340 research outputs found

    Kac-Moody Symmetries of Ten-dimensional Non-maximal Supergravity Theories

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    A description of the bosonic sector of ten-dimensional N=1 supergravity as a non-linear realisation is given. We show that if a suitable extension of this theory were invariant under a Kac-Moody algebra, then this algebra would have to contain a rank eleven Kac-Moody algebra, that can be identified to be a particular real form of very-extended D_8. We also describe the extension of N=1 supergravity coupled to an abelian vector gauge field as a non-linear realisation, and find the Kac-Moody algebra governing the symmetries of this theory to be very-extended B_8. Finally, we discuss the related points for the N=1 supergravity coupled to an arbitrary number of abelian vector gauge fields

    E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets

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    We derive general equations which determine the decomposition of the G^{+++} multiplet of brane charges into the sub-algebras that arise when the non-linearly realised G^{+++} theory is dimensionally reduced on a torus. We apply this to calculate the low level E_8 multiplets of brane charges that arise when the E_{8}^{+++}, or E_{11}, non-linearly realised theory is dimensionally reduced to three dimensions on an eight dimensional torus. We find precise agreement with the U-duality multiplet of brane charges previously calculated, thus providing a natural eleven dimensional origin for the "mysterious" brane charges found that do not occur as central charges in the supersymmetry algebra. We also discuss the brane charges in nine dimensions and how they arise from the IIA and IIB theories.Comment: 30 pages, plain te

    The E_{11} origin of all maximal supergravities

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    Starting from the eleven dimensional E_{11} non-linear realisation of M-theory we compute all possible forms, that is objects with totally antisymmetrised indices, that occur in four dimensions and above as well as all the 1-forms and 2-forms in three dimensions. In any dimension D, the D-1-forms lead to maximal supergravity theories with cosmological constants and they are in precise agreement with the patterns of gauging found in any dimension using supersymmetry. The D-forms correspond to the presence of space-filling branes which are crucial for the consistency of orientifold models and have not been derived from an alternative approach, with the exception of the 10-dimensional case. It follows that the gaugings of supergravities and the spacetime-filling branes possess an eleven dimensional origin within the E_{11} formulation of M-theory. This and previous results very strongly suggest that all the fields in the adjoint representation of E_{11} have a physical interpretation.Comment: 54 page

    G+++ Invariant Formulation of Gravity and M-Theories: Exact BPS Solutions

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    We present a tentative formulation of theories of gravity with suitable matter content, including in particular pure gravity in D dimensions, the bosonic effective actions of M-theory and of the bosonic string, in terms of actions invariant under very-extended Kac-Moody algebras G+++. We conjecture that they host additional degrees of freedom not contained in the conventional theories. The actions are constructed in a recursive way from a level expansion for all very-extended algebras G+++. They constitute non-linear realisations on cosets, a priori unrelated to space-time, obtained from a modified Chevalley involution. Exact solutions are found for all G+++. They describe the algebraic properties of BPS extremal branes, Kaluza-Klein waves and Kaluza-Klein monopoles. They illustrate the generalisation to all G+++ invariant theories of the well-known duality properties of string theories by expressing duality as Weyl invariance in G+++. Space-time is expected to be generated dynamically. In the level decomposition of E8+++ = E11, one may indeed select an A10 representation of generators Pa which appears to engender space-time translations by inducing infinite towers of fields interpretable as field derivatives in space and time.Comment: Latex 45 pages, 1 figure. Discussion on pages 19 and 20 altered. Appendix B amplified. 4 footnotes added. 2 references added. Acknowledgments updated. Additional minor correction

    An E9 multiplet of BPS states

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    We construct an infinite E9 multiplet of BPS states for 11D supergravity. For each positive real root of E9 we obtain a BPS solution of 11D supergravity, or of its exotic counterparts, depending on two non-compact transverse space variables. All these solutions are related by U-dualities realised via E9 Weyl transformations in the regular embedding of E9 in E10, E10 in E11. In this way we recover the basic BPS solutions, namely the KK-wave, the M2 brane, the M5 brane and the KK6-monopole, as well as other solutions admitting eight longitudinal space dimensions. A novel technique of combining Weyl reflexions with compensating transformations allows the construction of many new BPS solutions, each of which can be mapped to a solution of a dual effective action of gravity coupled to a certain higher rank tensor field. For real roots of E10 which are not roots of E9, we obtain additional BPS solutions transcending 11D supergravity (as exemplified by the lowest level solution corresponding to the M9 brane). The relation between the dual formulation and the one in terms of the original 11D supergravity fields has significance beyond the realm of BPS solutions. We establish the link with the Geroch group of general relativity, and explain how the E9 duality transformations generalize the standard Hodge dualities to an infinite set of `non-closing dualities'.Comment: 76 pages, 6 figure

