6 research outputs found

    Flight movement and spatial distribution of immunomarked thrips in onion, potato, and tomato

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial distribution of thrips in different crops, and the correlation between meterological parameters and the flight movements of this pest, using immunomarking. The experiment was conducted in cultivated areas, with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), and onion (Allium cepa); and non-cultivated areas, with weedy plants. The areas with tomato (100 days), potato (20 days), and weeds were sprayed with casein, albumin, and soy milk, respectively, to mark adult thrips; however, the areas with onion (50 days) and tomato (10 days) were not sprayed. Thrips were captured with georeferenced blue sticky traps, transferred into tubes, and identified by treatment area with the Elisa test. The dependence between the samples and the capture distance was determined using geostatistics. Meteorlogical parameters were correlated with thrips density in each area. The three protein types used for immunomarking were detected in different proportions in the thrips. There was a correlation between casein-marked thrips and wind speed. The thrips flew a maximum distance of 3.5 km and dispersed from the older (tomato) to the younger crops (potato). The immunomarking method is efficient to mark large quantities of thrips