135 research outputs found

    Conflicts Encountered with Bridge Team from the Perspective of Vessel Traffic Service Operators: A Research Within E-Navigation Concept

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    The hazards that threaten marine navigation safety in the intensive routes and critical straits need to be managed effectively. To manage these risks, the concept of e-navigation has been offered to all stakeholders of marine transportation. E-navigation basically aims to organize, serve, and exchange marine information systematically. It is considered that the relations between the stakeholders may constitute significant conflicts in exchanging marine information. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the sources of conflicts and risk scores on navigation operations encountered with the bridge team from the perspective of vessel traffic services operators (VTSOs). In order to determine the sources of the conflicts, the conflict-related literature has been thoroughly reviewed, a semi-structured interview form was developed, and the VTS supervisors have been interviewed. In discovering the sources of conflicts, content analysis has been carried out from the interviews. The findings have been discussed with the relevant experts, and risk scales have been developed to evaluate the risks of conflicts. The frequency of conflicts and the results have been evaluated by the VTSOs employed at the Center of VTS in İstanbul, and risk scores have been defined. The risk scores related to the conflicts indicated on the risk matrix and e-navigation designed solutions have been compared and discussed. The findings reveal that there are certain similarities between the high-scored risks regarding communication quality and reporting systems. Although e-navigation solutions focus on improving technical issues. Conflicts caused by interpersonal, cognitive, and personal features that are not covered by e-navigation solutions have an important place among the conflict sources

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Ship\u27s Maneuvering Times

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    Ship maneuvering is like a musical piece where many internal and external factors must be managed simultaneously in a synchronized manner. While the prolongation of the maneuvering time increases hydrocarbon emission and operating costs, its acceleration threatens the safety of the maneuver. In the literature, there are many studies on the factors affecting the ship maneuver, but the number of studies on the effect of the factors influencing the ship maneuvering time is insufficient. This paper deals with the factors affecting berthing and departure maneuvers of ships in port areas on maneuvering time. The effects of environmental factors, ship structures, and human factors on the maneuvering time were examined separately. Contrary to popular belief, it has been revealed that the wind speed and direction, which are environmental factors, do not affect the maneuvering time in general. On the other hand, it has been found that length over all (LOA) and gross tonnage (GT), which are structural features of the ships, affect the maneuvering time. In human factors, it has been proven that the mean of the maneuvering times performed by the maritime pilots at the same jetty differs significantly from each other. In addition, variable regression analysis was performed in order to explain the relationship between ship’s LOA and maneuvering time. For the purpose of this study, 3,998 ship maneuver data obtained from a pilotage organization were examined

    A research on relationship between ABO blood groups and body mass index among Turkish seafarers

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    Background: The present study aims to investigate and to reveal the relationship between ABO blood groups and body mass index (BMI) and obesity among Turkish seafarers by using the health examination reports data obtained from 2009 to 2016. Materials and methods: The data on age, gender, weight, height and blood groups obtained from 298,247 medical examination reports of Turkish seafarers were used with the official permission of Directorate General of Health for Border and Coastal Areas. Only 116,871 reports included blood group data. Regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were performed to survey relationship between variables. The results of the study were compared with other studies in the related literature. Results: It has been revealed that AB Rh (–) group was associated the highest mean BMI value (mean: 25.952). Conclusions: It is suggested that seafarers with AB Rh (–) blood group, who have the highest mean BMI value, should pay special attention to their weight.


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    Karar, karar verme süreci sonucunda ulaşılan nihai durum olarak ifade edilmektedir. Birey, karar verme süreci sırasında, karar seçeneklerini değerlendirir. Bu süreçte birçok faktörün etkisi altındadır. Bireysel ve çevresel faktörler sürecin baş aktörleridir. Özellikle de bireyin hayata dair yaşmış olduğu "tecrübeler", bireysel faktörlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu tecrübeler bireyin bilişsel ortamında yer ederek, karşılaşılan problemlerin çözümleri için birer şablon oluşturur. Bu şablonlar "heuristikler" veya zihinsel kestirmeler olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bunun yanında birey, karar verme sürecinde, içinde bulunduğu örgütün, yapısı, kültürü, politikaları, iklimi vb. unsurların etkisi altındadır. Ayrıca, karar ortamı yani; karar seçeneklerinin belirsizliği, zaman baskısı, risk vb. unsurlar da süreci etkileyen unsurlar arasındadır.   Bireyin karar verme sürecini etkileyen ve yukarıda sıralanan faktörler, birey üzerinde belirli alışkanlıklar kazandırır. Söz konusu alışkanlıklar, karar verme stili olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, karar verme stilleri konusunda yapılmış çalışmalar, literatürden taranarak ilgili yaklaşımlar ortaya konulacaktır. Ayrıca karar verme stillerine dair yaklaşımlar sistematik olarak sınıflandırılarak, yapılan araştırmalara ait örnekler verilecektir The term "decision" is defined as "the ultimate finding reached at the end of a decision making process". The individual evaluates the available decision alternatives during the decision making process. A great variety of factors affect this process. Personal and environmental factors are the most effective ones. Particularly the "experiences" of the decision-maker are the leading personal factors. The experiences, placed in the cognition, form certain patterns likely to affect the solutions to the problems encountered. Such patterns are considered to be "heuristics" or certain mental insights, In addition to such heuristic patterns, there are such other factors affecting decision making process as the structure, culture, policies, climate of the organization in which the individual is engaged. There are still some other factors particularly concerning the decision making environment such as, the uncertainty of the decision alternatives, time pressure, risks.   The factors affecting the decision making process impose certain habits on the individual. Such habits are regarded as decision making styles. This study aims to un cover systematically classify the basic approaches to such decision making styles, trough scrutinizing the relevant literature


