56 research outputs found

    Predictors of atrial fibrillation recurrence in patients with metabolic syndrome after pulmonary vein isolation

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    Aim. To determine the role of biomarkers in predicting atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence within 12 months after radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS).Material and methods. The study included 245 patients with AF aged 35 to 65 years: patients without MS components (n=32), with 1-2 MS components (n=62) and patients with 3 or more MS components (n=153). All patients underwent a comprehensive clinical and anamnestic, anthropometric, laboratory and echocardiographic examinations. The prospective follow-up for 12 months included 135 patients with AF who underwent RFA.Results. It was found that the presence of 3 or more MS components increased the risk of AF recurrence by 4,1 times within 12 months after RFA (relative risk (RR) =4,1, 95% CI 2,19-7,65, p<0,0001). According to binomial logistic regression, epicardial fat thickness (EFT) (OR =3,71, 95% CI 2,12-6,73, p=0,00001), the severity of left atrial fibrosis (OR =1,48, 95% CI 1,03-1,78, p=0,0006), concentrations of galectin-3 (OR =1,31, 95% CI 1,12-1,51, p=0,0001) and GDF-15 (OR =1,11, 95% CI 1,02-1,18, p=0,0002) in patients with AF and MS increase the risk of AF recurrence after RFA. For galectin-3, GDF-15, and EFT, using ROC analysis, the following threshold values were established, the excess of which had the greatest effect on the risk of AF recurrence after RFA in patients with MS: galectin-3 >11,0 ng/ml (RR =3,43, 95% CI 1,79-6,58, p=0,0001), GDF-15 >1380,7 pg/ml (RR =2,84, 95% CI 1,81-4,46, p<0,0001) and EFT >6,4 mm (RR =4,50, 95% CI 2,32-8,71, p<0,0001). In patients with excess of all three biomarker thresholds, the total risk of AF recurrence in patients with MS within 12 months after RFA increases by 3,2 times (RR =3,16, 95% CI 1,97-5,11, p<0,00001).Conclusion. The risk of AF recurrence within 12 months after RFA in patients with three or more MS components is higher than in patients with 1-2 MS components. An increase in the blood concentration of profibrogenic biomarkers galectin-3, GDF-15 and an increase in the thickness of epicardial adipose tissue is associated with an increased risk of AF recurrence in patients with MS, and these biomarkers are likely to play a significant role in predicting recurrent episodes of AF after RFA

    Molecular mechanisms of left atrial fibrosis development in patients with atrial fibrillation and metabolic syndrome: what biomarkers should be used in clinical practice?