    Finite and infinite-dimensional symmetries of pure N=2 supergravity in D=4

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    We study the symmetries of pure N=2 supergravity in D=4. As is known, this theory reduced on one Killing vector is characterised by a non-linearly realised symmetry SU(2,1) which is a non-split real form of SL(3,C). We consider the BPS brane solutions of the theory preserving half of the supersymmetry and the action of SU(2,1) on them. Furthermore we provide evidence that the theory exhibits an underlying algebraic structure described by the Lorentzian Kac-Moody group SU(2,1)^{+++}. This evidence arises both from the correspondence between the bosonic space-time fields of N=2 supergravity in D=4 and a one-parameter sigma-model based on the hyperbolic group SU(2,1)^{++}, as well as from the fact that the structure of BPS brane solutions is neatly encoded in SU(2,1)^{+++}. As a nice by-product of our analysis, we obtain a regular embedding of the Kac-Moody algebra su(2,1)^{+++} in e_{11} based on brane physics.Comment: 70 pages, final version published in JHE

    SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine design enabled by prototype pathogen preparedness

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    A vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is needed to control the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. Structural studies have led to the development of mutations that stabilize Betacoronavirus spike proteins in the prefusion state, improving their expression and increasing immunogenicity1. This principle has been applied to design mRNA-1273, an mRNA vaccine that encodes a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that is stabilized in the prefusion conformation. Here we show that mRNA-1273 induces potent neutralizing antibody responses to both wild-type (D614) and D614G mutant2 SARS-CoV-2 as well as CD8+ T cell responses, and protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection in the lungs and noses of mice without evidence of immunopathology. mRNA-1273 is currently in a phase III trial to evaluate its efficacy

    Collisional and Radiative Processes in Optically Thin Plasmas

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    Most of our knowledge of the physical processes in distant plasmas is obtained through measurement of the radiation they produce. Here we provide an overview of the main collisional and radiative processes and examples of diagnostics relevant to the microphysical processes in the plasma. Many analyses assume a time-steady plasma with ion populations in equilibrium with the local temperature and Maxwellian distributions of particle velocities, but these assumptions are easily violated in many cases. We consider these departures from equilibrium and possible diagnostics in detail

    Clusters of galaxies: setting the stage

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    Clusters of galaxies are self-gravitating systems of mass ~10^14-10^15 Msun. They consist of dark matter (~80 %), hot diffuse intracluster plasma (< 20 %) and a small fraction of stars, dust, and cold gas, mostly locked in galaxies. In most clusters, scaling relations between their properties testify that the cluster components are in approximate dynamical equilibrium within the cluster gravitational potential well. However, spatially inhomogeneous thermal and non-thermal emission of the intracluster medium (ICM), observed in some clusters in the X-ray and radio bands, and the kinematic and morphological segregation of galaxies are a signature of non-gravitational processes, ongoing cluster merging and interactions. In the current bottom-up scenario for the formation of cosmic structure, clusters are the most massive nodes of the filamentary large-scale structure of the cosmic web and form by anisotropic and episodic accretion of mass. In this model of the universe dominated by cold dark matter, at the present time most baryons are expected to be in a diffuse component rather than in stars and galaxies; moreover, ~50 % of this diffuse component has temperature ~0.01-1 keV and permeates the filamentary distribution of the dark matter. The temperature of this Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) increases with the local density and its search in the outer regions of clusters and lower density regions has been the quest of much recent observational effort. Over the last thirty years, an impressive coherent picture of the formation and evolution of cosmic structures has emerged from the intense interplay between observations, theory and numerical experiments. Future efforts will continue to test whether this picture keeps being valid, needs corrections or suffers dramatic failures in its predictive power.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 2; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is a second generation water Cherenkov detector designed to determine whether the currently observed solar neutrino deficit is a result of neutrino oscillations. The detector is unique in its use of D2O as a detection medium, permitting it to make a solar model-independent test of the neutrino oscillation hypothesis by comparison of the charged- and neutral-current interaction rates. In this paper the physical properties, construction, and preliminary operation of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory are described. Data and predicted operating parameters are provided whenever possible.Comment: 58 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Nucl. Inst. Meth. Uses elsart and epsf style files. For additional information about SNO see http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca . This version has some new reference
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