45 research outputs found
チュウゴクジン ミャンマージン ト ニホンジン ノ モウハツチュウ ゲンソ ノウド ソクテイ
P(論文)departmental bulletin pape
テイアツ スイギン ランプ ニカワル エキシマ ランプ ニヨル チャクショク ヨウエキ ノ ダッショク
P(論文)departmental bulletin pape
ICP MS ニヨル カンキョウ シリョウチュウ ノ コンセキ ゲンソ ノ ソクテイ 3 ICP MS ニヨル ミズ ヒョウジュン シリョウチュウ ノ コンセキ ゲンソ ノ ソクテイ
The trace elements in water reference materials (NIST 1643c and NRC SLRS-2) were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spactrometry (ICP-MS). Calibration was accomplished by using blank and standard solution, and finally the standard solution was run again to allow a correction for intensity drift. The difference between the concentration of trace elements in water reference materials and the concentration of trace elements in diluted water reference materials with MILLI-Q water was compared. In NIST 1643c reference materials, the concentrations of Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, As, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba and Pb in diluted water reference material were close to the certified concentration. In NRC SLRS-2 reference material, the concentration of Na, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mn, Co, Zn, Mo and Sb in diluted water reference material were close to the cortified concentration