7,674 research outputs found

    On what we experience when we hear people speak

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    According to perceptualism, fluent comprehension of speech is a perceptual achievement, in as much as it is akin to such high-level perceptual states as the perception of objects as cups or trees, or of people as happy or sad. According to liberalism, grasp of meaning is partially constitutive of the phenomenology of fluent comprehension. I here defend an influential line of argument for liberal perceptualism, resting on phenomenal contrasts in our comprehension of speech, due to Susanna Siegel and Tim Bayne, against objections from Casey O'Callaghan and Indrek Reiland. I concentrate on the contrast between the putative immediacy of meaning-assignment in fluent comprehension, as compared with other, less ordinary, perhaps translation-based ways of getting at the meaning of speech. I argue this putative immediacy is difficult to capture on a non-perceptual view (whether liberal or non-liberal), and that the immediacy in question has much in common with that which applies in other, less controversial cases of high-level perception

    Acquaintance, Conceptual Capacities, and Attention

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    Russell’s theory of acquaintance construes perceptual awareness as at once constitutively independent of conceptual thought and yet a source of propositional knowledge. Wilfrid Sellars, John McDowell, and other conceptualists object that this is a ‘myth’: perception can be a source of knowledge only if conceptual capacities are already in play therein. Proponents of a relational view of experience, including John Campbell, meanwhile voice sympathy for Russell’s position on this point. This paper seeks to spell out, and defend, a claim that offers the prospects for an attractive, unacknowledged element of common ground in this debate. The claim is that conceptual capacities, at least in a certain minimal sense implicit in McDowell’s recent work, must be operative in perceptual experience, if it is to rationalize judgement. The claim will be supported on the basis of two premises, each of which can be defended drawing, inter alia, on considerations stressed by Campbell. First, that experience rationalizes judgement only if it is attentive. Second, that attention qualifies as a conceptual capacity, in the noted, minimal sense. The conjunction of the two premises might be dubbed ‘attentional conceptualism’

    The paradox of the clumps mathematically explained

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    The lumpy distribution of species along a continuous one-dimensional niche axis recently found by Scheffer and van Nes (Scheffer and van Ness 2006) is explained mathematically. We show that it emerges simply from the eigenvalue and eigenvectors of the community matrix. Both the transient patterns—lumps and gaps between them—as well as the asymptotic equilibrium are explained. If the species are evenly distributed along the niche axis, the emergence of these patterns can be demonstrated analytically. The more general case, of randomly distributed species, shows only slight deviations and is illustrated by numerical simulation. This is a robust result whenever the finiteness of the niche is taken into account: it can be extended to different analytic dependence of the interaction coefficients with the distance on the niche axis (i.e., different kernel interactions), different boundary conditions, etc. We also found that there is a critical value both for the width of the species distribution s and the number of species n below which the clusterization disappear

    Use of open-top chambers to study the effect of climate change in aquatic ecosystems

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    The aim of this research was to explore the possibility to use inexpensive open-top chambers (OTCs) as passive artificial warming devices in experimental aquatic studies. Our results show that OTCs give a significant temperature increase compared with the control. The measured increase (up to an average of 2.3°C) corresponds with predicted climatic warming. Due to their open top, the light quantity and quality is only minimally reduced. We found that OTCs are especially suited for studying the effect of climate change in small waters as the vertical temperature gradients remain unchanged. They can also easily be transported to remote environments. We discuss other advantages and disadvantages of these devices for aquatic studies and compare them with other warming devices

    Rancang Bangun Website LPPM Bagian Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pada Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Palembang

