498 research outputs found

    Small-scale Fisheries in Japan. Environmental and Socio-cultural Perspectives

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    This collection of essays brings together a range of various critical approaches, to provide an in-depth overview of the past and current status of small-scale fisheries in Japan. Covering different aspects of environmental, economic and cultural dimensions, the book attempts to map out some of the major themes relating to community-based fisheries-management systems, environmental sustainability, lottery systems for allocating fishing spots, fishing livelihoods, local knowledge, social vulnerability to environmental hazards, socioeconomic factors affecting small-scale fisheries development, history and nature of destructive fishing practices, women’s entrepreneurship in the seafood sector, traditional leadership systems, religious festivals, and power relationship between local communities and government agencies. The aim of this book is then to provide a comprehensive and multifaceted analysis of the cultural richness of this fishing sector, which still plays a key role in the broad academic debates focused on the potential small-scale fishery trajectories within the context of global scenarios

    Formulation of objective indices to quantify machine failure risk analysis for interruptions in radiotherapy

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effect of interruption in radiotherapy due to machine failure in patients and medical institutions using machine failure risk analysis (MFRA). Material and methods: The risk of machine failure during treatment is assigned to three scores (biological effect, B; occurrence, O; and cost of labor and repair parts, C) for each type of machine failure. The biological patient risk (BPR) and the economic institution risk (EIR) are calculated as the product of B and O (B×O) and C and O (C×O), respectively. The MFRA is performed in two linear accelerators (linacs). Result: The multileaf collimator (MLC) fault has the highest BPR and second highest EIR. In particular, TrueBeam has a higher BPR and EIR for MLC failures. The total EIR in TrueBeam was significantly higher than that in Clinac iX. The minor interlock had the second highest BPR, whereas a smaller EIR. Meanwhile, the EIR for the LaserGuard fault was the highest, and that for the monitor chamber fault was the second highest. These machine failures occurred in TrueBeam. The BPR and EIR should be evaluated for each linac. Further, the sensitivity of the BPR, it decreased with higher T1=2 and α/β values. No relative difference is observed in the BPR for each machine failure when T1=2 and α/β were varied. Conclusion: The risk faced by patients and institutions in machine failure may be reduced using MFRA. Advances in knowledge: For clinical radiotherapy, interruption can occur from unscheduled downtime with machine failures. Interruption causes sublethal damage repair. The current study evaluated the effect of interruption in radiotherapy owing to machine failure on patients and medical institutions using a new method, that is, machine failure risk analysis

    A locally-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ propagates cell-to-cell in the presence of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase inhibitors in non-excitable cells

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    AbstractIntercellular Ca2+ waves are commonly observed in many cell types. In non-excitable cells, intercellular Ca2+ waves are mediated by gap junctional diffusion of a Ca2+ mobilizing messenger such as IP3. Since Ca2+ is heavily buffered in the cytosolic environment, it has been hypothesized that the contribution of the diffusion of Ca2+ to intercellular Ca2+ waves is limited. Here, we report that in the presence of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase inhibitors, locally-released Ca2+ from the flash-photolysis of caged-Ca2+ appeared to induce further Ca2+ release and were propagated from one cell to another, indicating that Ca2+ was self-amplified to mediate intercellular Ca2+ waves. Our findings support the notion that non-excitable cells can establish a highly excitable medium to communicate local responses with distant cells

    Dose compensation based on biological effectiveness due to interruption time for photon radiation therapy

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    Objective:To evaluate the biological effectiveness of dose associated with interruption time; and propose the dose compensation method based on biological effectiveness when an interruption occurs during photon radiation therapy. Methods:The lineal energy distribution for human salivary gland tumor was calculated by Monte Carlo simulation using a photon beam. The biological dose (Dbio) was estimated using the microdosimetric kinetic model. The dose compensating factor with the physical dose for the difference of the Dbio with and without interruption (Δ) was derived. The interruption time (τ) was varied to 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, and 120 min. The dose per fraction and dose rate varied from 2 to 8 Gy and 0.1 to 24 Gy/min, respectively. Results:The maximum Δ with 1 Gy/min occurred when the interruption occurred at half the dose. The Δ with 1 Gy/min at half of the dose was over 3% for τ >= 20 min for 2 Gy, τ = 10 min for 5 Gy, and τ = 10 min for 8 Gy. The maximum difference of the Δ due to the dose rate was within 3% for 2 and 5 Gy, and achieving values of 4.0% for 8 Gy. The dose compensating factor was larger with a high dose per fraction and high-dose rate beams. Conclusion:A loss of biological effectiveness occurs due to interruption. Our proposal method could correct for the unexpected decrease of the biological effectiveness caused by interruption time. Advances in knowledge:For photon radiotherapy, the interruption causes the sublethal damage repair. The current study proposed the dose compensation method for the decrease of the biological effect by the interruption

    On the Practice of Fisheries Improvment by Kawarada Moriharu : At the Midpoint of the Knowledge of as Fisheries Peripatetic Teacher and his Methodology

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    本研究は、明治期の水産官僚である河原田盛美が進めた水産改良について、水産巡回教師を中心に、その実態を明らかにし、それがいかなる知識に基づき、いかなる方法で進められたのかについて明らかにするものである。 ここでは、河原田が水産巡回を行った府県で出版された水産講話筆記を中心としつつ、府県資料、及び、河原田家所蔵文書や国文学資料館に所蔵されている「祭魚洞文庫旧蔵水産史料」等の資料を活用し、特に鳥取県への2回に亘る巡回(1888年、1889年)に焦点を当てつつ、その前後の巡回(1887年~1892年)にも目を配った。この研究では、まず、①水産巡回教師の実態と特徴を明らかにし、②その際に依拠した水産改良観を、彼の主著である『水産小学』と水産講話筆記から検討し、③水産改良で用いられた方法を明らかにすることで、④河原田の水産改良の営為の特徴を抽出しようとするものである。 その結果は以下の通りである。①河原田による2回の巡回によって、私立因伯水産共進会が開催され、水産伝習生の派遣と伝習所の設営によって、鳥取県で水産改良を進める基盤ができたという効果があったことを明らかにした。②河原田の水産改良は、学問とともに経験的知識を重視することで水産改良を進めようと構想されており、その折衷主義的な歴史観、学術・実業観は、河原田と交流のあった織田完之の農政復古の思想と良く似た内容を持っていることが分かった。③河原田は、理路整然と講話を行うというよりは、当業者達の経験に基づく知識を対話風に語りかけたり、自らが実演して見せたりし、交感を深めることで、当業者の立場に沿って水産改良を進めようと試みていたことを明らかにした。④このように河原田の水産改良の知識と方法は、西洋の学術を排斥するものではなかった。それは、「尚古派農(政)学」のイメージに収まるものではなく、水産業の現場に密着した経験的な知識と方法に依拠したものなのであった

    資料 『茲山魚譜』 神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所所蔵写本 影印

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