890 research outputs found

    Face Authentication using Speed Fractal Technique

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    In this paper, a new fractal based recognition method, Face Authentication using Speed Fractal Technique (FAST), is presented. The main contribution is the good compromise between memory requirements, execution time and recognition ratio. FAST is based on Iterated Function Systems (IFS) theory, largely studied in still image compression and indexing, but not yet widely used for face recognition. Indeed, Fractals are well known to be invariant to a large set of global transformations. FAST is robust with respect to meaningful variations in facial expression and to the small changes of illumination and pose. Another advantage of the FAST strategy consists in the speed up that it introduces. The typical slowness of fractal image compression is avoided by exploiting only the indexing phase, which requires time O(D log (D)), where D is the size of the domain pool. Lastly, the FAST algorithm compares well to a large set of other recognition methods, as underlined in the experimental results

    Reply to “Comment on ‘The 21 August 2017 Md 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake: First Evidence of Coseismic Normal Surface Faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island’ by Nappi et al. (2018)” by V. De Novellis, S. Carlino, R. Castaldo, A. Tramelli, C. De Luca, N. A. Pino, S. Pepe, V. Convertito, I. Zinno, P. De Martino, M. Bonano, F. Giudicepietro, F. Casu, G. Macedonio, M. Manunta, M. Manzo, G. Solaro, P. Tizzani, G. Zeni, and R. Lanari

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    In this article, we show why the geological model of the 21 August 2017 earthquake proposed by Nappi et al. (2018) has less uncertainty than the sourcemodel proposed by De Novellis et al. (2018). As a matter of fact, the Nappi et al. (2018) model takes into account all geophysical and geological information collected soon after the earthquake. On the contrary, the model proposed by DeNovellis et al. (2018) is based on a limited database, which does not include (1) the available geological and macroseismic information and (2) the extensive scientific literature concerning the correlation between seismic source and surface faulting, also in volcanic areas similar to Ischia. Nevertheless, we are grateful for the comments from De Novellis et al. (2018) because they give us the opportunity to consider the epistemological landscape in which we should frame the research for the best source model of the 21 August 2017 Casamicciola earthquake.Published316-3211T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    The 21 August 2017 Md 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake: First Evidence of Coseismic Normal Surface Faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island

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    On 21 August 2017, a shallow earthquake of Md 4.0 struck the CasamicciolaTerme village in the north of Ischia volcanic island (Italy). It caused two fatalities and heavy damage in a restricted area of a few square kilometers. Casamicciola Terme has been recurrently destroyed in the last centuries by similar volcano-tectonic earthquakes (1762, 1767, 1796, 1828, 1881, and 1883). After the catastrophic 1883 Casamicciola event (2343 casualties), this is the first heavy damaging earthquake at Ischia that provides, for the first time, the opportunity of integrating historical seismicity, macroseismic observations, instrumental information, and detailed mapping of coseismic geological effects. Soon after the 2017 mainshock we surveyed the epicentral area to collect data on the coseismic ground effects, recording more than 100 geological field observations. Mapped effects define a belt which closely follows the trace of the Casamicciola E–W-trending normal fault system, bounding the northern slope of Mt. Epomeo, previously known as a Latest Pleistocene to Holocene normal fault with a slip rate of ∌3:0 cm=yr. We found significant evidence for coseismic surface faulting, testified by a main alignment of ruptures for a 2 km end-to-end length and normal dip-slip displacement of 1–3 cm. The geometry and regularity of the structural pattern, together with constant kinematics of the coseismic ruptures with the north side down, strongly suggest a primary tectonic origin for the mapped ruptures and strongly supports an E–W normal-faulting focal mechanism for the 2017 Casamicciola earthquake.Macroseismic information supports the notion that previous historical events also had a similar style of faulting.Published1323-13343T. Sorgente sismicaJCR Journa

    Unified Theories with U(2) Flavor Symmetry

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    A general operator expansion is presented for quark and lepton mass matrices in unified theories based on a U(2) flavor symmetry, with breaking parameter of order Vcb≈ms/mb≈mc/mtV_{cb} \approx m_s/m_b \approx \sqrt{m_c/m_t}. While solving the supersymmetric flavor-changing problem, a general form for the Yukawa couplings follows, leading to 9 relations among the fermion masses and mixings, 5 of which are precise. The combination of grand unified and U(2) symmetries provides a symmetry understanding for the anomalously small values of mu/mcm_u/m_c and mc/mtm_c/m_t. A fit to the fermion mass data leads to a prediction for the angles of the CKM unitarity triangle, which will allow a significant test of these unified U(2) theories. A particular SO(10) model provides a simple realization of the general operator expansion. The lighter generation masses and the non-trivial structure of the CKM matrix are generated from the exchange of a single U(2) doublet of heavy vector generations. This model suggests that CP is spontaneously broken at the unification scale --- in which case there is a further reduction in the number of free parameters.Comment: 31 pages, 3 .eps figures include

