4 research outputs found
Impact of grasspea genotypes and sowing dates on seed β-ODAP concentration and agronomic traits.
Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus) is an important food legume crop in Ethiopia. However, its nutritional value ishindered by β-ODAP that causes lathyrism in humans. The extent of toxicity is influenced by genetic andagronomic factors.We conducted an experiment to determine the effect of varieties and sowing dates on the β-ODAP content of the seeds and other yield components. Two varieties, Bio-520 and landrace, were planted onJuly 24, August 7 and 21, and September 4 in the 2001-02 and 2002-03 cropping seasons. Grasspea variety andseason, significantly influenced β-ODAP content of the seeds.The highly significant variety x season interactionssuggests that varieties behave differently in different seasons for their β-ODAP content. The main effects andinteractions were highly significant for days-to-flowering and plant height. Although β-ODAP content of thevarieties varied with season, the improved genotype always contained less β-ODAP concentration.Thus, whilethe development of low-toxin grasspea lines is the primary goal, modifying agronomic practices is also importantto mitigate lathyrism.Key Words: Ethiopia, Lathyrus sativus, Lathyrism, neurotoxi
Grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus ) is an important food legume crop in
Ethiopia. However, its nutritional value is hindered by \u3b2-ODAP
that causes lathyrism in humans. The extent of toxicity is influenced
by genetic and agronomic factors.We conducted an experiment to
determine the effect of varieties and sowing dates on the \u3b2- ODAP
content of the seeds and other yield components.Two varieties, Bio-520
and landrace, were planted on July 24, August 7 and 21, and September 4
in the 2001-02 and 2002-03 cropping seasons. Grasspea variety and
season, significantly influenced \u3b2-ODAP content of the seeds.The
highly significant variety x season interactions suggests that
varieties behave differently in different seasons for their \u3b2-ODAP
content. The main effects and interactions were highly significant for
days-to-flowering and plant height. Although \u3b2-ODAP content of the
varieties varied with season, the improved genotype always contained
less \u3b2-ODAP concentration.Thus, while the development of low-toxin
grasspea lines is the primary goal, modifying agronomic practices is
also important to mitigate lathyrism.Le pois carr\ue9 ( Lathyrus sativus ) est une importante
l\ue9gumineuse pour l\u2019alimentation humaine en Ethiopie.
Cependant, sa valeur nutritionnelle est handicap\ue9e par le
\u3b2-ODAP qui cause le lathyrisme chez les humains. Le degr\ue9 de
toxicit\ue9 est influenc\ue9 par des facteurs g\ue9n\ue9tiques
et agronomiques. Un essai \ue9tait conduit pour d\ue9terminer
l\u2019effet de vari\ue9t\ue9s et de dates de plantation sur la
teneur en \u3b2-ODAP dans les graines et autres composantes du
rendement. Deux vari\ue9t\ue9s notamment la Bio-520 et le landrace,
\ue9taient plant\ue9es pendant les saisons culturales 2001-02 et
2002-03 en Juillet 24, le 7 et le 21 Ao\ufbt ainsi que le 4
Septembre. Les vari\ue9t\ue9s du pois carr\ue9 et la saison ont
significativement influenc\ue9 la teneur du \u3b2-ODAP dans les
graines. Les interactions hautement significatives entre
vari\ue9t\ue9 x saison sugg\ue8rent que les vari\ue9t\ue9s se
comportent diff\ue9remment pendant des saisons diff\ue9rentes en
termes de la teneur en \u3b2-ODAP. Les effets principaux et
interactions \ue9taient hautement significatifs \ue0 la floraison
et en fonction de la hauteur des plants. Bien que la teneur en
\u3b2-ODAP variait avec la saison, les g\ue9notypes
am\ue9lior\ue9s contenaient une basse concentration en \u3b2-ODAP.
