19 research outputs found

    The numerical modelling of suspended sediment propagation in small torrents with the application of the Contact Dynamics method

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    U radu je opisan SOLFEC program za izvrŔavanje dinamike (simulacije) sustava kontakata viŔe tijela s ograničenjima. Solfec računalni kod provodi dinamiku kontakata prema metodi Moreaua i Jeana, pa se stoga sa ograničenjima rukuje implicitno. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva programa je osigurati korisniku platformu za ispitivanje formulacija i rjeŔenja za dinamičke metode problema kontakata putem trenja. U radu je opisana i metoda kreiranja računalnog koda pisanog u Python programskom jeziku potrebnog za izradu numeričkog modela propagacije suspendiranog nanosa. Dani su grafički prikazi simulacije tečenja suspendiranog nanosa na hipotetskom primjeru erozijske baze vodotoka Slani potok (Hrvatska).This paper describes the SOLFEC computational code used to simulate multi-body systems with constraints. The code implements an instance of the Contact Dynamics (CD) method by Moreau and Jean, therefore the constraints are handled implicitly. One of the main goals of the software is to provide a user-friendly platform for testing formulations and solution methods for the (dynamical) frictional contact problem. This paper also describes a method used to develop a computer code written in the Python programming language that is needed to produce a numerical model of suspended sediment propagation. The paper also provides graphical representations of the Mud Flow simulation in the hypothetical example inside of the Salt Creek stream erosional base in Croatia

    The numerical modelling of suspended sediment propagation in small torrents with the application of the Contact Dynamics method

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    U radu je opisan SOLFEC program za izvrŔavanje dinamike (simulacije) sustava kontakata viŔe tijela s ograničenjima. Solfec računalni kod provodi dinamiku kontakata prema metodi Moreaua i Jeana, pa se stoga sa ograničenjima rukuje implicitno. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva programa je osigurati korisniku platformu za ispitivanje formulacija i rjeŔenja za dinamičke metode problema kontakata putem trenja. U radu je opisana i metoda kreiranja računalnog koda pisanog u Python programskom jeziku potrebnog za izradu numeričkog modela propagacije suspendiranog nanosa. Dani su grafički prikazi simulacije tečenja suspendiranog nanosa na hipotetskom primjeru erozijske baze vodotoka Slani potok (Hrvatska).This paper describes the SOLFEC computational code used to simulate multi-body systems with constraints. The code implements an instance of the Contact Dynamics (CD) method by Moreau and Jean, therefore the constraints are handled implicitly. One of the main goals of the software is to provide a user-friendly platform for testing formulations and solution methods for the (dynamical) frictional contact problem. This paper also describes a method used to develop a computer code written in the Python programming language that is needed to produce a numerical model of suspended sediment propagation. The paper also provides graphical representations of the Mud Flow simulation in the hypothetical example inside of the Salt Creek stream erosional base in Croatia

    Effect of Statin Therapy Duration on Bone Turnover Markers in Dyslipidemic Patients

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    Background and Purpose: Statins are cholesterol-lowering drugs decreasing bone resorption by inhibition of the farnesyl diphosphate synthase step in the mevalonic acid pathway and therefore are believed to have beneficial effects on bone status. The objective was to examine the relationship between statin therapy duration and bone turnover markers in dyslipidemic patients. Patients and Methods: Two hundred and eighty subjects were divided into five groups depending on duration of statin therapy: (controls 0 yrs); (0.1-1.5 yrs); (2-5 yrs); (6-10 yrs); (11-30 yrs). ELISA method was applied on fasting serums using bone formation markers: Osteoprotegerin (pmol/l) and Osteocalcin (ng/ml) and bone resorption markers: sRANKL (pmol/l) and CrossLaps (ng/ml). In statistical analysis, multiple regressions were used. Results: A common influence of studied predictor variables was statistically significant for sRANKL, Serum CrossLaps and osteocalcin (P<0.001), while statistical significance was not found for osteoprotegerin. The largest shares of contributions were recorded in Model 2 for the statin group (40%) and BMI (36%) and in Model 1 for statin group (35%) and total cholesterol (28%). Conclusions: Statins showed favorable influence on osteocalcin and sRANKL, indicating improved bone metabolism in patients with longer duration of statin therapy

