839 research outputs found

    Communicating Josephson Qubits

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    We propose a scheme to implement a quantum information transfer protocol with a superconducting circuit and Josephson charge qubits. The information exchange is mediated by an L-C resonator used as a data bus. The main decoherence sources are analyzed in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Decoherence by a nonlinear environment: canonical vs. microcanonical case

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    We compare decoherence induced in a simple quantum system (qubit) for two different initial states of the environment: canonical (fixed temperature) and microcanonical (fixed energy), for the general case of a fully interacting oscillator environment. We find that even a relatively compact oscillator bath (with the effective number of degrees of freedom of order 10), initially in a microcanonical state, will typically cause decoherence almost indistinguishable from that by a macroscopic, thermal environment, except possibly at singularities of the environment's specific heat (critical points). In the latter case, the precise magnitude of the difference between the canonical and microcanonical results depends on the critical behavior of the dissipative coefficient, characterizing the interaction of the qubit with the environment.Comment: 18 pages, revtex, 2 figures; minor textual changes, corrected typo in eq. (53) (v2); textual changes, mostly in the introduction (v3

    Spin swap gate in the presence of qubit inhomogeneity in a double quantum dot

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    We study theoretically the effects of qubit inhomogeneity on the quantum logic gate of qubit swap, which is an integral part of the operations of a quantum computer. Our focus here is to construct a robust pulse sequence for swap operation in the simultaneous presence of Zeeman inhomogeneity for quantum dot trapped electron spins and the finite-time ramp-up of exchange coupling in a double dot. We first present a geometric explanation of spin swap operation, mapping the two-qubit operation onto a single-qubit rotation. We then show that in this geometric picture a square-pulse-sequence can be easily designed to perform swap in the presence of Zeeman inhomogeneity. Finally, we investigate how finite ramp-up times for the exchange coupling JJ negatively affect the performance of the swap gate sequence, and show how to correct the problems numerically.Comment: published versio

    Coherent dynamics of a Josephson charge qubit

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    We have fabricated a Josephson charge qubit by capacitively coupling a single-Cooper-pair box (SCB) to an electrometer based upon a single-electron transistor configured for radio-frequency readout (RF-SET). Charge quantization of 2e is observed and microwave spectroscopy is used to extract the Josephson and charging energies of the box. We perform coherent manipulation of the SCB by using very fast DC pulses and observe quantum oscillations in time of the charge that persist to ~=10ns. The observed contrast of the oscillations is high and agrees with that expected from the finite E_J/E_C ratio and finite rise-time of the DC pulses. In addition, we are able to demonstrate nearly 100% initial charge state polarization. We also present a method to determine the relaxation time T_1 when it is shorter than the measurement time T_{meas}.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Search with Two-atom Collisions in Cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme to implement two-qubit Grover's quantum search algorithm using Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics. Circular Rydberg atoms are used as quantum bits (qubits). They interact with the electromagnetic field of a non-resonant cavity . The quantum gate dynamics is provided by a cavity-assisted collision, robust against decoherence processes. We present the detailed procedure and analyze the experimental feasibility.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    An asymptotical von-Neumann measurement strategy for solid-state qubits

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    A measurement on a macroscopic quantum system does in general not lead to a projection of the wavefunction in the basis of the detector as predicted by von-Neumann's postulate. Hence, it is a question of fundametal interest, how the preferred basis onto which the state is projected is selected out of the macroscopic Hilbert space of the system. Detector-dominated von-Neumann measurements are also desirable for both quantum computation and verification of quantum mechanics on a macroscopic scale. The connection of these questions to the predictions of the spin-boson modelis outlined. I propose a measurement strategy, which uses the entanglement of the qubit with a weakly damped harmonic oscillator. It is shown, that the degree of entanglement controls the degree of renormalization of the qubit and identify, that this is equivalent to the degree to which the measurement is detector-dominated. This measurement very rapidly decoheres the initial state, but the thermalization is slow. The implementation in Josephson quantum bits is described and it is shown that this strategy also has practical advantages for the experimental implementation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication as a rapid communication in Phys. Rev.

    Entanglement of solid-state qubits by measurement

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    We show that two identical solid-state qubits can be made fully entangled (starting from completely mixed state) with probability 1/4 just measuring them by a detector, equally coupled to the qubits. This happens in the case of repeated strong (projective) measurements as well as in a more realistic case of weak continuous measurement. In the latter case the entangled state can be identified by a flat spectrum of the detector shot noise, while the non-entangled state (probability 3/4) leads to a spectral peak at the Rabi frequency with the maximum peak-to-pedestal ratio of 32/3.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Gate errors in solid state quantum computer architectures

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    We theoretically consider possible errors in solid state quantum computation due to the interplay of the complex solid state environment and gate imperfections. In particular, we study two examples of gate operations in the opposite ends of the gate speed spectrum, an adiabatic gate operation in electron-spin-based quantum dot quantum computation and a sudden gate operation in Cooper pair box superconducting quantum computation. We evaluate quantitatively the non-adiabatic operation of a two-qubit gate in a two-electron double quantum dot. We also analyze the non-sudden pulse gate in a Cooper-pair-box-based quantum computer model. In both cases our numerical results show strong influences of the higher excited states of the system on the gate operation, clearly demonstrating the importance of a detailed understanding of the relevant Hilbert space structure on the quantum computer operations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Decoherence and Relaxation of a Quantum Bit in the Presence of Rabi Oscillations

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    Dissipative dynamics of a quantum bit driven by a strong resonant field and interacting with a heat bath is investigated. We derive generalized Bloch equations and find modifications of the qubit's damping rates caused by Rabi oscillations. Nonequilibrium decoherence of a phase qubit inductively coupled to a LC-circuit is considered as an illustration of the general results. It is argued that recent experimental results give a clear evidence of effective suppression of decoherence in a strongly driven flux qubit.Comment: 14 pages; misprints correcte

    Measurement of coherent charge transfer in an adiabatic Cooper pair pump

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    We study adiabatic charge transfer in a superconducting Cooper pair pump, focusing on the influence of current measurement on coherence. We investigate the limit where the Josephson coupling energy EJE_J between the various parts of the system is small compared to the Coulomb charging energy ECE_C. In this case the charge transferred in a pumping cycle QP2eQ_P \sim 2e, the charge of one Cooper pair: the main contribution is due to incoherent Cooper pair tunneling. We are particularly interested in the quantum correction to QPQ_P, which is due to coherent tunneling of pairs across the pump and which depends on the superconducting phase difference ϕ0\phi_0 between the electrodes: 1QP/(2e)(EJ/EC)cosϕ01-Q_P/(2e) \sim (E_J/E_C) \cos \phi_0. A measurement of QPQ_P tends to destroy the phase coherence. We first study an arbitrary measuring circuit and then specific examples and show that coherent Cooper pair transfer can in principle be detected using an inductively shunted ammeter