Ainsi, pendant que le d\ue9veloppement du pois carr\ue9 est un
objectif prioritaire, la modification des pratiques agronomiques est
aussi importante pour la mitigation du lathyrisme
Family systemic psychosocial support for at-risk adolescents in Lebanon: study protocol for a multi-site randomised controlled trial
Background: Adolescents growing up in communities characterised by adversity face multiple risk factors for poor mental health and wellbeing. There is currently a scarcity of research on effective approaches for preventing and treating psychological distress in this population, particularly in humanitarian settings. The powerful impact of the home environment and family support is well known; however, approaches targeting the family are seldom developed or evaluated in such settings. We developed a brief family systemic psychosocial support intervention to be delivered through existing child protection systems with non-specialist facilitators. This paper outlines the study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of the intervention in Lebanon.Methods: We will conduct a single-blind hybrid effectiveness-implementation multi-site RCT comparing the locally developed systemic family intervention to a waitlist control group for families residing in vulnerable regions in North Lebanon and Beqaa governorates (including families of Syrian, Palestinian, and Lebanese backgrounds). Outcomes on a range of family, adolescent, and caregiver measures will be assessed at baseline (T0) and post-intervention (T1), and at a 3-month follow-up for the treatment arm (T2). Families will be eligible for the trial if they are identified by implementing organisations as being medium-to-high risk for child protection concerns and have one or more adolescent aged 12–17 who demonstrates significant psychological distress on a self-report brief screening tool. Families will be randomly assigned to a treatment or a waitlist control condition. Families in the waitlist condition will receive a group version of the programme after completion of the study, to allow us to assess feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary indications of intervention effects of this modality. The primary outcome is reduction in overall adolescent-reported psychological distress over time, with post-intervention (T1) as the primary endpoint. Secondary adolescent-reported outcomes include family functioning, psychosocial wellbeing, and emotional regulation difficulties. Secondary caregiver-reported outcomes include parenting style, family functioning, psychological distress, and emotional regulation difficulties. Discussion: This trial will provide the first assessment of the effectiveness of the family systemic psychosocial support intervention for use in Lebanon, with important implications for the use of systemic, low-cost, non-specialist interventions for this age range. Trial registration: Local registry: National Mental Health Program, Ministry of Public Health, Lebanese Republic. Registered on 19 October 2021 Lebanese Clinical Trial Registry LBCTR2021104870
Grasspea ( Lathyrus sativus ) is an important food legume crop in
Ethiopia. However, its nutritional value is hindered by β-ODAP
that causes lathyrism in humans. The extent of toxicity is influenced
by genetic and agronomic factors.We conducted an experiment to
determine the effect of varieties and sowing dates on the β- ODAP
content of the seeds and other yield components.Two varieties, Bio-520
and landrace, were planted on July 24, August 7 and 21, and September 4
in the 2001-02 and 2002-03 cropping seasons. Grasspea variety and
season, significantly influenced β-ODAP content of the seeds.The
highly significant variety x season interactions suggests that
varieties behave differently in different seasons for their β-ODAP
content. The main effects and interactions were highly significant for
days-to-flowering and plant height. Although β-ODAP content of the
varieties varied with season, the improved genotype always contained
less β-ODAP concentration.Thus, while the development of low-toxin
grasspea lines is the primary goal, modifying agronomic practices is
also important to mitigate lathyrism.Le pois carré ( Lathyrus sativus ) est une importante
légumineuse pour l’alimentation humaine en Ethiopie.
Cependant, sa valeur nutritionnelle est handicapée par le
β-ODAP qui cause le lathyrisme chez les humains. Le degré de
toxicité est influencé par des facteurs génétiques
et agronomiques. Un essai était conduit pour déterminer
l’effet de variétés et de dates de plantation sur la
teneur en β-ODAP dans les graines et autres composantes du
rendement. Deux variétés notamment la Bio-520 et le landrace,
étaient plantées pendant les saisons culturales 2001-02 et
2002-03 en Juillet 24, le 7 et le 21 Août ainsi que le 4
Septembre. Les variétés du pois carré et la saison ont
significativement influencé la teneur du β-ODAP dans les
graines. Les interactions hautement significatives entre
variété x saison suggèrent que les variétés se
comportent différemment pendant des saisons différentes en
termes de la teneur en β-ODAP. Les effets principaux et
interactions Ă©taient hautement significatifs Ă la floraison
et en fonction de la hauteur des plants. Bien que la teneur en
β-ODAP variait avec la saison, les génotypes
améliorés contenaient une basse concentration en β-ODAP.
Ainsi, pendant que le développement du pois carré est un
objectif prioritaire, la modification des pratiques agronomiques est
aussi importante pour la mitigation du lathyrisme