113 research outputs found

    The decay omega(782) -> 5 pi in chiral theory

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    The arguments are put forward that the many pion decays omega ->2 pi^+ 2 pi^- pi^0 and pi^+ pi^- 3 pi^0 provide an ideal test site for testing the predictions of chiral models of the vector meson decays into many pions. Using the approach based on the Weinberg Lagrangian or, in a new language, the Lagrangian of hidden local symmetry added with the term induced by the anomalous Lagrangian of Wess and Zumino, the partial widths of these decays are evaluated, and their excitation curves in e^+e^- annihilation are obtained. The discussed are the perspectives of the experimental study of the decays omega -> 5 pi in e^+e^- annihilation and photoproduction.Comment: revtex, 12 pages include 2 ps figures; clarifying remarks and references added, 17-fold reduction of filesize of fig1.ps. Accepted in Phys. Lett.

    The decays omega(782), phi(1020) to 5 pi in the hidden local symmetry approach

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    The decays omega -> 2pi^+ 2pi^- pi^0 and omega -> pi^+ pi^- 3pi^0 are reconsidered in the hidden local symmetry approach (HLS) added with the anomalous terms. The decay amplitudes are analyzed in detail, paying the special attention to the Adler condition of vanishing the whole amplitude at vanishing momentum of any final pion. Combining the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule applied to the five pion final state, with the Adler condition, we calculate also the phi -> 2pi^+ 2pi^-pi^0 and phi -> pi^+ pi^- 3pi^0 decay amplitudes. The partial widths of the above decays are evaluated, and the excitation curves in e^+e^- annihilation are obtained, assuming reasonable particular relations among the parameters characterizing the anomalous terms of the HLS Lagrangian. The evaluated branching ratios B(phi -> pi^+ pi^- 3pi^0)~2x10^{-7} and B(phi -> 2pi^+ 2pi^- pi^0)~7x10^{-7} are such that with the luminosity L=500 pb^{-1} attained at DAFNE phi factory, one may already possess about 1685 events of the decays phi -> 5pi.Comment: 15 pages text, 12 pages of figures. Typos corrected, clarifying remarks added. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    The sigma term and the quark number operator in QCD

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    We discuss the relationship of the forward matrix element of the operator ψˉψ\bar\psi\psi, related to the so-called sigma term, to the quark number. We show that in the naive quark model in the canonical formalism these quantities coincide in the limit of small average quark momenta. In the QCD parton model defined through light-front quantization this result is preserved at leading perturbative order but it receives radiative corrections. We analyze the theoretical and phenomenological consequences of this result, which provides a bridge between a current algebra quantity, the sigma term, and a deep-inelastic quantity, the parton number.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, DFTT-92-6 (April 1993

    Why is CPT fundamental?

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    G. L\"uders and W. Pauli proved the CPT\mathcal{CPT} theorem based on Lagrangian quantum field theory almost half a century ago. R. Jost gave a more general proof based on ``axiomatic'' field theory nearly as long ago. The axiomatic point of view has two advantages over the Lagrangian one. First, the axiomatic point of view makes clear why CPT\mathcal{CPT} is fundamental--because it is intimately related to Lorentz invariance. Secondly, the axiomatic proof gives a simple way to calculate the CPT\mathcal{CPT} transform of any relativistic field without calculating C\mathcal{C}, P\mathcal{P} and T\mathcal{T} separately and then multiplying them. The purpose of this pedagogical paper is to ``deaxiomatize'' the CPT\mathcal{CPT} theorem by explaining it in a few simple steps. We use theorems of distribution theory and of several complex variables without proof to make the exposition elementary.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Spherical collapse with dark energy

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    I discuss the work of Maor and Lahav [1], in which the inclusion of dark energy into the spherical collapse formalism is reviewed. Adopting a phenomenological approach, I consider the consequences of - a) allowing the dark energy to cluster, and, b) including the dark energy in the virialization process. Both of these issues affect the final state of the system in a fundamental way. The results suggest a potentially differentiating signature between a true cosmological constant and a dynamic form of dark energy. This signature is unique in the sense that it does not depend on a measurement of the value of the equation of state of dark energy.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the ``Peyresq Physics 10" Workshop, 19 - 24 June 2005, Peyresq, Franc

