9 research outputs found

    Karyotype Analysis Using C- And Nor-banding In Ramie [boehmeria Nivea (l.) Gaud.]

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    Acetic orcein as well as C- and NOR-banding (silver staining) techniques were applied to the mitotic chromosomes of ramie Boehmeria nivea var. nivea (L.) Gaudisch cv. Miyasaki for chromosome characterization. C-banding was also applied in pachytene and diakinesis meiotic phases for heterochromatin localization. The species showed a predominance of submetacentric chromosomes as observed in karyotype formula: 1m + 12sm + 1sms , as well as a moderate karyotype asymmetry as revealed by the Stebbins criteria and Romero-Zarco and Paszko indices. C-bands were preferentially localized in the chromosome short arms of the mitotic chromosomes. Large blocks of pericentromeric heterochromatin C-bands were seen at pachytene meiotic phase, while at diakinesis phase, C-bands were located on the chromosome ends as well as nearby or on the chiasmata. The interphase nuclei of mitotic cells were classified as prochromosome type, which is the same as S2 type. One pair of chromosomes with satellite segment was seen in the genotype studied after acetic orcein and silver staining (NOR-band). Chromosome morphometric data along with NOR localization were suitable to characterize the Miyasaki cultivar.792261268Anjali, M., Srivastava, A.N., Karyological studies in twelve accessions of Carthamus tinctorius (2012) Caryologia, 65, pp. 1-6Castro, G.A.P., Algumas características de variedades de rami e suas correlações com o teor de fibras (1974) Bragantia, 33, pp. 109-121Castro, G.A.P., Fineza e comprimento de fibra de dez variedades de rami (1976) Bragantia, 35, pp. 155-162De Bodt, S., Maere, S., Van De Peer, Y., Genome duplication and the origin of angiosperms (2005) Trends Ecol. Evol. (Amst.), 20, pp. 591-597Fawcett, J.A., Van De Peer, Y., Angiosperm polyploids and their road to evolutionary success (2010) Trends Evol. Biol., 1, pp. 16-21Guerra, M.S., Reviewing the chromosome nomenclature of Levan et al (1986) Rev. Bras. 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