74 research outputs found

    Collisions of three-dimensional bipolar optical solitons in an array of carbon nanotubes

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    We study interactions of extremely short three-dimensional bipolar electromagnetic pulses propagating towards each other in an array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes, along any direction perpendicular to their axes. The analysis provides a full account of the effects of the nonuniformity of the pulses’ fields along the axes. The evolution of the electromagnetic field and charge density in the sample is derived from the Maxwell’s equations and the continuity equation, respectively. In particular, we focus on indirect interaction of the pulses via the action of their fields on the electronic subsystem of the nanotube array. Changes in the shape of pulses in the course of their propagation and interaction are analyzed by calculating and visualizing the distribution of the electric field in the system. The numerical analysis reveals a possibility of stable post-collision propagation of pulses over distances much greater than their sizes

    Propagation of three-dimensional bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an inhomogeneous array of carbon nanotubes

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    We study the propagation of three-dimensional (3D) bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an inhomogeneous array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes. The heterogeneity is represented by a planar region with an increased concentration of conduction electrons. The evolution of the electromagnetic field and electron concentration in the sample are governed by the Maxwell’s equations and continuity equation. In particular, nonuniformity of the electromagnetic field along the axis of the nanotubes is taken into account. We demonstrate that depending on values of the parameters of the electromagnetic pulse approaching the region with the higher electron concentration, the pulse is either reflected from the region or passes it. Specifically, our simulations demonstrate that after interacting with the higher-concentration area, the pulse can propagate steadily, without significant spreading. The possibility of such ultrashort electromagnetic pulses propagating in arrays of carbon nanotubes over distances significantly exceeding characteristic dimensions of the pulses makes it possible to consider them as 3D solitons

    Asymptotic dynamics of three-dimensional bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes

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    We study the propagation of three-dimensional bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes at times much longer than the pulse duration, yet still shorter than the relaxation time in the system. The interaction of the electromagnetic field with the electronic subsystem of the medium is described by means of Maxwell’s equations, taking into account the field inhomogeneity along the nanotube axis beyond the approximation of slowly varying amplitudes and phases. A model is proposed for the analysis of the dynamics of an electromagnetic pulse in the form of an effective equation for the vector potential of the field. Our numerical analysis demonstrates the possibility of a satisfactory description of the evolution of the pulse field at large times by means of a three-dimensional generalization of the sine-Gordon and double sine-Gordon equations

    Dissipative solitons in fiber lasers

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    Dissipative solitons (also known as auto-solitons) are stable, nonlinear, time-or space-localized solitary waves that occur due to the balance between energy excitation and dissipation. We review the theory of dissipative solitons applied to fiber laser systems. The discussion context includes the classical Ginzburg-Landau and Maxwell-Bloch equations and their modifications that allow describing laser-cavity-produced waves. Practical examples of laser systems generating dissipative solitons are discussed

    Layers of Cold Dipolar Molecules in the Harmonic Approximation

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    We consider the N-body problem in a layered geometry containing cold polar molecules with dipole moments that are polarized perpendicular to the layers. A harmonic approximation is used to simplify the hamiltonian and bound state properties of the two-body inter-layer dipolar potential are used to adjust this effective interaction. To model the intra-layer repulsion of the polar molecules, we introduce a repulsive inter-molecule potential that can be parametrically varied. Single chains containing one molecule in each layer, as well as multi-chain structures in many layers are discussed and their energies and radii determined. We extract the normal modes of the various systems as measures of their volatility and eventually of instability, and compare our findings to the excitations in crystals. We find modes that can be classified as either chains vibrating in phase or as layers vibrating against each other. The former correspond to acoustic and the latter to optical phonons. Instabilities can occur for large intra-layer repulsion and produce diverging amplitudes of molecules in the outer layers. Lastly, we consider experimentally relevant regimes to observe the structures.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures, accepted versio

    Numerical simulations of dust lifting under the action of shock wave propagating along the near-wall layer

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    The paper focuses on numerical simulation of wave processes observed in near-wall fluidized layer under action of normal shock wave. The unsteady process of interaction is described for various shock wave intensities and layer densities. It is shown, that shock wave intensity increases significantly in dense-layer, and the gain factor does not depend on the Mach number of shock wave and defined only by density ratio. The regular and Mach schemes of shock reflections are observed in computations that lead to a principally distinguish scenarios of instability development in a dusty layer
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