22 research outputs found

    High frequency magnetic permeability of nanocomposite film

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    The high frequency magnetic permeability of nanocomposite film consisting of the single-domain spherical ferromagnetic particles in the dielectric matrix is studied. The permeability is assumed to be determined by rotation of the ferromagnetic inclusion magnetic moments around equilibrium direction in AC magnetic field. The composite is modeled by a cubic array of ferromagnetic particles. The magnetic permeability tensor is calculated by solving the Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert equation accounting for the dipole interaction of magnetic particles. The permeability tensor components are found as functions of the frequency, temperature, ferromagnetic inclusions density and magnetic anisotropy. The obtained results show that nanocomposite films could have rather high value of magnetic permeability in the microwave range

    Analysis of the nature of the ϕγπη\phi\to\gamma\pi\eta and ϕγπ0π0\phi\to\gamma\pi^0\pi^0 decays

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    We study interference patterns in the ϕ(γa0+π0ρ)γπη\phi\to(\gamma a_0+\pi^0\rho)\to\gamma\pi\eta and ϕ(γf0+π0ρ)γπ0π0\phi\to(\gamma f_0+\pi^0\rho)\to\gamma \pi^0\pi^0 reactions. Taking into account the interference, we fit the experimental data and show that the background reaction does not distort the π0η\pi^0\eta spectrum in the decay ϕγπη\phi\to\gamma\pi\eta everywhere over the energy region and does not distort the π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 spectrum in the decay ϕγπ0π0\phi\to\gamma\pi^0\pi^0 in the wide region of the π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 system invariant mass, mππ>670m_{\pi\pi}>670 MeV, or when the photon energy is less than 300 MeV. We discuss the details of the scalar meson production in the radiative decays and note that there are reasonable arguments in favor of the one-loop mechanism ϕK+Kγa0\phi\to K^+K^-\to\gamma a_0 and ϕK+Kγf0\phi\to K^+K^-\to\gamma f_0. We discuss also distinctions between the four-quark, molecular, and two-quark models and argue that the Novosibirsk data give evidence in favor of the four-quark nature of the scalar a0(980)a_0(980) and f0(980)f_0(980) mesons.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, title is changed, a few clarifying remarks are added, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Desynchronization: mechanisms of development from molecular to systemic levels [Desinkhronoz: mekhanizmy razvitiia ot molekuliarno-geneticheskogo do organizmennogo urovnia.]

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    Striking progress in the field of molecular chronobiology has been made during the last years. It renders us to reconsider some traditional viewpoints concerning circadian system functioning. Not only we are able now to explain basic concept of how clock genes pass through transcriptional and post-transcriptional pathways and how circadian system eventually "comes to life" at the cellular level, but we are also in position to speculate on how the whole organism constitutes its space-temporal order and how certain ultradians and infradians could be generated. Herein we propose a concept of multifuctorial genesis of chronomes and suggest terms such as "input rhythm" (or influencing rhythm) and "output rhythm" (or modulated rhythm). We stress on a viewpoint that the majority of investigated variables are multifuctorial by its nature because of vast net of regulatory mechanisms lied down in between the molecular basis of the clock and the output rhythms which are actually measurable by investigators. An attempt to follow down mechanisms of loss in the circadian temporal order (desynchronization) from the molecular level to that of a whole organism has been provided

    Desynchronization: mechanisms of development from molecular to systemic levels [Desinkhronoz: mekhanizmy razvitiia ot molekuliarno-geneticheskogo do organizmennogo urovnia.]

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    Striking progress in the field of molecular chronobiology has been made during the last years. It renders us to reconsider some traditional viewpoints concerning circadian system functioning. Not only we are able now to explain basic concept of how clock genes pass through transcriptional and post-transcriptional pathways and how circadian system eventually "comes to life" at the cellular level, but we are also in position to speculate on how the whole organism constitutes its space-temporal order and how certain ultradians and infradians could be generated. Herein we propose a concept of multifuctorial genesis of chronomes and suggest terms such as "input rhythm" (or influencing rhythm) and "output rhythm" (or modulated rhythm). We stress on a viewpoint that the majority of investigated variables are multifuctorial by its nature because of vast net of regulatory mechanisms lied down in between the molecular basis of the clock and the output rhythms which are actually measurable by investigators. An attempt to follow down mechanisms of loss in the circadian temporal order (desynchronization) from the molecular level to that of a whole organism has been provided

    Organizational and methodical features of services to persons with disabilities in the state of health (for example, SC «Champion», Vladivostok)

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    In recent years, we can observe the attention of the state to the development of physical culture and sports. On the need to create demand for motor activity among young, people we are targeting the «Strategy of development of physical culture and sport until 2020». Federal Law №429 from 04.12.2007 On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation». All-Russian sports and sports' complex TRP, which is a programmatic and regulatory framework of the system of physical education of different groups of the population of the Russian Federation, the state establishes requirements for the physical fitness of citizens of the Russian Federation, including the types of tests (tests) and standards, the list of knowledge and skills in a healthy way life motor skills.В последние годы мы можем наблюдать пристальное внимание со стороны государства к развитию физической культуры и спорта. На необходимость формирования потребности в двигательной активности у молодежи нацеливают нас «Стратегия развития физической культуры и спорта на период до 2020г. «; ФЗ №429 от 4.12.2007 «О физической культуре и спорте в Российской Федерации «; Всероссийский физкультурно-спортивный «Комплекс ГТО «, который является программной и нормативной основой системы физического воспитания различных групп населения Российской Федерации, устанавливает государственные требования к физической подготовленности граждан Российской Федерации, включающие виды испытаний (тесты) и нормы, перечень знаний, навыков ведения здорового образа жизни, двигательных умений и навыков