45 research outputs found

    The first experience of low-invasive correction of Pectus Carinatum at children by Abramson procedur

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    Purpose: justification of relevance of use of a low-invasive method of correction across Abramson and improvement of treatment of pectus carinatum (PC) at children. Materials and methods. The result of treatment of 7 boys aged from 12 up to 17 years operated from 2012 to 2017 concerning PC in MRRCI was analyzed. 4 of them were operated in the open way on Ravich. A lot of sequels during and after operation led to refusal of open methods of correction of PC. In the period from 2015 to 2017 three children were operated by Abramson’s method. Dynamometer researches proved the efficiency of Abramson’s method. The multispiral computer tomography with 3D reconstruction was carried out and allowed to avoid possible intraoperative complications. During the operation were used epidural and general anesthesia. Allocation of ribs in places of bracing of stabilizers to a periosteum without injury of a pleura allowed to reach the best stability and reliability of fixatives, reduce a pain syndrome and avoid a possible injury of intrathoracic organs. Epidural anesthesia in combination with analgetics intramusculary provided optimum anesthesia during the postoperative period. This method leads to faster recovery after operation, 5 days vs 10 days. Results: the catamnesis collected from 1 month till 2 years is positive. At 1 patient the early postoperative period was complicated by the intense pheumothorax caused by a rupture of a bulla of an apex of the right lung. The thoracoscopic atypical resection of the violent changed site of a lung is executed. Inputs. Using of Abramson’s method allowed to reduce quantity possible intra-and postoperative complications, achieve amazing cosmetic result and reduce terms of hospitalization by 2,5 times

    Comparative analysis of the size of dentition before and after orthodontic treatment crowding of teeth

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    С целью направленной регуляции процессов резорбции и остеогенеза костной ткани челюстей детям со скученностью зубов в период постоянного прикуса поэтапно назначали йодид калия, остеотропные препараты и адаптогены. В статье представлены результаты определения изменений размеров зубных рядов и сроков комплексного ортодонтического лечения детей со скученностью зубов. Полученные результаты стали основанием для рекомендаций по внедрению в стоматологическую практику разработанного лечебно-профилактического комплекса, позволяющего повысить эффективность и сократить сроки активного периода ортодонтического лечения.З метою спрямованої регуляції процесів резорбції і остеогенезу кісткової тканини щелеп дітям зі скупченістю зубів в період постійного прикусу поетапно призначали йодид калію, остеотропні препарати та адаптогени. У статті представлені результати визначення змін розмірів зубних рядів і термінів комплексного ортодонтичного лікування дітей зі скупченістю зубів. Отримані результати стали підставою для рекомендацій щодо впровадження в стоматологічну практику розробленого лікувально-профілактичного комплексу, що дозволяє підвищити ефективність і скоротити терміни активного періоду ортодонтичного лікування.In order directed regulation of bone resorption and bone jaw children with crowded teeth during permanent occlusion stages prescribed potassium iodide osteotropic drugs and adaptogens. Children main group underwent a comprehensive orthodontic treatment using adaptogens electrophoresis 2 % solution of potassium iodide in the movable teeth (for directional regulation simulation jaw bone) and 5 % solution of the drug "Osteovit" in the area of the abutment teeth to stabilize them. The results determine changes in the size and timing of dentition comprehensive orthodontic treatment for children with crowded teeth. The results were the basis for recommendations for implementation in dental practice developed preventive medical complex that improves the efficiency and shorten the period of active orthodontic treatment

    Hydro- and thermodynamics of tornadoes and oceanic waterspouts

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    The principles of safe correction and the choice of the method at treatment of Pectus Excavatum at children

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    Purpose: improvement of results of diagnostics and treatment pectus excavatum (PE) at children. Materials and methods. The result of treatment of 113 children aged from 4 to 17 years operated from 2006 to 2017 concerning PE in MRRCI (18 girls and 95 boys) is analysed. Middle age is 12 years. 15 of them were operated in the open way, on Salamaa-Paltiya-9, on Ravich-6. A lot of sequels during and after operation led to refusal of open methods of surgical treatment of PE. Since 2009 to all children operated concerning PE the low-invasive thoracoplasty of Nass procedure was executed. In the preoperative period to 88 patients the multispiral computer tomography with 3D reconstruction is carried out to avoid possible intraoperative complications. Non-standard installation and installation of two CB allows to achieve more physiologic and cosmetic form. Epidural and general anesthesia were used for all patients. The thoracoplasty with use of a video thoracoscopy excludes possible complications, promotes stable and reliable bracing of CB. Use of a sternal elevator for 76 patients proved safety of carrying out CB through a forward mediastinum. Epidural anesthesia and non-steroidal drugs provided optimum anesthesia during the postoperative period. The postoperative period depressed twice and made ≈ 7 days. Results: in a catamnesis of patients from 2 months to 3 years, at 88% from 113 operated the good cosmetic result is received. The total of early complications decreased to 5 that makes 4,4% (a hydrothorax-2, pneumothorax-3). At 3 patients in the late period after operation decubituses in the field of edges of CB are noted that demanded its excision from 1 child. Inputs. Use of a low-invasive thoracoplasty allowed to reduce quantity possible intra-and postoperative complications, achieve the best cosmetic result and reduce hospitalization terms twice