355 research outputs found


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    Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan guna mengatasi kesenjangan sosial ini adalah dengan menciptakan wirausaha. Selain dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan yang baru para wirausaha juga ikut serta memajukan perekonomian negara melalui pajak yang dihasilkan. Untuk itu dibutuhkan pendidikan kewirausahaan agar terlahir seorang wirausaha yang profesional. Pendidikan kewirausahaan perlu dikenalkan sejak dini kepada peserta didik di sekolah untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat secara global. Berbagai upaya penting patut segera dilakukan guna menanamkan sikap berwirausaha siswa terutama untuk mengubah pemahaman mereka tidak hanya berkeinginan menjadi seorang pencari kerja namun lebih pada pencipta lapangan kerja itu sendiri sehingga dapat memberikan kebermanfaatan yang lebih kelak jika mereka hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat yang plural dan majemu

    Effect of biased noise fluctuations on the output radiation of coherent beat laser

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    Effect of biased noise fluctuations on the degree of squeezing as well as the intensity of a radiation generated by a one-photon coherent beat laser is presented. It turns out that the radiation exhibits squeezing inside and outside the cavity under certain conditions. The degree of squeezing is enhanced by the biased noise input significantly in both regions. Despite the presence of the biased environment modes outside the cavity, the degree of squeezing outside the cavity can be greater than or equal to or even less than the cavity radiation depending on the initial preparation of the atomic superposition and amplitude of the external driving radiation. But the intensity of the radiation is found to be lesser outside the cavity regardless of these parameters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Spontaneous Rupture of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon in a Tailor

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    A spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, fractures of the wrist, systemic or local steroids and repetitive, and excessive abnormal motion of the wrist joint. The authors encountered a case of a spontaneous rupture of the EPL tendon. The patient had no predisposing factors including trauma or steroid injection. Although the patient had a positive rheumatoid factor, he did not demonstrate other clinical or radiological findings of rheumatoid arthritis. During surgery, the EPL tendon was found to be ruptured at the extensor retinaculum (third compartment). Reconstruction of the extensor tendon using the palmaris longus tendon was performed. At the 18-month follow-up, the patient showed satisfactory extension of the thumb and 40° extension and flexion at the wrist

    Real-time three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography in daily practice: initial experience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim of the work</p> <p>To evaluate the feasibility and possible additional value of transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (RT3D-TTE) for the assessment of cardiac structures as compared to 2D-TTE.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>320 patients (mean age 45 ± 8.4 years, 75% males) underwent 2D-TTE and RT3D-TTE using 3DQ-Q lab software for offline analysis. Volume quantification and functional assessment was performed in 90 patients for left ventricle and in 20 patients for right ventricle. Assessment of native (112 patients) and prosthetic (30 patients) valves morphology and functions was performed. RT3D-TTE was performed for evaluation of septal defects in 30 patients and intracardiac masses in 52 patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RT3D-TTE assessment of left ventricle was feasible and reproducible in 86% of patients while for right ventricle, it was (55%). RT3D-TTE could define the surface anatomy of mitral valve optimally (100%), while for aortic and tricuspid was (88% and 81% respectively). Valve area could be planimetered in 100% for the mitral and in 80% for the aortic. RT3D-TTE provided a comprehensive anatomical and functional evaluation of prosthetic valves. RT3D-TTE enface visualization of septal defects allowed optimal assessment of shape, size, area and number of defects and evaluated the outcome post device closure. RT3D-TTE allowed looking inside the intracardiac masses through multiple sectioning, valuable anatomical delineation and volume calculation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our initial experience showed that the use of RT3D-TTE in the assessment of cardiac patients is feasible and allowed detailed anatomical and functional assessment of many cardiac disorders.</p

    IFSS, TG, FT-IR spectra of impregnated sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) fibres and mechanical properties of their composites.

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of resin impregnation on the interfacial shear strength (IFSS), thermogravimetric (TG) and fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) of sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) fibres. In addition, the effect of resin impregnation on the mechanical properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester (UP) composites was also studied. The fibres were impregnated with UP via vacuum resin impregnation process at a pressure of 600 mmHg for 5 min. Composites of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % fibre loadings were fabricated and tested for tensile and flexural properties. It was observed that the impregnation process caused the fibres to be enclosed by UP resin and this gave a strong influence to the increase of its interfacial bonding by the increase of its IFSS from single fibre pull-out test. It was also observed with TG and FT-IR spectra that the impregnated fibre had lower moisture uptake than the control and there was no significant increase in thermal stability of the impregnated fibre. The sequence of fibre decomposition started from the evaporation of moisture, hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin and finally ash content and the presence of these components were proven by FT-IR spectra. For the composite specimens, due to the high interfacial bonding of the impregnated fibre and the matrix, the impregnated composites showed consistently higher tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation at break, flexural strength, flexural modulus and toughness than the control samples. It was also observed that 30 % fibre loading gave optimum properties

    MRI directed multidisciplinary team preoperative treatment strategy: the way to eliminate positive circumferential margins?

