form and consummate in its functions. Man was possessed of health from head to foot, in mind and body. There was no inherited susceptibility to disease; there were no weak organs open to the attack of germs; there were no nervous disorders to wreck the happiness of man\u27s life