    Differential Equations for Definition and Evaluation of Feynman Integrals

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    It is shown that every Feynman integral can be interpreted as Green function of some linear differential operator with constant coefficients. This definition is equivalent to usual one but needs no regularization and application of RR-operation. It is argued that presented formalism is convenient for practical calculations of Feynman integrals.Comment: pages, LaTEX, MSU-PHYS-HEP-Lu2/9

    Weighted scale invariant quantum field theories

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    We study a class of Lorentz violating quantum field theories that contain higher space derivatives, but no higher time derivatives, and become renormalizable in the large N expansion. The fixed points of their renormalization-group flows provide examples of exactly "weighted scale invariant" theories, which are noticeable Lorentz violating generalizations of conformal field theories. We classify the scalar and fermion models that are causal, stable and unitary. Solutions exist also in four and higher dimensions, even and odd. In some explicit four dimensional examples, we compute the correlation functions to the leading order in 1/N and the critical exponents to the subleading order. We construct also RG flows interpolating between pairs of fixed points.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; v2: JHEP versio

    Renormalization of gauge invariant composite operators in light-cone gauge

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    We generalize to composite operators concepts and techniques which have been successful in proving renormalization of the effective Action in light-cone gauge. Gauge invariant operators can be grouped into classes, closed under renormalization, which is matrix-wise. In spite of the presence of non-local counterterms, an ``effective" dimensional hierarchy still guarantees that any class is endowed with a finite number of elements. The main result we find is that gauge invariant operators under renormalization mix only among themselves, thanks to the very simple structure of Lee-Ward identities in this gauge, contrary to their behaviour in covariant gauges.Comment: 35100 Padova, Italy DFPD 93/TH/53, July 1993 documentstyle[preprint,aps]{revtex

    Exploring \pp scattering in the \1N picture

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    In the large NcN_c approximation to QCDQCD, the leading \pp scattering amplitude is expressed as the sum of an infinite number of tree diagrams. We investigate the possibility that an adequate approximation at energies up to somewhat more than one GeVGeV can be made by keeping diagrams which involve the exchange of resonances in this energy range in addition to the simplest chiral contact terms. In this approach crossing symmetry is automatic but individual terms tend to drastically violate partial wave unitarity. We first note that the introduction of the ρ\rho meson in a chirally invariant manner substantially delays the onset of drastic unitarity violation which would be present for the {\it current algebra} term alone. This suggests a possibility of local (in energy) cancellation which we then explore in a phenomenological way. We include exchanges of leading resonances up to the 1.3GeV1.3 GeV region. However, unitarity requires more structure which we model by a four derivative contact term or by a low lying scalar resonance which is presumably subleading in the \1N expansion, but may nevertheless be important. The latter two flavor model gives a reasonable description of the phase shift δ00\delta^0_0 up until around 860MeV860 MeV, before the effects associated which the KKˉK\bar{K} threshold come into play.Comment: 27 LaTex pages + 13 figures (also available in hard-copy

    Charge-conjugation violating neutrino interactions in supernovae

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    The well known charge conjugation violating interactions in the Standard Model increase neutrino- and decrease anti-neutrino- nucleon cross sections. This impacts neutrino transport in core collapse supernovae through "recoil" corrections of order the neutrino energy kk over the nucleon mass MM. All k/Mk/M corrections to neutrino transport deep inside a protoneutron star are calculated from angular integrals of the Boltzmann equation. We find these corrections significantly modify neutrino currents at high temperatures. This produces a large mu and tau number for the protoneutron star and can change the ratio of neutrons to protons. In addition, the relative size of neutrino mean free paths changes. At high temperatures, the electron anti-neutrino mean free path becomes {\it longer} than that for mu or tau neutrinos.Comment: 14 pages, 2 included ps figures, subm. to Phys. Rev.