64 research outputs found

    Assessment of Selfie addiction among undergraduate medical Students

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    Background: Selfie’ means “A photograph that one has taken of oneself or a self portrait photograph typically taken with a smart phone or digital camera and shared via social media”. Considering the dependency on Internet and selfie taking behavior among professional students, the study was undertaken. Aims and Objective- to determine the demographic profile of selfie users and different variables related to selfie taking and posting and its association with risky dangerous selfie. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among 220 undergraduate medical students were using smartphone. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: Male students of middle class family of urban areas were more involved in taking selfie. Females were comparatively spending more time (2-3 hrs) on Internet (X2 =19.494 and p = .001).Total 14% students were taking 3-5 selfie and posted on social media(Statistically significant,X2 =7.882,p =0.019). 19(8.63%) participants admitted of taking dangerous selfie of which male 13(14.0%) more than female 06(8.4%).  Conclusion: Age and gender affects the number of selfies one clicks. This is developing a new mental disorder ‘selfitis’ as well as desire to take dangerous selfie. There is need of health awareness programme, IEC regarding importance of healthy life style

    Effect of L-carnitine and Hoodia gordonii Supplementation on Metabolic Markers and Physical Performance under Short Term Calorie Restriction in Rats

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    Calorie restriction can occur as a consequence of food shortage due to natural calamities, war like situations or voluntarily for health benefits. This state of negative energy balance leads to decrease in performance and increase in feeling of hunger. A normal individual can sustain himself on stored energy in form of body fat for a period of time. It was hypothesised that use of an appetite suppressant like Hoodia gordonii along with L-carnintine, which helps in fat oxidation can be used as strategy for coping adverse situation without compromising physical performance. The aim of the study was to evaluate the combined effect of H. gordonii and L-carnitine supplementation on metabolic changes and appetite regulatory peptides during calorie restriction. Male albino rats were divided into two groups (n=12 in each) i.e. control (without treatment) and treated (H. gordonii organic solvent extract and L-carnitine, orally for 5 days at a dose of 100 mg/kg under 25 per cent calorie restriction). Biochemical variables including regulatory peptides were estimated along with physical efficiency tests. Significant changes in ghrelin, leptin, corticosterone and thyroid hormones were observed in comparison to control. While blood glucose, AMP kinase decreased significantly in the treated group, an increase in CPT-1 activity was observed compared with controls. It is concluded that approach could be practically suitable and effective in emergency situations of combat or food shortage.


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    The fiber rich diets have a positive effect on health as their ingestion has been related to decreased prevalence of several diseases. It is speculatedthat Indian diets have the potential to reduce the prevalence of a variety of risk diseases; however there are limited studies available on the dietaryfiber (DF) composition of foods available in India. High-fiber foods have a far lower energy density as compared with high-fat foods. Thus, high-fiberfoods can displace energy (calories). The satiation and fullness of stomach are predominantly influenced by the bulking and viscosity properties of DF.Persons who consume generous amounts of DF, compared to those who have minimal fiber intake, are at lower risk for developing coronary arterydiseases, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Increasing the intake of high fiber foods or fiber supplementsimproves serum lipoprotein values, lowers blood pressure, improves blood glucose control for diabetic individuals, and aids weight loss. Emergingresearch indicates that intake of soluble fibers enhances immune function in humans.Keywords: Dietary fiber, Glycemic index, Nutrient composition, Recommended allowance

    Regulation of Food Intake : A Complex Process

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    Researchers have created a wealth of knowledge about the mechanisms that regulate food intake, appetite and therefore weight control. The control of appetite is a complex mechanism and involves the coordination of inputs from both physiological and environmental sources. Early theoretical approaches were based on the idea that the control mechanism was dedicated exclusively to signals from glucose metabolism, amino acids or proteins, or adipose tissue. However, a complex system of biologic and environmental factors regulates our appetite. The brain integrates chemical and nervous signals to control hunger and satiety. These controls include sensory and gastrointestinal signals, neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. This review paper summarizes the existing plethora of the highly convoluted process of appetite regulation and food intake


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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the knowledge and practices of road traffic safety measures among undergraduate medical students and recommendation to prevent road traffic accident. Methods: It was an institutional-based cross-sectional study among undergraduate medical students who knew driving. Total 138 study subjects were purposively selected from three batches. A self-structured questionnaire based on knowledge and practices related to road traffic safety measures with Yes/No answer pattern. Data were collected, compiled, and analyzed using appropriate software. Results: Overall level of knowledge for road traffic safety measures was good/moderate among 37.7% of medical students each while poor among 24.6% students (more among 1st year/39.3% than 2nd year/19.0%, 3rd year/10.0%) (statistically significant X2 =13.304, p-value=0.01). Road traffic safety practices were followed by students (%), namely, wearing a seat belt while driving/seating in four-wheeler’ by 84.1% and neither keep specified speed limit on road/2.9% nor obey all traffic signals/lights/signs’/2.9%. Few students use mobile phone while driving, namely, 2nd year/19.0% and 3rd year/10.0%. Some students “Not Wear Helmet while driving a two-wheeler”/21.7%; “Wrong overtaking from left side”/17.4%; and “drive even when alcoholic”/4.3% of participants. Conclusions: Knowledge for road traffic rules/regulation was good/moderate among average number of students. Majority of medical students’ obey all traffic rules/light signal and signs while some students still did not follow it; use mobile phone while driving/not stop at zebra crossing and neither use indicators while turning nor keep valid DL. To improve the current scenario, road traffic safety rules/measures should be added in our medical curriculum and there is need of frequent awareness campaign related to road safety measures to change their behavior while driving and save their precious life