    Dynamic Sensitivity of a Multi-block Stack Subjected to Horizontal Harmonic Excitation

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    Dynamic sensitivity of a one-dimensional stack of four rigid blocks with controlled initial gaps, undergoing external harmonic vibrations is investigated. Time variation of the mass inertia and the relative kinetic energy are considered as dynamic block stack attributes. Numerical simulation is based on the Non Smooth Contact Dynamics (NSCD) time integration framework Solfec (http://code.google.com/p/solfec/). Sensitivity space parameters include a range of excitation frequencies and velocity amplitudes

    Isodicentric X chromosome and complex mosaicism 45,X/46,X,idic(X)(q28)/46,XX in a patient with secondary amenorrhea, tall stature and obesity

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    Cilj: Izodicentrični X kromosom je strukturna kromosomska aberacija koja u svim slučajevima dovodi do disfunkcije jajnika koja se očituje kao primarna ili sekundarna amenoreja. Ostala klinička obilježja ovise o lokusu točke loma, staničnom mozaicizmu te obrascu inaktivacije X kromosoma. U ovom radu prikazujemo slučaj bolesnice s mozaičnim kariotipom i izodicentričnim X kromosomom s točkom loma u području terminalne pruge q28. Prikaz slučaja: Bolesnica je 47-godiÅ”njakinja sa sekundarnom amenorejom, prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom, visokim rastom i kraniofacijalnom dismorfijom. Menarhu je dobila sa 16 godina, a nakon zavrÅ”enog četvrtog ciklusa nije imala spontane menstruacijske cikluse. Kliničkom obradom utvrđen je hipergonadotropni hipogonadizam, te je uvedena hormonska terapija koja je prekinuta u 45. godini. Posljednjim ultrazvučnim pregledom utvrđena je maternica primjerene veličine i strukture, te maleni jajnici jednolike strukture. Bolesnica ima prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu od djetinjstva, a u trenutku pregleda težina je iznosila 144 kg, visina 180 cm (ITM 44 kg/mĀ²). Kliničkim pregledom utvrđena je kraniofacijalna dismorfija, uključujući usko i izduženo lice, uÅ”iljenu bradu i velik nos. Klinička obilježja tipična za Turnerov sindrom nisu prisutna. Klasičnom i molekularnom citogenetičkom analizom utvrđen je mozaični kariotip. Na temelju fluorescentne in situ hibridizacije kariotip bolesnice je: mos 45,X[8]/46,X,idic(X)(pterā†’q28:q28ā†’pter)[14]/46,XX[1].nuc ish(CEPXx1)[30/100]/ (CEPXx2)[18/100]/(CEPXx3)[52/100]. Rasprava: Klinička obilježja bolesnice prikazana su i uspoređena s kliničkim obilježjima prethodno opisanih slučajeva izodicentričnog X kromosoma s točkom loma u kromosomskoj regiji Xq28. Iako je izodicentrični X kromosom rijedak genetički poremećaj, nužno je prepoznati žene s primarnom ili sekundarnom amenorejom, poremećajem rasta te eventualnim drugim prirođenim anomalijama koje upućuju na genetički uzrok već na razini primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite te ih Å”to prije uputiti na specijalističku obradu kao i citogenetičku analizu zbog pravilnog genetičkog informiranja.Aim: Isodicentric X chromosome is a structural chromosome aberration which leads to ovarian dysfunction associated with primary or secondary amenorrhea. The variability of clinical features depends on the position of the breakpoint, mosaicism and pattern of X inactivation. We present a case of a patient with mosaic karyotype and isodicentric X chromosome with breakpoint in the region q28. Case report: The patient is a 47-year-old woman with secondary amenorrhea, obesity, tall stature and craniofacial dysmorphy. She had menarche at the age of 16 and no spontaneous menstrual cycles after the fourth cycle. The patient was diagnosed with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and hormone therapy was introduced. The latest pelvic sonography detected a normally shaped and sized uterus and small ovaries of homogenous structure. The patient has been obese since childhood and her current weight is 144kg, height 180cm (BMI 44kg/m2). She has craniofacial dysmorphy including thin and elongated face, pointed chin and large nose. Clinical features typical of Turner syndrome are not present. A mosaic karyotype was determined by classical and molecular cytogenetic analyses. The karyotype of the patient based on fluorescent in-situ hybridization is: mos45,X[8]/46,X,idic(X)(pterā†’q28:q28ā†’pter)[14]/46,XX[1].nuc ish(CEPXx1) [30/100]/ (CEPXx2)[18/100]/(CEPXx3)[52/100]. Discussion: Clinical features of the patient are presented and compared with the clinical features of the previously published cases with isodicentric X chromosome with breakpoint located at the chromosomal region Xq28. Although isodicentric X chromosome is a rare genetic disorder, it is necessary to recognize women with primary or secondary amenorrhea, growth disorder and other congenital anomalies which point to a genetic cause, by primary healtcare physicians and other specialists and refer the women to the proper medical institution for genetic testing and genetic counseling