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    Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) di Universitas Katolik Musi Charitasmampu memberikan sarana dan prasarana untuk dosen dalam mengadakan penelitian ataupun pengabdian. Maka kehadiran sistem informasi sekarang ini juga pasti akan membantu pekerjaan yang ada. Selama ini LPPM di Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas dalam kegiatannya belum semuanya terkomputerisasi sehingga tidak efisien dalam penggunaan waktu dan juga tenaga. Dalam pembangunan sistem ini, menggunakan pengembangan sistem model spiral, serta bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL sebagai pengolah database. Model Spiraldipilih sebagai metode pengembangan sistem karena dalam website administrasi ini melibatkan dua pihak yaitu Kantor Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Komunikasi (KSITK) dan LPPM yang ada di Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas yang dirasi nantinya akan terjadi permintaan yang berubah-ubah dan mengingat sistem ini akan berskala cukup besar. Dengan Website ini LPPM di Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas dapat terbantu dalammelakukan kegiatan administrasi khususnya pada pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan sekaligus dapat digunakan sebagai wadah tempat memberikan informasi dengan lebih mudah dan cepat

    Fore- and Background in Conscious Non-Demonstrative Inference

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    It is often supposed one can draw a distinction, among the assumptions on which an inference rests, between certain background assumptions and certain more salient, or foregrounded, assumptions. Yet what may such a fore-v-background structure, or such structures, consist it? In particular, how do they relate to consciousness? According to a ‘Boring View’, such structures can be captured by specifying, for the various assumptions of the inference, whether they are phenomenally conscious, or access conscious, or else how easily available they are to such consciousness. According to an ‘Interesting View’, there are fore-v-background structures over and above such classifications. The chapter gestures at reasons for thinking that an Interesting View at least merits exploration. The paper discusses some recent contributions to such a view in analytical philosophy; some remarks in Husserl on what he dubbed the horizonal dimension of acts of consciousness; and psychological work on the role of gist or schema representations in perception and memory. It is proposed that background assumptions can figure in consciousness by being as it were condensed into a consciously, though inattentively, entertained notion of their overall thematic gist, where this thematic gist gives the drift of a possible elucidation of how or why such-and-such salient grounds mean that so-and-so conclusion holds

    Improving and standardising assessment of patients with immune-mediated neuropathies

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    Assertion, belief, and ‘I believe’-guarded affirmation

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    According to a widely held view of assertion and belief, they are each governed by a tacitly acknowledged epistemic norm, and the norm on assertion and norm on belief are so related that believing p is epistemically permissible only if asserting it is. I call it the Same Norm View. A very common type of utterance raises a puzzle for this view, viz. utterances in which we say ‘I believe p' to convey somehow guarded affirmation of the proposition that p. For example, one might respond to a query for directions to the station by saying ‘I believe it is down the first street on your left.' Often, when we reply in this way, it would have been pragmatically preferable simply to assert that p, had we been epistemically warranted in doing so. One's guarded reply thus suggests one is not so warranted. Nevertheless, if one believes what one, at face value, says one believes, one believes p. Contrary to what might seem to be suggested by the Same Norm View, one does not seem to portray oneself as irrational or epistemically beyond the pale in replying in this way. The paper develops this puzzle in detail, and examines a variety of options for a resolving it consistently with the Same Norm view. The most promising of these options, I argue, is to see ‘I believe' guarded affirmations as a form merely approximately correct speech. They would, though, be a form of such speech that interestingly differs from paradigm cases of loose use or conventional hyperbole in that speakers would be comparatively unaware of engaging in approximation. I conclude ‘I believe’—guarded affirmations either show the Same Norm View to be false or must be recognised as such an interestingly distinctive form of merely approximately correct speec

    Sistem Pengunci Pintu Memanfaatkan Jaringan Wifi Menggunakan Smartphone

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    Locking the door is still widely used manual locking system which is not practical today and need another technology that can replace manual keys are now circulating. The microcontroller can be used to make electronic door locking system which will be given instruction via smartphone by utilize wifi network. The working principle of this system is to use a smartphone which is owned by the homeowner to send commands to utilize the wifi network which will then be forwarded to the microcontroller. Commands that have been sent are later processed by a microcontroller to perform tasks in accordance with such order, once executed the microcontroller will send back a notification utilizing wifi network to smartphones homeowners who will appear in the form of text messages or images on the smartphone display. The end result of this research is that it can generates door locking system that can utilize the wifi network that can be controlled using a smartphone


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