4 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic impacts on coral reefs and their effect on fishery of Kilwa District, Tanzania

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    Tanzanian fishing coastal communities live on fishing activities as one their major economic activities, practicing fishing on shallow coral reefs areas whereby about 70% of fishery is artisanal. Improper use and overexploitation of fishery resources have resulted in damaging the coral reefs and the subsequent low quality catches. This study aimed at examining the impacts of coral reef fishery decline on rural livelihoods with an emphasis on food insecurity, alternative capabilities and activities on coastal communities of Kilwa district, Tanzania. Data collection methodology included household questionnaire survey, key informant interviews, participant observation and photographing. The survey was based on a sample of 90 households, randomly selected from three villages. The findings attest for a gradual reduction in fish catches over time, brought about by natural and anthropogenic impacts. Overfishing,use of illegal and destructive fishing methods, as well as extreme weather conditions, all threaten the sustainability of marine resources, particularly coral reef fishery that constitutes an important source of food and  livelihood. Following the results and as a way of lessen the current pressure on marine resources and diversifying livelihood capabilities we recommend introduction of mariculture and modern farming technologies especially on green vegetables on farms that can potentially be irrigated. The study further recommends establishment of a marine protected area and; in addition, the need to promote educational programs on  environmental and resources uses as well as application of active  restoration protocols for damaged coral reefs.Key words: Songo songo, Kivinje, Songo mnara, livelihoods, coral bleachin

    Diversity Partitioning of Stony Corals Across Multiple Spatial Scales Around Zanzibar Island, Tanzania

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    The coral reefs of Zanzibar Island (Unguja, Tanzania) encompass a considerable proportion of the global coral-reef diversity and are representative of the western Indian Ocean region. Unfortunately, these reefs have been recently subjected to local and regional disturbances. The objectives of this study were to determine whether there are potentially non-random processes forcing the observed coral diversity patterns, and highlight where and at which spatial scales these processes might be most influential.A hierarchical (nested) sampling design was employed across three spatial scales, ranging from transects (<or=20 m), stations (<100 m), to sites (<1000 m), to examine coral diversity patterns. Two of the four sites, Chumbe and Mnemba, were located within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), while the other two sites, Changuu and Bawe, were not protected. Additive partitioning of coral diversity was used to separate regional (total) diversity (gamma) into local alpha diversity and among-sample beta diversity components. Individual-based null models were used to identify deviations from random distribution across the three spatial scales. We found that Chumbe and Mnemba had similar diversity components to those predicted by the null models. However, the diversity at Changuu and Bawe was lower than expected at all three spatial scales tested. Consequently, the relative contribution of the among-site diversity component was significantly greater than expected. Applying partitioning analysis for each site separately revealed that the within-transect diversity component in Changuu was significantly lower than the null expectation.The non-random outcome of the partitioning analyses helped to identify the among-sites scale (i.e., 10's of kilometers) and the within-transects scale (i.e., a few meters; especially at Changuu) as spatial boundaries within which to examine the processes that may interact and disproportionately differentiate coral diversity. In light of coral community compositions and diversity patterns we strongly recommend that Bawe be declared a MPA

    Stakeholder‐derived recommendations and actions to support deep‐reef conservation in the Western Indian Ocean

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    Deep reefs below 30 m provide essential ecosystem services for ocean health and human well-being such as food security and climate change resilience. Yet, deep reefs remain poorly researched and largely unprotected, including in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). Here, we assessed current conservation approaches in the WIO focusing on deep reefs, using a combination of online surveys and semi-structured interviews. Results indicated that deep-reef data are sparse and commonly stemming from non-peer-reviewed or non-publicly available sources, and are often not used to inform conservation of WIO marine protected areas. Based on those findings, we co-developed a framework with WIO stakeholders comprising recommendations linked to specific actions to be undertaken by regional actors to improve the capacity of the region to collect and share deep-reef information. We hope this framework will enhance deep-reef stewardship and management throughout the WIO and thus aid sustainable blue economic growth in the region