13 research outputs found

    Jugendschutz im Wandel

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    Union formation in a multicultural context

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    How does national origin influence the choice of partner? This chapter examines union formation in relation to migration history. As one might expect, it reveals very low proportions of mixed unions among migrant groups where individuals had already formed a family before migrating (persons of Turkish origin, for example), but high proportions among individuals who arrived in France as young singles (migrants from Spain and Italy). These conditions of arrival strongly influence the way in which migrants' descendants born in France choose their partner: unions are less frequently formed with someone from the mainstream population if the parents' generation already had a family when they arrived in France, as ties with the country and community of origin remain stronger in such cases. However, the models of union formation are changing radically, with direct marriage giving way to cohabitation, and with partners being chosen from among friends or colleagues rather than through the parents' social network. Beyond national origin, social and religious homogamy remain the most structuring components of partner choice, and mixed unions predominantly concern highly educated individuals with no religious affiliation

    Enfance et famille autochtones

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    Ce numéro explore les enjeux liés à l’enfance, aux jeunes et aux familles dans les communautés autochtones dans différents pays. Les articles publiés abordent notamment l’éducation formelle et informelle ainsi que les effets de la colonisation et du système de protection de la jeunesse sur les jeunes et les familles. Il comprend également deux articles hors thème qui questionnent : pour l’un, le lien au cœur des conjugalités occidentales contemporaines et pour l’autre, les associations d’enfants et de jeunes travailleurs au Burkina Faso