    Patterns of Soft Masses from General Semi-Direct Gauge Mediation

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    We give a general formulation of semi-direct gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking where the messengers interact with the hidden sector only through a weakly gauged group. Using this general formulation, we provide an explicit proof that the MSSM gaugino masses are vanishing to leading order in the gauge couplings. On the other hand, the MSSM sfermion masses have, generically, a non-vanishing leading contribution. We discuss how such a mechanism can successfully be combined with other mediation schemes which give tachyonic sfermions, such as sequestered anomaly mediation and some direct gauge mediation models.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; v2: refs added; v3: minor corrections, clarifications added, mainly in section

    Effects of Surgical and Adjuvant Therapies for Breast Cancer on Sexuality, Cognitive Functions, and Body Weightj sm_1725 1891..1900

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    Introduction. Breast cancer and its treatment negatively affect the important aspects of a woman's life such as sexual health, cognitive functions, body image, and weight. Abrupt estrogen deficiency following chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy plays an important role in worsening of sexuality. Aim. To evaluate the impact of breast cancer treatment on sexual functioning, cognitive function, and body weight in premenopausal women. Methods. Thirty-five women with a premenopausal diagnosis of breast cancer who are candidate to adjuvant treatment completed validated questionnaires on menopausal symptoms, sexuality, partner relationship, depression, body image, and cognitive functions after surgery (T0), then after chemotherapy or at least 6 months of endocrine therapy (T1), and after 1 year (T2). In addition, gynecological and dietological examinations were performed. Main Outcome Measure. The following validated questionnaires were used: Greene Climacteric Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Body Attitude Test, McCoy revised Italian version McCoy Female Sexuality Questionnaire, Cues for Sexual Desire Scale, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Numeric Matrix Test and Rey uditory-verbal learning test, to measure cognitive functions, a recall 24 H questionnaire to evaluate food intake, Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity questionnaire and Eating Attitude Test-40, while anthropometric and plicometry data were assessed by a dietitian. Results. Low levels of sexual functioning were registered at baseline; a further decrease in sexual activity, quality of the partnered relationship, desire, and arousability was demonstrated at T1 and T2. We found a significant increase in hot flushes and anxiety. Nonsignificant deterioration of body image was demonstrated. Although women reported losing memory and concentration, "chemobrain" effect was not demonstrated as cognitive tests improved after 6 months, probably because of "learning effect." Women who had undergone chemotherapy gained weight and fat disposition was typically android. Conclusions. Young women undergoing adjuvant breast cancer therapy experience a heavy impairment in important quality of life domains as sexuality and targeted support interventions are needed. Biglia N, Moggio G, Peano E, Sgandurra P, Ponzone R, Nappi RE, and Sismondi P. Effects of surgical and adjuvant therapies for breast cancer on sexuality, cognitive functions and body weight

    Surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018, Mw 4.9, Mt. Etna earthquake, Sicily (Italy)

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    We present a 1:10,000 scale map of the coseismic surface ruptures following the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (southern Italy). Detailed rupture mapping is based on extensive field surveys in the epicentral region. Despite the small size of the event, we were able to document surface faulting for about 8 km along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault, belonging to the Timpe tectonic system in the eastern flank of the volcano. The mapped ruptures are characterized in most cases by perceivable opening and by a dominant right-oblique sense of slip, with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a peak value of 0.35 m. It is also noteworthy that the ruptures vary significantly in their kinematic expression, denoting locally high degree of complexity of the surface faulting.Published831-8372T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    Surface ruptures database related to the 26 December 2018, MW 4.9 Mt. Etna earthquake, southern Italy

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    We provide a database of the surface ruptures produced by the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily (southern Italy). Despite its relatively small magnitude, this shallow earthquake caused about 8 km of surface faulting, along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault. Detailed field surveys have been performed in the epicentral area to map the ruptures and to characterize their kinematics. The surface ruptures show a dominant right-oblique sense of displacement with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a maximum value of 0.35 m. We have parsed and organized all observations in a concise database, with 932 homogeneous georeferenced records. The Fiandaca Fault is part of the complex active Timpe faults system affecting the eastern flank of Etna, and its seismic history indicates a prominent surface-faulting potential. Therefore, this database is essential for unravelling the seismotectonics of shallow earthquakes in volcanic areas, and contributes updating empirical scaling regressions that relate magnitude and extent of surface faulting.Publishedid 422T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa
