17 research outputs found

    Genetic variability of populations of Nyssomyia neivai in the Northern State of Paraná, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The genetic study of sandfly populations needs to be further explored given the importance of these insects for public health. Were sequenced the NDH4 mitochondrial gene from populations of Nyssomyia neivai from Doutor Camargo, Lobato, Japira, and Porto Rico, municipalities in the State of Paraná, Brazil, to understand the genetic structure and gene flow. Eighty specimens of Ny. Neivai were sequenced, 20 from each municipality, and 269 base pairs were obtained. A total of 27 haplotypes and 28 polymorphic sites were found, along with a haplotypic diversity of 0.80696 and a nucleotide diversity of 0.00567. Haplotype H5, with 33 specimens, was the most common among the four populations. Only haplotypes H5 and H7 were present in all four populations. The population from Doutor Camargo showed the highest genetic diversity, and only this population shared haplotypes with those from the other municipalities. The highest number of haplotypes was sheared with Lobato which also had the highest number of unique haplotypes. This probably occurred because of constant anthropic changes that happened in the environment during the first half of the twentieth century, mainly after 1998. There was no significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances regarding these populations. However, the highest genetic and geographical distances, and the lowest gene flow were observed between Japira and Porto Rico. Geographical distance is a possible barrier between these municipalities through the blocking of haplotype sharing

    Luz e galinhas como fatores de atração de Nyssomyia whitmani em ambiente rural, Paraná, Brasil Light and hens as attraction factors of Nyssomyia whitmani in a rural area, Southern Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência de armadilhas com luz elétrica e galinhas como fatores de atração de flebotomíneos e comparar os resultados entre métodos de captura. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado na Fazenda Palmital, município de Terra Boa, Paraná, Brasil. As coletas de flebotomíneos foram feitas com armadilhas de Falcão e aspirador elétrico, quinzenalmente, das 20 às 23 horas, na presença ou na ausência de luz e de galinhas, no ambiente peridomiciliar, de setembro de 1998 a junho de 1999. RESULTADOS: Coletaram-se 43.767 exemplares de oito espécies de flebotomíneos; Nyssomyia whitmani, N. neivai e Migonemyia migonei representando 99,9% do total coletado, com predomínio de N. whitmani. O número de exemplares coletados na presença (21.045) foi maior do que na ausência de galinhas (10.434). Na presença de galinhas, indiferentemente das intensidades de luz, coletou-se maior número de exemplares de N. whitmani com luz de 3W. Na presença de galinhas e luz (3W) o número de N. whitmani coletado com aspirador elétrico (5.141) foi superior ao coletado com armadilha de Falcão (1.675). Na ausência de luz não houve diferença entre o número de N. whitmani coletado com o aspirador elétrico e na armadilha de Falcão, na presença ou na ausência de galinhas. CONCLUSÕES: As galinhas e a luz elétrica juntas atraem mais N. whitmani para o ambiente peridomiciliar. O número de N. whitmani coletado com o aspirador elétrico na presença de galinhas e luz no galinheiro foi maior do que o coletado na armadilha de Falcão, na mesma condição.<br>OBJECTIVE: To verify the influence of traps with electric light and hens as factors that attract sandflies and compare results between capture methods. METHODS: The study was conducted in the Palmital Farm, Southern Brazil. Sandfly collections were conducted with Falcão traps and an electric aspirator, fortnightly, between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. in the presence or absence of light and hens in peridomiciliary areas, from September 1998 to June 1999. RESULTS: A total of 43,767 specimens from eight species of sandflies were collected: Nyssomyia whitmani, N. neivai and Migonemyia migonei constituting 99.9% of the total collected, with predominance of N. whitmani. The number of this species collected inside the hen's shed in the presence of hens (21,045) was greater than in their absence (10,434). In the presence of hens, with distinct intensities of light, a larger number of N. whitmani samples were collected with 3W light. In the presence of hens and light (3W), the number of N. whitmani collected with the electric aspirator (5,141) was superior to that collected with the Falcão trap (1,675). In the absence of light, with or without the presence hens, there was no difference between the numbers of N. whitmani collected with the electric aspirator or the Falcão trap. CONCLUSIONS: Hens and electric light together attract more N. whitmani to peridomicilary areas. The number of N. whitmani collected with an electric aspirator inside a hen's shed with the presence of hens and light is greater than those collected with a Falcão trap in the same conditions

    Leishmaniose tegumentar americana canina em municípios do norte do Estado do Paraná, Brasil Canine American cutaneous leishmaniasis in municipalities of northern Paraná State, Brazil

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    A leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) é endêmica no norte do Estado do Paraná, Brasil, afetando tanto o homem como os cães. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a ocorrência da doença na população canina em áreas endêmicas de LTA. No período de setembro de 1999 a julho de 2002, foram investigados cães em sete localidades rurais de cinco municípios onde ocorreram casos humanos autóctones da doença, utilizando métodos parasitológicos e sorológicos. Dos 67 cães estudados, 14 (20,9%) tinham lesões sugestivas de LTA, dos quais 3 (21,4%) estavam infectados por Leishmania sp. Trinta e sete (55,2%) cães apresentaram imunofluorescência indireta positiva para Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Os resultados mostram a ocorrência simultânea de leishmaniose humana e canina e indicam a necessidade de estudos adicionais para esclarecer o papel do cão no ciclo de transmissão do parasito nessas áreas.<br>American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is an endemic disease in northern Paraná State, where it affects humans and dogs. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of the canine disease in ACL endemic areas. From September 1999 to July 2002, dogs were investigated in 7 rural areas of 5 municipalities where autochthonous human cases of ACL had been reported. Parasitological and serological methods were used. Fourteen of 67 dogs studied (20.9%) had lesions suggestive of ACL, of which 3 (21.4%) were infected with Leishmania sp. Indirect immunofluorescence for Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis was positive in 37 (55.2%) of 67 dogs. The results showed that human and canine ACL occur simultaneously and indicate the need for additional studies to elucidate the role of dogs in the ACL transmission cycle in the area studied