    Exergy Based Performance Analysis of Double Flow Solar Air Heater with Corrugated Absorber

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    This paper presents the performance, based on exergy analysis of double flow solar air heaters with corrugated and flat plate absorber. A mathematical model of double flow solar air heater based on energy balance equations has been presented and the results obtained have been compared with that of a conventional flat-plate solar air heater. The double flow corrugated absorber solar air heater performs thermally better than the flat plate double flow and conventional flat-plate solar air heater under same operating conditions. However, the corrugated absorber leads to higher pressure drop thereby increasing pumping power. The results revealed that the energy and exergy efficiencies of double flow corrugated absorber solar air heater is much higher than conventional solar air heater with the concept involving of increase in heat transfer surface area and turbulence in air flow. The results indicate that the energy efficiency increases, however, exergy efficiency decreases with increase in mass flow rate

    Thermohydraulic Performance of Double Flow Solar Air Heater with Corrugated Absorber

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    This paper deals with the analytical investigation of thermal and thermohydraulic performance of double flow solar air heaters with corrugated and flat plate absorber. A mathematical model of double flow solar air heater has been presented, and a computer program in C++ language is developed to estimate the outlet temperature of air for the evaluation of thermal and thermohydraulic efficiency by solving the governing equations numerically using relevant correlations for heat transfer coefficients. The results obtained from the mathematical model is compared with the available experimental results and it is found to be reasonably good. The results show that the double flow solar air heaters have higher efficiency than conventional solar air heater, although the double flow corrugated absorber is superior to that of flat plate double flow solar air heater. It is also observed that the thermal efficiency increases with increase in mass flow rate; however, thermohydraulic efficiency increases with increase in mass flow rate up to a certain limit, attains the maximum value, then thereafter decreases sharply


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    Feminist Jurisprudence is emerging theory to see the society and law from feminist point of view. Law is an instrument to change the society and feminist jurisprudence will definitely help to understand the law from feminist perspective. Feminist jurisprudence has tried to work at ground level. Mostly it is divided in to first wave feminism, second wave feminism and third wave feminism. Right from the Seneca Falls Convention and women are struggling till now. In practice Feminist Jurisprudence played important role to realise the rights and place of women in society.  It is due to only feminist jurisprudence women fight for their voting right in America. Feminist jurisprudence originated in USA and UK but now a day it is working all over the world and gender issues are taken seriously in whole world. Second wave feminist jurist were mostly radical and produced the strong and conveying slogans e.g. sister hood is powerful’ Consciousness rising, ‘The personal is political ‘“The politics of human work ‘Pro women line etc. They firmly believed that women could collectively empower themselves. Third wave feminism stated in 1990 and feminist jurists of third wave taken in to consideration age, race, sex and class. Age also plays important role in discrimination. They stated D.I.Y.-do it yourself. Women have to struggle them self for their problem. The objective of the paper is to understand the law and practical impact of feminist Jurisprudence.

    Attitudinal orientation of first level managers for improvement of municipal service delivery: Experience of training intervention in Kolkata

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    This paper discusses a program of attitudinal orientation courses provided for functionaries of a large municipal corporation in India. Almost 450 Assistant Managers from the Kolkata Municipal Corporation took part in the training, which was held at the Administrative Training Institute (ATI) of the Government of West Bengal, India.Under the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, Indian Municipalities/Corporations (Urban Local Bodies) are empowered and entrusted to perform planning, development and governance for the city/ town and to provide services to the citizens. The change in outlook towards the local government reflected in the Act has highlighted the need for greater awareness and a better attitude amongst municipal staff as well as elected representatives towards service delivery. Good governance can be achieved through the overall performance of officials of an organization, provided they possess the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies. For historical reasons, knowledge, skills and attitudes amongst officials of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in India have been traditionally of a low standard. Willingness to perform better in the role of municipal service delivery is not common. Therein lies the need for training for improvement in service delivery, especially for organizations like large municipal corporations and municipalities

    Yoga Module to Improve Health and Wellbeing During COVID 19 Pandemic

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    After the initial outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China, the disease spreads rapidly across the whole world. It is observed that there is a rampant rise in the rate of infection in spite of best possible precautionary measures taken into consideration against Corona. As there is no scientifically validated full proofed medicine against COVID-19 till date, the only possible way is prevention against this infection by improving self-immunity, mass immunisation and controlling non-communicable diseases, if suffered from. Another possible way from the prevention from this deadly virus is development of herd immunity, but the process takes time and can be fatal for people with higher age groups and with co-morbidities. Yoga, an Indian way of mind-body purification, has been reported to improve functionality of human physiological systems and to prevent diseases. It is also observed that yoga, being a low to moderate intensity physical activity, breathing maneuvers and meditation, can also be performed by any person irrespective of age, with maximum benefit and having less stress in the vital organs during the practice. Therefore, a yoga package for improving immunity and other physical and physiological capacities and mental function to prevent Corona like disease has been formulated on the basis of knowledge from traditional yogic literature and evidence from available research publications on yoga. The yoga package might be beneficial across all age groups for improving health and wellbeing in this pandemic situation
