12 research outputs found

    Identifying the physical features of marina infrastructure associated with the presence of non-native species in the UK

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    Marine invasive non-native species (NNS) are one of the greatest threats to global marine biodiversity, causing significant economic and social impacts. Marinas are increasingly recognised as key reservoirs for invasive NNS. They provide submersed artificial habitat that unintentionally supports the establishment of NNS introduced from visiting recreational vessels. While ballast water and shipping vectors have been well documented, the role of recreational vessels in spreading NNS has been relatively poorly studied. Identification of the main physical features found within marinas, which relate to the presence of NNS, is important to inform the development of effective biosecurity measures and prevent further spread. Towards this aim, physical features that could influence the presence of NNS were assessed for marinas throughout the UK in July 2013. Thirty-three marine and brackish NNS have been recorded in UK marinas, and of the 88 marinas studied in detail, 83 contained between 1 and 13 NNS. Significant differences in freshwater input, marina entrance width and seawall length were associated with the presence of NNS. Additionally, questionnaires were distributed to marina managers and recreational vessel owners to understand current biosecurity practices and attitudes to recreational vessel biosecurity. The main barriers to biosecurity compliance were cited as cost and time. Further work identifying easily distinguished features of marinas could be used as a proxy to assess risk of invasion. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00227-016-2941-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Spatial variation of trace metals within intertidal beds of native mussels (Mytilus edulis) and non-native Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas): implications for the food web?

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    Abstract Pollution is of increasing concern within coastal regions and the prevalence of invasive species is also rising. Yet the impact of invasive species on the distribution and potential trophic transfer of metals has rarely been examined. Within European intertidal areas, the non-native Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is becoming established, forming reefs and displacing beds of the native blue mussel (Mytilus edulis). The main hypothesis tested is that the spatial pattern of metal accumulation within intertidal habitats will change should the abundance and distribution of C. gigas continue to increase. A comparative analysis of trace metal content (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc) in both species was carried out at four shores in south-east England. Metal concentrations in bivalve and sediment samples were determined after acid digestion by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Although results showed variation in the quantities of zinc, copper and lead (mg m-2) in the two bivalve species, differences in shell thickness are also likely to influence the feeding behaviour of predators and intake of metals. The availability and potential for trophic transfer of metals within the coastal food web, should Pacific oysters transform intertidal habitats, is discussed

    Species distribution models of two critically endangered deep-sea octocorals reveal fishing impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems in central Mediterranean Sea

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    Deep-sea coral assemblages are key components of marine ecosystems that generate habitats for sh and invertebrate communities and act as marine biodiversity hot spots. Because of their life history traits, deep-sea corals are highly vulnerable to human impacts such as shing. They are an indicator of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs), therefore their conservation is essential to preserve marine biodiversity. In the Mediterranean Sea deep-sea coral habitats are associated with commercially important crustaceans, consequently their abundance has dramatically declined due to the e ects of trawling. Marine spatial planning is required to ensure that the conservation of these habitats is achieved. Species distribution models were used to investigate the distribution of two critically endangered octocorals (Funiculina quadrangularis and Isidella elongata) in the central Mediterranean as a function of environmental and sheries variables. Results show that both species exhibit species- speci c habitat preferences and spatial patterns in response to environmental variables, but the impact of trawling on their distribution di ered. In particular F. quadrangularis can overlap with shing activities, whereas I. elongata occurs exclusively where shing is low or absent. This study represents the rst attempt to identify key areas for the protection of soft and compact mud VMEs in the central Mediterranean Sea