14 research outputs found

    Analytic Amplitudes for Hadronic Forward Scattering : COMPETE Update

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    We consider several classes of analytic parametrizations of hadronic scattering amplitudes, and compare their predictions to all available forward data in hadron-hadron, gamma-p and gamma-gamma reactions. Although these parametrizations are very close for SQRTs larger than 9 GeV, it turns out that they differ markedly at low energy, where a universal Pomeron term like ln**2 s enables one to extend the fit down to SQRTs equal to 4 GeV. We present predictions on the total cross sections and on the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the elastic amplitude (RHO parameter) for present and future pp and antipp colliders, and on total cross sections for gamma-p into hadrons at cosmic-ray energies and for gamma-gamma into hadrons up to SQRTs equal to 1 TeV.Comment: 3 pages, 3 tables. To be published in the Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2002), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24-31 July 200

    High-temperature oxidation of nuclear graphite with account of movement of the surface layer of oxidator

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    At high-temperature oxidation of nuclear graphite, the oxidant flow in the near-surface region is taken into account. Macro- and microscopic modeling of the oxidation of the near-surface layer was carried out. The calculation of the diffusion coefficient of gaseous components as a function of temperature and concentration is given. The influence of the motion of the surface layer of the oxidizer on the concentration of gaseous components is studied.При високотемпературному окисленні ядерного графіту врахований потік окислювача в приповерхневій області. Проведено макро- і мікроскопічне моделювання окислення приповерхневого шару. Наведено розрахунок коефіцієнта дифузії газоподібних компонент у залежності від температури і концентрації. Досліджено вплив обліку руху приповерхневого шару окислювача на концентрацію газоподібних компонентів.При высокотемпературном окислении ядерного графита учтен поток окислителя в приповерхностной области. Проведено макро- и микроскопическое моделирование окисления приповерхностного слоя. Приведен расчет коэффициента диффузии газообразных компонент в зависимости от температуры и концентрации. Исследовано влияние учета движения приповерхностного слоя окислителя на концентрацию газообразных компонентов

    Regional marketing as a tool to overcome the digital divide in the Krasnodar Region

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    The article examines the state of digital divide in the Krasnodar Region in advanced and lagging cities. The authors have selected the most relevant areas where the introduction of digital technologies is of the first priority: state and municipal administration, the banking sector, the personnel market and others. The problems of their digitalization are identified. Recommendations for the use of regional marketing as a tool to overcome the digital divide have been developed. Regional administrations, business leaders and opinion leaders shall develop digital demand, form the population’s skills and competencies in the effective use of the Internet, improve the quality of human capital and a creative innovative environment, primarily by promoting existing projects, courses, various training programs to improve digital literacy, digitalization of business structures, increase the demand for infocommunication technologies. Digital technologies have become a significant factor in the overall perceived quality of the urban environment. They are becoming one of the key instruments for the competition of cities and regions on the national and global markets of human capital, helping to attract, develop and retain successful, ambitious, innovative people, those who are able to give a new impetus to regional socio-economic development


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    Diagnostics of autoimmune bullous dermatoses, including bullous pemphigoid of Lever that is characterized by a large variety of clinical manifestations and in many cases by severe course and high mortality, remains one of the most complicated problems in dermatology. High diagnostic error rates are to be explained not only by variability of the forms of bullous pemphigoid of Lever, but also by insufficient accuracy of existing diagnostic methods, as well as by the complexity of their implementation. Non-invasive diagnostic methods have an undoubted advantage because they allow for prompt results of the assessment and therefore to fasten the initiation of therapy and to avoid damage to the skin, which is extremely important for patients with an autoimmune bullous dermatosis. The most accurate among non-invasive methods is a confocal laser scanning microscopy. The article describes the main features of the method and its potential application for the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid of Lever with two clinical cases.Диагностика аутоиммунных буллезных дерматозов, в  том числе буллезного пемфигоида Левера, характеризующегося большим разнообразием клинических проявлений, а во многих случаях  – тяжелым течением и  высокой смертностью, остается одной из наиболее сложных проблем в  дерматологии. Высокая частота диагностических ошибок обусловлена не только вариабельностью форм буллезного пемфигоида Левера, но и  недостаточной точностью существующих методов диагностики, а также сложностью их выполнения. Несомненным преимуществом обладают неинвазивные методы, так как они позволяют быстро получить результаты исследования, а  значит, ускорить начало терапии и  избежать повреждения кожи, что крайне важно для больных аутоиммунным буллезным дерматозом. Наиболее точным из неинвазивных методов признана конфокальная лазерная сканирующая микроскопия. В  статье описаны основные особенности данного метода, а также возможности его применения для диагностики буллезного пемфигоида Левера на примере двух клинических наблюдений

    Effect of combined oral contraceptives conaining drospirenone + ethinylestradiol on the mammary gland condition in women of reproductive age

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    Drospirenone, as a part of combined oral contraceptives, has an antiproliferative effect on hyperplastic processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. Individual selection of COCs taking into account the dose and properties of the gestagenic and estrogenic components allows, with contraceptive and non-contraceptive purposes, to prescribe it to women of reproductive age. Intake of COC containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol is not associated with impaired drug tolerance due to complaints of soreness and breast engorgement in the first 3 months. 6 months of COCs containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol are significantly associated with a decrease in the frequency of clinical and US-signs of dyshormonal dysplasia of the breast. © 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved

    Combined plan for saving ferrous metals

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    Translated from Stal' (1980) (pt.4) p. 262-265LD:5828.4F(M--26177) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Effect of combined oral contraceptives conaining drospirenone + ethinylestradiol on the mammary gland condition in women of reproductive age

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    Drospirenone, as a part of combined oral contraceptives, has an antiproliferative effect on hyperplastic processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. Individual selection of COCs taking into account the dose and properties of the gestagenic and estrogenic components allows, with contraceptive and non-contraceptive purposes, to prescribe it to women of reproductive age. Intake of COC containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol is not associated with impaired drug tolerance due to complaints of soreness and breast engorgement in the first 3 months. 6 months of COCs containing drospirenone + ethinyl estradiol are significantly associated with a decrease in the frequency of clinical and US-signs of dyshormonal dysplasia of the breast. © 2018 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved

    Страновые особенности формирования национальных инновационных систем (НИС) в условиях нарастания неопределенности мировой экономики (на примере КНР, Республики Корея, ЮАР, России)

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    The monograph: discusses the theoretical foundations of the formation and operation of national innovation systems (NIS); features of the development of NIS in the face of growing uncertainty of the world economy; successful experience of the formation of NIS of foreign countries (Kazakhstan, China, South Africa), in which the time period for the formation of its own innovative potential was relatively shorter than the experience of the leading Western powers; presents an analysis of the innovation policies of these countries, identifying key factors that ensured their competitiveness on the world stage for a relatively short period of time; conclusions and proposals were made for Russia; identified promising areas of cooperation in the innovation sphere of Russia with countries with rapidly developing economies.В монографии: рассматриваются теоретические основы формирования и функционирования национальных инновационных систем (НИС); особенности развития НИС в условиях нарастания неопределенности мировой экономики; успешный опыт становления НИС зарубежных стран (РК, Китай, ЮАР), в которых временной период формирования собственного инновационного потенциала был сравнительно короче опыта ведущих западных держав; представлен анализ инновационной политики этих стран, определение ключевых факторов, обеспечивших их конкурентоспособность на мировой арене за сравнительно непродолжительный период времени; сделаны выводы и предложения для России; определены перспективные направления сотрудничества в инновационной сфере России со странами с быстро развивающимися экономиками