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    We are pleased to introduce JEMS 6(3) to our valuable followers. There are valuable and endeavored studies in this issue of the journal. We hope that these studies will contribute to the maritime industry. I would like to mention my gratitude to authors who sent their valuable studies for this issue, to our reviewers, to our editorial board, to our section editors, to our foreign language editors who provide quality publications by following our publication policies diligently and also to layout editors who spent great efforts in the preparation of this issue. Your Sincerely


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    We are pleased to introduce JEMS 6(2) to our valuable followers. There are valuable and endeavored studies in this issue of the journal. We hope that these studies will contribute to the maritime industry. I would like to mention my gratitude to authors who sent their valuable studies for this issue, to our reviewers, to our editorial board, to our section editors, to our foreign language editors who provide quality publications by following our publication policies diligently and also to layout editors who spent great efforts in the preparation of this issue


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    We are pleased to introduce JEMS 5(3) to our valuable followers. There are valuable and endeavored studies in this issue of the journal. We hope that these studies will contribute to the maritime industry. I would like to announce with great pleasure that "PTST'17 Pilotage/Towage Services and Technologies Congress” will be held in İzmir on 27-28 October 2017. The congress is organized in cooperation with our chamber, “Turkish Chamber of Shipping”, “Turkish Maritime Pilots’ Association”, “Directorate General of Coastal Safety” and is supported by Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. I would like to express my gratitude to authors who sent their valuable studies for this issue, to our reviewers, to our editorial board, to our section editors, to our foreign language editors who provide quality publications by following our publication policies diligently and also to layout editors who spent great efforts in the preparation of this issue

    Gemi Yönetimi Konusunda Gemi İşletmelerinin Nasıl Bir Gemi Kaptanı İstediklerinin Tespitine Yönelik Nitel Bir Araştırma

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    Holding a critical position in the dynamic structure of international shipping industry, ship master, through decisions they make, affect not only the companies they work for but also the shipping industry itself. The responsibilities of ship masters are not confined within those issues regarding the operation and navigation of the ship they work on; rather, they are held responsible for all incidents likely to derive from such operation. That's why any operational decisions ship masters are to make do need to be standardized by means of certain regulations and practices proposed through International Safety Management "ISM Code". Despite the standardization attempts through this code, the individual decision making process is still affected by various factors. Of these, the most prevailing ones are the demands and expectations of shipowners, ship operators, charterers and cargo owners. The purpose of this study is to analyze the basic expectations of the ship operators regarding the shipboard management qualifications masters are to have. This analysis is carried out through "focus group method", one of the instruments used in qualitative research. The focus group study and the content analysis are designed in such a form that could be used by researchers as a guide Denizciligin uluslararası dinamik yapısı içerisinde önemli bir yere sahip olan gemi kaptanları, verdikleri kararlar ile hem baglı bulundukları isletmeleri hem de denizcilik sektörünü dogrudan etkileyebilecek konumdadır. Gemilerinin sevk ve idaresinden sorumlu olan gemi kaptanlarının sorumlulukları sadece gemi ile sınırlı olmayıp, gemi operasyonlarına baglı olarak olusabilecek tüm olaylardan ve gerçeklestirilen islemlerden de sorumlu tutulabilmektedirler. Bu nedenle gemi kaptanlarının gemi operasyonları kapsamında vermis oldukları kararlar, Uluslararası Emniyet Yönetimi Uygulamaları "ISM Code" gibi birçok kural ve uygulama ile standart hale getirilmeye çalısılmaktadır. Standart hale getirilmeye çalısılan operasyonel kararlarda bile gemi kaptanlarının bireysel karar verme süreçlerinin birçok faktörden etkilendigi gözlemlenmektedir. Bu faktörlerin basında gemi sahibi, gemiyi isleten ve yük ilgililerinin talep ve beklentileri gelmektedir. Bu çalısma gemi isletmelerinin gemi kaptanından gemi yönetimi konusunda "nasıl bir gemi kaptanı" istedikleri, nitel arastırma yöntemlerinden olan odak grup yöntemi ile ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca çalısma, odak grup çalısması ve içerik analizi yapacak olan arastırmacılara rehber olacak sekilde tasarlanmıstır