1,581 research outputs found

    A vascularis rendszer vizsgálata korszerű képalkotó módszerekkel = Evaluation of vascular system with modern imaging methods

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    A Szegedi Kardiológiai Központban számos módszer érhető el a vascularis funkció jellemzésére: az echocardiographia során számított coronaria áramlási rezerv (CFR) és aorta tágulékonysági paraméterek, az Arteriograph-fal mért pulzushullám terjedési sebesség, illetve a coronarogramokon videodenzitometriával meghatározott myocardialis blush paraméterek. Kutatásunk során igazoltuk a CFR hosszútávú prognosztikus jelentőségét öt különböző betegcsoportban. Szoros korrelációt találtunk a különböző módokon mért aorta merevségi paraméterek között, valamint az aorta merevségi paraméterek és a paraszimpatikus autonóm funkció és az inzulin szenzitivitás között egészségesekben. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy az emelkedett aorta stiffness a csökkent CFR prediktora, valamint az emelkedett aorta stiffness index acromegaliában előrejelzi a jövőbeli cardiovascularis események létrejöttét. Összefüggés volt igazolható a CFR és az aorta stiffness között agyérbetegségben, valamint sikeres koszorúértágítást (PCI) követően. Eltéréseket találtunk az aorta tágulékonysági paraméterek értékében hypertrophiás cardiomyopathia, valamint lipoedema fennállása esetén. Az új, coronarogramokon myocardialis blusht becslő szoftverrel eltéréseket találtunk hypertoniás, valamint idős negatív coronarographiás eredményű betegekben. Korrelációt találtunk a blush értékek és az epicardialis áramlást jellemző coronarographiás paraméterek (pl. TFC) között. Végül elsőként vizsgáltuk a coronaria fistulák funkcióját CFR segítségével. | Several methods are available for the evaluation of vascular function at the Cardiology Center in Szeged: the echocardiography-derived coronary flow reserve (CFR) and aortic stiffness parameters, pulse wave velocity evaluated by Arteriograph and videodensitometric myocardial blush measurements on coronary angiograms. During our research the long-term prognostic significance of CFR has been confirmed in five different patient populations. Correlations were found between aortic stiffness parameters derived from different methods, and correlations could even be demonstrated between aortic stiffness parameters and parasympathetic autonomic function and insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteers. It has been confirmed that increased aortic stiffness is a predictor of reduced CFR, and increased aortic stiffness index have a prognostic impact on future cardiovascular events in acromegaly. There were relationships between CFR and aortic stiffness in different single-vessel disease, and after successful percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). Alterations could be demonstrated by different methods is aortic elastic properties in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and in lipoedema. With the novel videodenzitometric method alterations were found in hypertensive and elderly patients with negative coronary angiograms. Correlations could be demonstrated between myocardial blush parameters and epicardial angiographic flow parameters as TFC. Finally, CFR of coronary fistulas were examined

    Myocardial Mechanics and Associated Valvular and Vascular Abnormalities in Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy

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    Left ventricular (LV) non-compaction (LVNC) is a rare genetic cardiomyopathy due to abnormal intra-uterine arrest of compaction of the myocardial fibers during endomyocardial embryogenesis. Due to the partial or complete absence of LV compaction, the structure of the LV wall shows characteristic abnormalities, including a thin compacted epicardium and a thick non-compacted endocardium with prominent trabeculations and deep intertrabecular recesses. LVNC is frequently associated with chronic heart failure, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, and systemic embolic events. According to recent findings, in the presence of LVNC, dysfunctional LV proved to be associated with left atrial volumetric and functional abnormalities and consequential dilated and functionally impaired mitral annulus, partly explaining the higher prevalence of regurgitation. Although the non-compaction process morphologically affects only the LV, signs of remodeling of the right heart were also detected. Moreover, dilation and stiffening of the aorta were present. The aim of the present detailed review was to summarize findings regarding changes in cardiac mechanics, valvular abnormalities, and vascular remodeling detected in patients with LVNC

    Left Ventricular Deformation and Rotational Mechanics in Various Pathologies—The Role of the Pattern of Abnormalities

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    Non-invasive assessment of myocardial mechanics using modern imaging techniques became a current topic due to the rapid developments in echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) [...

    Fuzzy-Genetic Control of Quadrotors Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This article presents a novel fuzzy identification method for dynamic modelling of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles. The method is based on a special parameterization of the antecedent part of fuzzy systems that results in fuzzy-partitions for antecedents. This antecedent parameter representation method of fuzzy rules ensures upholding of predefined linguistic value ordering and ensures that fuzzy-partitions remain intact throughout an unconstrained hybrid evolutionary and gradient descent based optimization process. In the equations of motion the first order derivative component is calculated based on Christoffel symbols, the derivatives of fuzzy systems are used for modelling the Coriolis effects, gyroscopic and centrifugal terms. The non-linear parameters are subjected to an initial global evolutionary optimization scheme and fine tuning with gradient descent based local search. Simulation results of the proposed new quadrotor dynamic model identification method are promising

    Myocardial, Valvular and Vascular Abnormalities in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

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    Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common heart defect associated with cyanosis characterized by the co-occurrence of pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, and ventricular septal defect with over-riding of the aorta. The present review purposed to summarize myocardial, valvular and vascular abnormalities, which were described in a series of patients following repair of tetralogy of Fallot. It was also aimed to describe potential differences in these parameter using different surgical strategies

    Myocardial Mechanics and Valvular and Vascular Abnormalities in Cardiac Amyloidosis

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    Cardiac amyloidosis is an infiltrative disease primarily caused by extracellular tissue deposition of amyloid fibrils in the myocardial interstitium. The aim of the present review was to summarize findings regarding changes in myocardial mechanics, valvular abnormalities, and vascular remodeling detected in patients with cardiac amyloidosis

    Akut és szubakut klinikai állapotok radiológiai intervenciója: fókuszban a nem vascularis intervenciók es a haemoptysis kezelése

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    Interventional radiology provides fast, straightforward and tolerable solutions for many medical problems including acute and subacute situations. Aspiration and drainage of fluid collections, biliary and endourologic interventions and gastrointestinal interventions are parts of non-vascular interventions. In addition, the authors discuss in detail interventional radiological treatment options in patients with hemoptysis. In acute cases interventions must be performed within 12-24 hours. For background, an everyday 24 hours service should be provided with well-trained personnel, high quality equipment and devices, and a reasonable financial reimbursement should be included, too. Multidisciplinary teamwork, consultations, consensus in indications and structured education should make these centers function most effectively