793 research outputs found

    Nuclear Structure in the Framework of the Unitary Correlation Operator Method

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    Correlations play a crucial role in the nuclear many-body problem. We give an overview of recent developments in nuclear structure theory aiming at the description of these interaction-induced correlations by unitary transformations. We focus on the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM), which offers a very intuitive, universal and robust approach for the treatment of short-range correlations. We discuss the UCOM formalism in detail and highlight the connections to other methods for the description of short-range correlations and the construction of effective interactions. In particular, we juxtapose UCOM with the Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) approach, which implements the unitary transformation of the Hamiltonian through a very flexible flow-equation formulation. The UCOM- and SRG-transformed interactions are compared on the level of matrix elements and in many-body calculations within the no-core shell model and with Hartree-Fock plus perturbation theory for a variety of nuclei and observables. These calculations provide a detailed picture of the similarities and differences as well as the advantages and limitations of unitary transformation methods.Comment: 72 pages, 31 figure

    Nuclear Structure - "ab initio"

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    An ab-initio description of atomic nuclei that solves the nuclear many-body problem for realistic nuclear forces is expected to possess a high degree of predictive power. In this contribution we treat the main obstacle, namely the short-ranged repulsive and tensor correlations induced by the realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction, by means of a unitary correlation operator. This correlator applied to uncorrelated many-body states imprints short-ranged correlations that cannot be described by product states. When applied to an observable it induces the correlations into the operator, creating for example a correlated Hamiltonian suited for Slater determinants. Adding to the correlated realistic interaction a correction for three-body effects, consisting of a momentum-dependent central and spin-orbit two-body potential we obtain an effective interaction that is successfully used for all nuclei up to mass 60. Various results are shown.Comment: 9 pages, Invited talk and poster at the international symposium "A New Era of Nuclear Structure Physics" (NENS03), Niigata, Japan, Nov. 19-22, 200

    Geometry of logarithmic strain measures in solid mechanics

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    We consider the two logarithmic strain measuresωiso=devnlogU=devnlogFTF and ωvol=tr(logU)=tr(logFTF),\omega_{\rm iso}=\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log U\|=\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log \sqrt{F^TF}\|\quad\text{ and }\quad \omega_{\rm vol}=|\mathrm{tr}(\log U)|=|\mathrm{tr}(\log\sqrt{F^TF})|\,,which are isotropic invariants of the Hencky strain tensor logU\log U, and show that they can be uniquely characterized by purely geometric methods based on the geodesic distance on the general linear group GL(n)\mathrm{GL}(n). Here, FF is the deformation gradient, U=FTFU=\sqrt{F^TF} is the right Biot-stretch tensor, log\log denotes the principal matrix logarithm, .\|.\| is the Frobenius matrix norm, tr\mathrm{tr} is the trace operator and devnX\mathrm{dev}_n X is the nn-dimensional deviator of XRn×nX\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}. This characterization identifies the Hencky (or true) strain tensor as the natural nonlinear extension of the linear (infinitesimal) strain tensor ε=symu\varepsilon=\mathrm{sym}\nabla u, which is the symmetric part of the displacement gradient u\nabla u, and reveals a close geometric relation between the classical quadratic isotropic energy potential μdevnsymu2+κ2[tr(symu)]2=μdevnε2+κ2[tr(ε)]2\mu\,\|\mathrm{dev}_n\mathrm{sym}\nabla u\|^2+\frac{\kappa}{2}\,[\mathrm{tr}(\mathrm{sym}\nabla u)]^2=\mu\,\|\mathrm{dev}_n\varepsilon\|^2+\frac{\kappa}{2}\,[\mathrm{tr}(\varepsilon)]^2in linear elasticity and the geometrically nonlinear quadratic isotropic Hencky energyμdevnlogU2+κ2[tr(logU)]2=μωiso2+κ2ωvol2,\mu\,\|\mathrm{dev}_n\log U\|^2+\frac{\kappa}{2}\,[\mathrm{tr}(\log U)]^2=\mu\,\omega_{\rm iso}^2+\frac\kappa2\,\omega_{\rm vol}^2\,,where μ\mu is the shear modulus and κ\kappa denotes the bulk modulus. Our deduction involves a new fundamental logarithmic minimization property of the orthogonal polar factor RR, where F=RUF=R\,U is the polar decomposition of FF. We also contrast our approach with prior attempts to establish the logarithmic Hencky strain tensor directly as the preferred strain tensor in nonlinear isotropic elasticity

    The Preservation and Restoration of Creation with a Special Reference to Romans 8:18-23

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    The topic dealt with in this dissertation is The Preservation and Restoration of Creation. In dealing with this topic there is A Special Reference to Rom. 8:18-23 since this passage, if any, is the sedes doctrinae of such a topic. To deal with this passage of Scripture in connection with the Restoration of Creation is not at all exotic or peripheral to the Gospel message. R. C. H. Lenski sees the teaching of this pericope as the final result of justification by faith as it is depicted by Paul. This is the great consolation section ofRomans. 1If the human body is truly an integral part of God\u27s physical Creation, then, the physical Creation -- along with man\u27s body -- shares the same fate. The question is one of the extent of God\u27s gracious salvation. Shall He resurrect and transform the human body, but not the rest of His material Creation -- as if the body of man were somehow categorically distinct from it? Or is it that God shall restore and transform the whole of His Creation -- in His own order? The answer to these questions, of course, can be known only by God\u27s revelation concerning the matter, and this is why Rom. 8:18-23 and other pertinent passages will be examined

    An ellipticity domain for the distortional Hencky-logarithmic strain energy

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    We describe ellipticity domains for the isochoric elastic energy FdevnlogU2=logFTF(detF)1/n2=14logC(detC)1/n2 F\mapsto \|{\rm dev}_n\log U\|^2=\bigg\|\log \frac{\sqrt{F^TF}}{(\det F)^{1/n}}\bigg\|^2 =\frac{1}{4}\,\bigg\|\log \frac{C}{({\rm det} C)^{1/n}}\bigg\|^2 for n=2,3n=2,3, where C=FTFC=F^TF for FGL+(n)F\in {\rm GL}^+(n). Here, devnlogU=logU1ntr(logU)1 ⁣ ⁣1{\rm dev}_n\log {U} =\log {U}-\frac{1}{n}\, {\rm tr}(\log {U})\cdot 1\!\!1 is the deviatoric part of the logarithmic strain tensor logU\log U. For n=2n=2 we identify the maximal ellipticity domain, while for n=3n=3 we show that the energy is Legendre-Hadamard elliptic in the set E3(WHiso,LH,U,23):={UPSym(3)  dev3logU223}\mathcal{E}_3\bigg(W_{_{\rm H}}^{\rm iso}, {\rm LH}, U, \frac{2}{3}\bigg)\,:=\,\bigg\{U\in{\rm PSym}(3) \;\Big|\, \|{\rm dev}_3\log U\|^2\leq \frac{2}{3}\bigg\}, which is similar to the von-Mises-Huber-Hencky maximum distortion strain energy criterion. Our results complement the characterization of ellipticity domains for the quadratic Hencky energy WH(F)=μdev3logU2+κ2[tr(logU)]2 W_{_{\rm H}}(F)=\mu \,\|{\rm dev}_3\log U\|^2+ \frac{\kappa}{2}\,[{\rm tr} (\log U)]^2 , U=FTFU=\sqrt{F^TF} with μ>0\mu>0 and κ>23μ\kappa>\frac{2}{3}\, \mu, previously obtained by Bruhns et al