    The relationship between bone mineral density and lipid status and anthropometric parameters in patients with dyslipidaemia

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    Cilj: Statini značajno smanjuju rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, a s obzirom na mehanizamdjelovanja sličan bisfosfonatima, mogu povoljno djelovati i na koÅ”tani metabolizam. Ciljje bio istražiti povezanost između mineralne gustoće kosti (BMD) slabinske kralježnice i lijevogkuka s lipidnim i antropometrijskim parametrima u pacijenata liječenih zbog dislipidemije. Osimtoga, cilj je bio analizirati odnos između vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima i BMD-a. Ispitanicii metode: Ispitanici su većinom žene u postmenopauzi (N = 65), ali i muÅ”karci (N = 15), kojise zbog dislipidemije liječe statinima. Iz ispitivane skupine isključeni su oni pacijenti koji se zbogosteoporoze liječe bisfosfonatima. U svih ispitanika su koÅ”tanom denzitometrijom izmjerenevrijednosti BMD-a slabinske kralježnice i lijevog kuka. Rezultati: BMD slabinske kralježnice pozitivnokorelira s koncentracijom triglicerida u krvi (r = 0,24, P = 0,046), ali korelira negativno sukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,31, P = 0,008), HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,020) i LDL kolesterolom(r = -0,35, P = 0,004). BMD lijevog kuka korelira pozitivno s trigliceridima (r = 0,25,P = 0,031), dok su negativne korelacije nađene s ukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,011),HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,015) i LDL kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,010). Vremenski periodliječenja statinima pozitivno korelira s BMD-om slabinske kralježnice (r = 0,23, P = 0,048).Zaključak: Razvidno je da postoji povezanost između koÅ”tanog metabolizma i lipidnog statusa,kao i između koÅ”tanog metabolizma i vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima. Ipak, potrebno jeprovesti nova randomizirana klinička istraživanja kako bi se taj odnos u potpunosti razjasnio.Aim: Statins significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and with regardto the mechanism of action similar to bisphosphonates, may have a favorable effect on bonemetabolism. The aim was to investigate the relationship between bone mineral densities(BMD) of the lumbar spine and left hip with anthropometric and lipid parameters in patientstreated for dyslipidemia. In addition, the aim was to analyze the relationship between theperiod of treatment with statins and BMD. Patients and methods: Respondents were mostlypostmenopausal women (N = 65), and men (N = 15) who are treated with statins for dyslipidemia.Patients who are treated for osteoporosis with bisphosphonates were excluded from thestudy group. Bone densitometry was used to measure values of BMD of the lumbar spine andleft hip in all patients. Results: BMD of the lumbar spine is correlated positively with concentrationof triglycerides in the blood (r = 0.24, P = 0.046), but negatively correlated with totalcholesterol (r = -0.31, P = 0.008), HDL cholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.020) and LDL cholesterol(r = -0.35, P = 0.004). Left hip BMD correlated positively with triglycerides (r = 0.25, P = 0.031),whereas a negative correlation was found with total cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.011), HDLcholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.015) and LDL cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.010). Period of treatmentwith statins is positively correlated with BMD in the lumbar spine (r = 0.23, P = 0.048).Conclusion: It is obvious that there is a relationship between bone metabolism and lipid profile,as well as between bone metabolism and the period of treatment with statins. However, it is necessaryto carry out new randomized clinical researches to fully clarify these relationships

    The relationship between bone mineral density and lipid status and anthropometric parameters in patients with dyslipidaemia

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    Cilj: Statini značajno smanjuju rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, a s obzirom na mehanizamdjelovanja sličan bisfosfonatima, mogu povoljno djelovati i na koÅ”tani metabolizam. Ciljje bio istražiti povezanost između mineralne gustoće kosti (BMD) slabinske kralježnice i lijevogkuka s lipidnim i antropometrijskim parametrima u pacijenata liječenih zbog dislipidemije. Osimtoga, cilj je bio analizirati odnos između vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima i BMD-a. Ispitanicii metode: Ispitanici su većinom žene u postmenopauzi (N = 65), ali i muÅ”karci (N = 15), kojise zbog dislipidemije liječe statinima. Iz ispitivane skupine isključeni su oni pacijenti koji se zbogosteoporoze liječe bisfosfonatima. U svih ispitanika su koÅ”tanom denzitometrijom izmjerenevrijednosti BMD-a slabinske kralježnice i lijevog kuka. Rezultati: BMD slabinske kralježnice pozitivnokorelira s koncentracijom triglicerida u krvi (r = 0,24, P = 0,046), ali korelira negativno sukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,31, P = 0,008), HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,020) i LDL kolesterolom(r = -0,35, P = 0,004). BMD lijevog kuka korelira pozitivno s trigliceridima (r = 0,25,P = 0,031), dok su negativne korelacije nađene s ukupnim kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,011),HDL kolesterolom (r = -0,28, P = 0,015) i LDL kolesterolom (r = -0,30, P = 0,010). Vremenski periodliječenja statinima pozitivno korelira s BMD-om slabinske kralježnice (r = 0,23, P = 0,048).Zaključak: Razvidno je da postoji povezanost između koÅ”tanog metabolizma i lipidnog statusa,kao i između koÅ”tanog metabolizma i vremenskog perioda liječenja statinima. Ipak, potrebno jeprovesti nova randomizirana klinička istraživanja kako bi se taj odnos u potpunosti razjasnio.Aim: Statins significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and with regardto the mechanism of action similar to bisphosphonates, may have a favorable effect on bonemetabolism. The aim was to investigate the relationship between bone mineral densities(BMD) of the lumbar spine and left hip with anthropometric and lipid parameters in patientstreated for dyslipidemia. In addition, the aim was to analyze the relationship between theperiod of treatment with statins and BMD. Patients and methods: Respondents were mostlypostmenopausal women (N = 65), and men (N = 15) who are treated with statins for dyslipidemia.Patients who are treated for osteoporosis with bisphosphonates were excluded from thestudy group. Bone densitometry was used to measure values of BMD of the lumbar spine andleft hip in all patients. Results: BMD of the lumbar spine is correlated positively with concentrationof triglycerides in the blood (r = 0.24, P = 0.046), but negatively correlated with totalcholesterol (r = -0.31, P = 0.008), HDL cholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.020) and LDL cholesterol(r = -0.35, P = 0.004). Left hip BMD correlated positively with triglycerides (r = 0.25, P = 0.031),whereas a negative correlation was found with total cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.011), HDLcholesterol (r = -0.28, P = 0.015) and LDL cholesterol (r = -0.30, P = 0.010). Period of treatmentwith statins is positively correlated with BMD in the lumbar spine (r = 0.23, P = 0.048).Conclusion: It is obvious that there is a relationship between bone metabolism and lipid profile,as well as between bone metabolism and the period of treatment with statins. However, it is necessaryto carry out new randomized clinical researches to fully clarify these relationships