1,274 research outputs found

    Design of a Three Surfaces R/C Aircraft Model

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    Design of a three lifting surfaces radio-controlled model has been carried out at Dipartimento di Progettazione Aeronautica (DPA) by the authors in the last year. The model is intended to be a UAV prototype and is now under construction. The main goal of this small aircraft's design is to check the influence of the canard surface on the aircraft's aerodynamic characteristics and flight behavior, especially at high angles of attack. The aircraft model is also intended to be a flying platform to test sensors, measurement and acquisition systems for research purposes and a valid and low-cost teaching instrument for flight dynamics and flight maneuvering. The aircraft has been designed to fly with and without canard, and all problems relative to aircraft balance and stability have been carefully analyzed and solved. The innovative configuration and the mixed wooden-composite material structure has been obtained with very simple shapes and all the design is focused on realizing a low-cost model. A complete aerodynamic analysis of the configuration up to high angles of attack and a preliminary aircraft stability and performance prediction will be presented

    Design of a Three Surfaces R/C Aircraft Model

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    Design of a three lifting surfaces radio-controlled model has been carried out at Dipartimento di Progettazione Aeronautica (DPA) by the authors in the last year. The model is intended to be a UAV prototype and is now under construction. The main goal of this small aircraft's design is to check the influence of the canard surface on the aircraft's aerodynamic characteristics and flight behavior, especially at high angles of attack. The aircraft model is also intended to be a flying platform to test sensors, measurement and acquisition systems for research purposes and a valid and low-cost teaching instrument for flight dynamics and flight maneuvering. The aircraft has been designed to fly with and without canard, and all problems relative to aircraft balance and stability have been carefully analyzed and solved. The innovative configuration and the mixed wooden-composite material structure has been obtained with very simple shapes and all the design is focused on realizing a low-cost model. A complete aerodynamic analysis of the configuration up to high angles of attack and a preliminary aircraft stability and performance prediction will be presented

    Commuter aircraft aerodynamic design: wind-tunnel tests and CFD analysis

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    The paper presents wind-tunnel tests and CFD numerical aerodynamic analysis of Tecnam P2012 Traveller aircraft. An extensive wind tunnel tests campaign of several different modular aircraft configurations analyzed has been performed on a scaled model in order to experimentally estimate both longitudinal and lateral-directional stability, control derivatives, and to improve the aircraft aerodynamic performances. Simultaneously numerical investigations through a CFD software has been performed, both at wind-tunnel tests Reynolds number (Re=0.6millions) and at free flight Reynolds number of the full scale aircraft (Re=4 or 9 millions). Finally results are compared showing a good agreement in the lift and pitching moment coefficient both with and without control surfaces or flap deflections, and an underestimation of drag coefficient in the CFD numerical analysis. Horizontal tail positions are also tested in wind-tunnel and compared to CFD analysis highlighting how an accurate design leads to improvement both in stability and control. Results will be very useful in the final design of the aircraft and to perform dynamic simulations

    Tracking ground state Ba+ ions in an expanding laser–plasma plume using time-resolved vacuum ultraviolet photoionization imaging

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    We report results from a study of the integrated column density and expansion dynamics of ground-state-selected Ba+ ions in a laser–plasma plume using a new experimental system—VPIF (vacuum-ultraviolet photoabsorption imaging facility). The ions are tracked by recording the attenuation of a pulsed and collimated vacuum ultraviolet beam, tuned to the 5p–6d inner-shell resonance of singly ionized barium, as the expanding plasma plume moves across it. The attenuated beam is allowed to fall on a CCD array where the spatial distribution of the absorption is recorded. Time-resolved ion velocity and integrated column density maps are readily extracted from the photoionization images

    Flight Tests, Performances and Flight Certification of a Twin-Engine Light Aircraft

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    This paper deals with flight test activities performed on P2006T, a twin-engine light aircraft recently designed and produced by Tecnam. Research activities and flight tests have been conducted during the flight certification of P2006T for the normal category under CS-23. All the acquired data and flight results presented have been focused on both aircraft certification and on aircraft performances, stability and flight qualities measurement. The data have been acquired through a light, accurate and reliable flight instrumentation available at DIAS (Department of Aerospace Engineering). Some flight data about aircraft leveled speed, stall speed, climb characteristics and ground performances (take-off and landing) will be presented. After preliminary flight tests, winglets have been designed and added to the final configuration in order to obtain good climb performances also in OEI (One Engine Inoperative) conditions. Accurate stall tests have been performed in all configurations and influence of both entry-rate and load factor on stall speed have been highlighted. Excellent ground performances have been measured with short take-off and landing distances compared with similar airplanes. All measured flight performances can be considered very good for this aircraft category and have been used to demonstrate aircraft safety and to obtain CS23 certification


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    ResumenLa televisión es, sin duda, una referencia informativa clave antemomentos de crisis social. El artículo propone analizar lasestrategias discursivas desplegadas en la cobertura de latrágica jornada del 20 de diciembre del 2001 en Argentina. Seanaliza el tratamiento informativo de las cadenas de noticiasque mayor presencia tienen en la formación de opiniónpública en el país: Todo Noticias (TN) y Crónica TV

    La crisis social mediatizada : Análisis de los sucesos del 20 de diciembre del 2001. El caso de Todo Noticias y Crónica TV

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    La televisión es, sin duda, una referencia informativa clave ante momentos de crisis social. El artículo propone analizar las estrategias discursivas desplegadas en la cobertura de la trágica jornada del 20 de diciembre del 2001 en Argentina. Se analiza el tratamiento informativo de las cadenas de noticias que mayor presencia tienen en la formación de opinión pública en el país: Todo Noticias (TN) y Crónica TV.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Merchandising social y cotidiano en la telenovela brasileña, apuntes teóricos sobre el diálogo entre la ficción y realidad

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    El presente artículo se propone apuntar algunos conceptos teóricos que ayuden a comprender la dialéctica entre ficción y realidad, como dos instancias constitutivas del complejo proceso de construcción de lo real social. Se considera al Merchandising Social con relación al ámbito del cotidiano, como un camino posible para llegar a tal comprensión. La reflexión sobre el Merchandising Social aquí propuesta, versará sobre su aplicación en las telenovelas de la Red Globo. Esta elección se basa en el hecho de ser esta emisora la mayor productora de telenovelas en Brasil y por haber sistematizado y padronizado el uso de tal concepto en este tipo de ficción. Lejos de ser exhaustivo, de exponer conclusiones acabadas o una metodología sólida de abordaje, este trabajo se presenta como una primera reflexión teórica sobre el tema, como puntapié inicial para abrir caminos hacia investigaciones de mayor profundidad que permitan elucidar las relaciones entre ficción televisiva y las prácticas concretas de la sociedad de masas.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia