27 research outputs found

    Influence of transport and logistics infrastructure of industrial enterprises on the efficiency of marshalling yards

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    The article considers the problems of interaction between marshalling yards and industrial enterprises under the conditions of uneven operations. The need for modelling of transport processes at marshalling yards and non-public tracks is revealed and grounded. Based on the conducted study, the authors offer recommendations to develop a simulation model for marshalling yard operations. This model being developed with the AnyLogic adaptive programming matches the structure and technological process of marshalling yards and freight point operations and provides the solution of a problem of optimizing the marshalling yard’s handling capacity. The process approach taken will reduce transportation costs emerging in the maintenance of non-public tracks and provide for the freight transportation regularity

    Seasonal changes of external respiratory parameters in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of Russian North

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    The study results of lung volume seasonal changes in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of European North are presented. Respiratory system study was carried out in September, January, April and July in the same group of 38 men skiers aged 18-22 (middle age: 19,6 (19,2; 21,7)), born and permanently residing in Arkhangelsk (64°32’n.l., 40°32’e.l.) and Severodvinsk (64°34’n.l., 39°51’e.l.). Survey sample had experience in cross-country skiing for 3-5 years and 1-2 senior degree. Spirograph «Dinamit-С» (Complex КМ-АР-01) was used for pulmonary function test. Lung volume was esteemed: respiratory volume (RV), inspiratory (IRV) and expiratory (ERV) reserve volume, inspiratoty capacity (IC), lung capacity (LC), as well as indices of lung ventilation: respiratory rate (RR) and respiratory minute volume (RMV). It is stated that skiers have seasonal functional alternation in the external respiration system. Thus, LC maximum was in winter, LC minimum - in spring, with difference 1,21 l. RV minimum was in summer, maximum - in winter, with difference 0,58 l. IRV was maximum in autumn, ERV and IC - in winter. Not only statistic lung volumes indices, but their nature of communication change in seasonal dynamic in surveyed sportsmen skiers. Percentage ratio calculation from RV to LC showed that breathing in rest conditions skiers use from 17 % in autumn and summer to 21-23,5 % LC in winter and spring. Comparison of the results obtained in skiers and people not engaged in sport activities revealed that seasonal changes of lung volume in skiers are more evident. © 2016, Springer New York LLC. All rights reserved

    Nanomodified heat accumulating materials for energy saving in industrial processes

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    This article discusses application of nanomodified heat accumulators on the basis of paraffin modified by carbon nanostructures for various technological processes aiming at increase in their energy efficiency. Thermal and physical properties of nanomodified paraffins have been studied. Procedure of adaptation of heat accumulating materials for various operation modes of industrial processes is presented. Copyright © EM International

    Nanomodified heat accumulating materials for energy saving in industrial processes

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    This article discusses application of nanomodified heat accumulators on the basis of paraffin modified by carbon nanostructures for various technological processes aiming at increase in their energy efficiency. Thermal and physical properties of nanomodified paraffins have been studied. Procedure of adaptation of heat accumulating materials for various operation modes of industrial processes is presented. Copyright © EM International

    Seasonal changes of external respiratory parameters in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of Russian North

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    The study results of lung volume seasonal changes in skiers of mass categories in the conditions of European North are presented. Respiratory system study was carried out in September, January, April and July in the same group of 38 men skiers aged 18-22 (middle age: 19,6 (19,2; 21,7)), born and permanently residing in Arkhangelsk (64°32’n.l., 40°32’e.l.) and Severodvinsk (64°34’n.l., 39°51’e.l.). Survey sample had experience in cross-country skiing for 3-5 years and 1-2 senior degree. Spirograph «Dinamit-С» (Complex КМ-АР-01) was used for pulmonary function test. Lung volume was esteemed: respiratory volume (RV), inspiratory (IRV) and expiratory (ERV) reserve volume, inspiratoty capacity (IC), lung capacity (LC), as well as indices of lung ventilation: respiratory rate (RR) and respiratory minute volume (RMV). It is stated that skiers have seasonal functional alternation in the external respiration system. Thus, LC maximum was in winter, LC minimum - in spring, with difference 1,21 l. RV minimum was in summer, maximum - in winter, with difference 0,58 l. IRV was maximum in autumn, ERV and IC - in winter. Not only statistic lung volumes indices, but their nature of communication change in seasonal dynamic in surveyed sportsmen skiers. Percentage ratio calculation from RV to LC showed that breathing in rest conditions skiers use from 17 % in autumn and summer to 21-23,5 % LC in winter and spring. Comparison of the results obtained in skiers and people not engaged in sport activities revealed that seasonal changes of lung volume in skiers are more evident. © 2016, Springer New York LLC. All rights reserved

    Peculiarities of development of the human facial region of skull

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    Мета дослідження. Уточнити джерела, з’ясувати хронологічну послідовність появи закладок та особливості морфогенезу кісток лицевого відділу черепа людини. Висновки. 1. Порушення процесів проліферації, злиття та трансформації зябрового апарату на 5-6-му тижнях внутрішньоутробного розвитку призводить до появи тяжких вад, зокрема, незрощення верхньої губи, коміркового відростка та піднебіння. 2. Конденсована мезенхіма передньої частини ектоменінгеальної капсули (попереду від зачатка гіпофіза) має нейроектодерсальне походження, а її зовнішній шар (ектоменінкс) формує спланхнокраніум – зачаток кісток лицевого відділу черепа (лобової, сльозової, виличної, носової кісток, леміша, верхньої і нижньої щелеп), і скостеніває як перетинчастим, так і хрящовим шляхом. 3. Лобова, сльозова, носова кістки, леміш, а також передщелепна частина (різцева кістка) верхньої щелепи походять від мезенхіми нижньощелепної зябрової дуги. Верхня щелепа і вилична кістка походять з мезенхіми верхньощелепного відростка, тоді як нижня щелепа і барабанна частина скроневої кістки походять з мезенхіми нижньощелепного відростка І зябрової дуги. 4. Часові проміжки, протягом яких відбуваються активні проліферативні зміни та диференціація зачатків (7 та 10 тижні пренатального розвитку людини) можуть бути класифіковані як критичні періоди розвитку кісткових зачатків черепа людини з можливою появою уроджених вад розвитку.The aim of the study. The aim of this paper was to clarify the sources, to find out the chronological sequence of the appearance of rudiments and the peculiarities of the morphogenesis of the bones of the facial part of the human skull. Conclusions 1. Disruption in the processes of proliferation, fusion and transformation of the branchial apparatus at the 5-6th weeks of intrauterine development leads to the appearance of severe defects, in particular, cleft upper lip, alveolar process and palate. 2. The condensed mesenchyme of the front part of the ectomeningeal capsule (in front of the pituitary gland) has a neuroectodorsal origin, and its outer layer (ectomeninx) forms the splanchnocranium – the source of the bones of the facial part of the skull (frontal, lacrimal, zygomatic, nasal bones, vomer, maxilla and mandible), and ossifies in both a membranous and cartilaginous way. 3. The frontal, lacrimal, nasal bones, vomer, as well as the premaxillary part of the maxilla (incisive bone) originate from the mesenchyme of the mandibular branchial arch. The maxilla and the zygomatic bone originate from the mesenchyme of the maxillary process, while the mandible and the tympanic part of the temporal bone originate from the mesenchyme of the mandibular process of the 1st branchial arch. 4. Time intervals during which active proliferative changes and differentiation of embryos occur (7 and 10 weeks of human prenatal development) can be classified as critical periods of development of bone rudiments of the human skull with the possible appearance of congenital malformations

    Особенности морфогенеза верхней губы и их взаимосвязь с развитием черепно-лицевой области

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    Abstract. An appreciation of the fundamental principles associated with the development of the craniofacial structures is essential for attaining competency within the fields of facial surgery, dentistry and pediatrics. Резюме. Розуміння основоположних принципів, пов'язаних з розвитком структур черепно-лицевої ділянки має важливе практичне значення в галузях лицевої хірургії, стоматології та педіатрії. Резюме. Понимание основных принципов, связанных с ростом и развитием структур черепно-лицевой области имеет важное практическое значение в лицевой хирургии, стоматологии и педиатрии

    Primary CR energy spectrum and mass composition by the data of Tunka-133 array

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    The Cherenkov light array for the registration of extensive air showers (EAS) Tunka-133 collected data during 5 winter seasons from 2009 to 2014. The differential energy spectrum of all particles and the dependence of the average maximum depth on the energy in the range of 6 ⋅ 1015–1018 eV measured for 1540 hours of observation are presented