54 research outputs found

    The Role of Social Media in Strengthening the Conservation Movement as a Sustainable Trend in Indonesian Tourism

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    The digital era has inspired new trends in the world of tourism, in which environmental and sustainability issues, the travel experience, and social media are barometers for the selection of tourist destinations. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of (1) tourism development, (2) strengthening conservation activities, and (3) the use of mass media in conservation-based tourism activities at Bangsring Underwater Beach in Banyuwangi Regency. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and data were obtained from discussions and in-depth interviews. Secondary data such as literature about social media and tourism were used to support this research. The results showed that the development of Bangsring Underwater Beach tourism was able to accommodate changes in tourism trends. Keywords: conservation, social media, sustainability, touris

    Health Outcomes and Policy in India

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    After reviewing health outcomes and policy in India, this chapter concludes that there are at least six sets of issues to be addressed with regard to improving the quantity and quality of health services, and ipso facto improving health outcomes, in India. First, the amount of resources earmarked for health needs to increase. Second, health resources need to be used in a fair and just manner and, in particular, complaints relating to egregious health outcomes need to be addressed. Predominant in this set of issues is oversight and regulation of private sector health provision. The third set of issues relates to the allocation of health resources and, in particular, to the imbalance in the allocation of health resources between towns and villages. A fourth issue is the accessibility of rural areas since it is the most remote areas that have the lowest density of health workers. Another issue is the more efficient use of health workers in order to make them more productive. Finally, Indian health policy is stronger on rhetoric and aspiration than it is on action and implementation. The successful implementation of policy requires the explicit recognition that objectives are often competing (primary versus tertiary care) and the acknowledgement that, with budgetary constraints, one cannot have more of one without having less of the other. The first role of policy is to then choose the optimal mix of objectives with respect to these trade-offs. Secondly, policies come up against vested interests which agitate (often with the support of opposition politicians) and litigate against proposed changes. Lastly, policies in India are made against a background of poor governance with the predatory presence of corruption looming over every policy initiative. In implementing, rather than simply articulating, policy it is important to address these governance issue

    Three-dimensional colloidal crystals: Crystallisation, deformation and grain boundaries

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    In this thesis, the crystallisation, deformation, and grain boundaries of three-dimensional colloidal crystals are studied in real space using confocal laser scanning microscopy, CLSM, and in reciprocal space using small angle X-ray scattering, SAXS. Two instances of crystallisation are studied, the first being crystallisation under shear induced by capillary action. Using CLSM and SAXS, we find that drawing a high volume fraction suspension of colloidal particles into a flat and narrow capillary creates a large random hexagonal close packed, RHCP, crystal with long-range orientational order over tens of thousands of colloidal particles. Subsequently, we monitor the deformation of the shear aligned crystals under a gravitational field using CLSM and SAXS. We find that at low enough crystal volume fractions, the initial single orientation of the crystal breaks apart into many crystallites and thus, form grain boundaries at their interfaces. We characterise the rotations of the crystallites during deformation and reveal the mechanism initiating the break-up of the uniform crystal orientation. We develop a method to locate and characterise grain boundaries which can measure local grain boundary misorientations and structure as well as determine the crystal structure of the grains either side. We demonstrate the method’s utility by applying it to experimental real space coordinates of colloidal particles. In particular, we consider particle coordinates obtained from an epitaxially templated colloidal Σ17 (a coincident site lattice grain boundary) bicrystal, finding a mosaic of different grain boundary types instead of only Σ17. We conclude with the second study of crystallisation: homogeneous crystal nucleation in a colloidal fluid. This time, crystallisation produces a crystal with many differently oriented grains and provides an opportunity to study grain boundaries and the misorientation structural changes of nuclei during nucleation. We examine the spatial misorientation variation during nucleation and growth to reveal changes with time. At early times, nuclei exhibit exclusively high misorientation angles, however, at late times, misorientation angles at the surface are higher than the angles within the nuclei cores. Thus, we show that nuclei exhibit structures intermediate between the liquid and the crystal structure at late times during nucleation and growth.</p

    Relation between functional and structural brain development in extremely preterm born infants

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    For neonates born extremely preterm, there is an important overlap of brain development – which normally occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy – with the Neonatal Intensive Care admission. Over the last decades major steps have been taken by studies evaluating developmental changes using neuromonitoring (functional brain development) and neuroimaging ((micro)structural brain development)

    Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

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    IntroductionDementia is a syndrome which involves progressive disturbance of multiple cognitive functions, emotional control and social behaviour in clear consciousness (International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10).1 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for more than 50% of all dementias and hence is the most widely studied. Although Alzheimer’s first description of the condition included noncognitive features like hallucinations, delusions and screaming,2 most research has focused on the cognitive features, i.e. memory loss, perceptuo-motor skills and language disturbance.</jats:p

    Mental health around and after the menopause

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    Physico-chemical properties of the flour, protein concentrate, and protein isolate of the cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum) seed

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    Defatted flour, protein concentrate, and protein isolate obtained from Amazonian cupuassu seeds were evaluated for their solubility properties, water and oil retention capacity, foam formation and stability, gelling properties emulsifying ability, and emulsion stability. The protein contents of defatted flour, the concentrate, and the isolate were 27.65%, 31.18%, and 64.29%, respectively. As expected, the protein isolate exhibited higher solubility than the protein concentrate, achieving more than 90% solubility at pH 8.0. The flour and the protein concentrate, however, showed excellent water and oil retention capacities. High emulsifying capacity at pH 7.0 was also observed for all 3 products: 987 mL oil/g, 977 mL oil/g, and 1380 mL oil/g for the flour, protein concentrate, and protein isolate, respectively. Gelling properties were not exhibited by any of the products, but all of them exhibited good utilization potential, not only to enrich other foods but also to enhance relevant functional properties.718S573S57

    How common are suicides using nitrous oxide?

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