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    Histopathological audit of positive circumferential resection margins (CRMs) can be used as a surrogate measure of the success of rectal cancer treatment. We audited CRM involvement in rectal cancer patients and the impact of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) on implementing a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based preoperative treatment strategy. Data were collected on all newly diagnosed rectal cancer patients treated in our network between January 1999 and December 2002. Data were analysed for MRI prediction and histopathological assessment of CRM together with the MDT meeting treatment decisions. The CRM+ve rate of those discussed at MDT vs those not discussed were compared. We re-audited the CRM+ve rates 1 year after introducing a policy of mandatory preoperative MRI-based MDT discussion. Of the 298 patients diagnosed with rectal cancer, 39 (13%) were deemed palliative, 178 underwent surgery alone and 81 underwent neoadjuvant therapy. Of these, 62 out of 178 patients underwent surgery alone without MRI-based MDT discussion resulting in positive CRM in 16 cases (26%) as compared to 1 out of 116 (1%) in those patients with MDT discussion of MRI. Overall CRM+ve rate in all nonpalliative patients with or without MDT discussion was 12.5% (32 out of 256), significantly lower than the <20% rate (P<0.001) quoted in national guidelines. Re-audit in 98 consecutive patients following a change of policy produced a lower CRM+ve rate of 3% (1 out of 37) for all surgery alone patients and an overall CRM+ve rate of 7% (5 out of 70). In conclusion, MDT discussion of MRI and implementation of a preoperative treatment strategy results in significantly reduced positive CRM in rectal cancer patients

    Species and tissue-specificity of prokinetic, laxative and spasmodic effects of Fumaria parviflora

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Fumaria parviflora </it>Linn. (<it>Fumariaceae</it>), is a small branched annual herb found in many parts of the world including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. This study was designed to provide pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of <it>Fumaria parviflora </it>in gut motility disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>in-vivo </it>prokinetic and laxative assays were conducted in mice. Isolated intestinal preparations (ileum and jejunum) from different animal species (mouse, guinea-pig and rabbit) were separately suspended in tissue baths containing Tyrode's solution bubbled with carbogen and maintained at 37°C. The spasmogenic responses were recorded using isotonic transducers coupled with PowerLab data acquisition system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The aqueous-methanol extract of <it>Fumaria parviflora </it>(Fp.Cr), which tested positive for the presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins and anthraquinones showed partially atropine-sensitive prokinetic and laxative activities in the <it>in-vivo </it>in mice at 30 and 100 mg/kg. In the <it>in-vitro </it>studies, Fp.Cr (0.01-1 mg/ml) caused a concentration-dependent atropine-sensitive stimulatory effect both in mouse tissues (jejunum and ileum), and rabbit jejunum but had no effect in rabbit ileum. In guinea-pig tissues (ileum and jejunum), the crude extract showed a concentration-dependent stimulatory effect with higher efficacy in ileum and the effect was partially blocked by atropine, indicating the involvement of more than one types of gut-stimulant components (atropine-sensitive and insensitive). This could be a plausible reason for the greater efficacy of Fp.Cr in gut preparations of guinea-pig than in rabbit or mouse.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study shows the prokinetic, laxative and spasmodic effects of the plant extract partially mediated through cholinergic pathways with species and tissue-selectivity, and provides a sound rationale for the medicinal use of <it>Fumaria parviflora </it>in gut motility disorders such as, indigestion and constipation. This study also suggests using different species to know better picture of pharmacological profile of the test material.</p

    Electroosmosis modulated peristaltic biorheological flow through an asymmetric microchannel : mathematical model

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    A theoretical study is presented of peristaltic hydrodynamics of an aqueous electrolytic nonNewtonian Jeffrey bio-rheological fluid through an asymmetric microchannel under an applied axial electric field. An analytical approach is adopted to obtain the closed form solution for velocity, volumetric flow, pressure difference and stream function. The analysis is also restricted under the low Reynolds number assumption and lubrication theory approximations. Debye-Hückel linearization (i.e. wall zeta potential ≤ 25mV) is also considered. Streamline plots are also presented for the different electro-osmotic parameter, varying magnitudes of the electric field (both aiding and opposing cases) and for different values of the ratio of relaxation to retardation time parameter. Comparisons are also included between the Newtonian and general non-Newtonian Jeffrey fluid cases. The results presented here may be of fundamental interest towards designing lab-on-a-chip devices for flow mixing, cell manipulation, micro-scale pumps etc. Trapping is shown to be more sensitive to an electric field (aiding, opposing and neutral) rather than the electro-osmotic parameter and viscoelastic relaxation to retardation ratio parameter. The results may also help towards the design of organ-on-a-chip like devices for better drug design