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    Aim. To determine the blood concentration of fibrosis biomarkers in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in combination with metabolic syndrome (MS) and to analyze the relationship with myocardial fibrosis.Material and methods. This cross-sectional case-control study included 547 patients aged 35 to 65 years: experimental group — patients with MS (n=373), of which 202 patients had AF; comparison group — AF patients without MS (n=110); healthy subjects without cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders (n=64). Patients with AF and MS who underwent electroanatomic mapping before pulmonary vein isolation (n=79) were assessed for left atrial (LA) fibrosis severity.Results. It was found that the blood concentration of circulating profibrogenic biomarkers in patients with AF and MS is higher than in patients with AF without MS: aldosterone (135,1 (80,7-224,1) and 90,1 (68,3-120,3) pg/ml, p<0,0001), galectin-3 (10,6 (4,8-15,4) and 5,8 (4,8-8,3) pg/ml, p=0,0001), GDF15 (938,3 (678,3-1352,1) and 671,0 (515,7-879,5) pg/ml, p=0,001), TGF-beta-1 (4421,1 (2513,5-7634,5) and 2630,5 (2020,7-3785,4) pg/ml, p=0,001), CTGF (167,8 (78,9-194,3) and 124,3 (74,4-181,9) pg/ml, p<0,0001), PIIINP (88,5 (58,6120,4) and 58,9 (40,7-86,1) ng/ml, p<0,0001), PINP (3421,4 (1808,1-4321,7) and 2996,1 (2283,8-3894,3) pg/ml, p<0,0001). Patients with paroxysmal AF have higher concentrations of TGF-beta1, CTGF and PINP than patients with persistent and permanent AF. In patients with persistent AF and MS, the concentrations of galectin-3, aldosterone, and PIIINP were higher than in patients with paroxysmal AF, while in patients with permanent AF, they were significantly lower. The plasma concentration of galectin-3 positively correlated with levels of PINP (p=0,465, p<0,0001), PIIINP (p=0,409, p<0,0001), GDF-15 (p=0,369, p<O,O001), CTGF (p=0,405, p<0,0001). According to multivariate regression, of all studied biomarkers, GDF-15 had a greater effect on PIIINP concentration (в=0,234, p=0,038), and galectin-3 — on PINP (в=0,248, p<0,021). Positive correlations of the severity of left atrial fibrosis with the concentration of galectin-3 (p=0,563, p<0,0001), PINP (p=0,620, p<0,0001), TGF-beta-1 (p=0,390, p<0,0001) and CTGF (p=0,551, p<0,0001). According to linear multivariate regression, the most significant effect on LA fibrosis severity among the studied biomarkers is exerted by galectin-3 (в=0,432, p<0,0001), PINP (в=0,343, p=0,001) and PIIINP (в=0,286, p=0,008).Conclusion. An increase in the blood concentration of profibrogenic biomarkers galectin-3, TGF-beta-1, CTGF, PIIINP, and PINP is associated with an increase in LA fibrosis severity and probably has a pathogenetic role in increasing the AF risk in patients with MS


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    The aim of this study is determination of predictors of efficiency of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and metabolic syndrome (MS). Material and methods. 98 patients with AF (78 patients with AF and MS (IDF, 2005) and 20 patients without MS) have been examined. Comparison groups included 50 patients with MS without arrhythmia and 50 practically healthy subjects. RFA was performed with Carto 3 navigation system. Follow-up period after RFA was 12 months. Epicardial fat thickness (EFT) was measured with help of echo-cardiography. Results: patients with AF relapse had more MS components than those with effective procedure (3.21±1.18 and 1.73±1.14, accordingly, p<0.001). Initially, EFT of patients with AF relapse after RFA was larger that in patients without arrhythmia after exposure. EFT in patients with AF more than3.5 mmincreases probability of arrhythmia relapse in 1.87 times (OR: 1.87, 95 % CI 1.03 — 3.41, р = 0.04). Conclusion: determination of EFT with echo-cardiogaphy can be used in estimation of AF relapse risk after RFA.Цель исследования — определение предикторов эффективности радиочастотной аблации (РЧА) у пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий (ФП) и метаболическим синдромом (МС). Обследованы 98 пациентов с ФП (78 пациентов с ФП и МС (IDF, 2005) и 20 больных без МС. Группы сравнения составили 50 пациентов с МС без аритмии и 50 практически здоровых людей. РЧА выполнялась с помощью навигационной картирующей системы Carto 3. Период наблюдения после РЧА составил 12 месяцев. Толщина эпикардиального жира (ТЭЖ) определена с помощью ЭхоКГ. Число компонентов МС у больных с рецидивом ФП после РЧА больше, чем у больных с эффективной процедурой (3,21±1,18, 1,73±1,14 соответственно, р = 0,001). Исходно ТЭЖ у пациентов с рецидивом ФП после РЧА больше, чем у пациентов без аритмии, после воздействия. ТЭЖ у пациентов с ФП более3,5 ммповышает вероятность рецидива аритмии после РЧА в 1,87 раза (ОШ:1,87, 95 % ДИ 1,03 — 3,41, р = 0,04). Определение ТЭЖ при ЭхоКГ может быть использовано в оценке риска рецидива ФП после РЧА

    Standard of morphological and molecular biological investigations in neuroblastoma

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    87 cases of primary neuroblastoma verified according to current standards of morphological and molecular genetic diagnostics are reviewed in the paper. Morphological variants and diagnostics criteria of tumor as well as risk groups stratification criteria are summarized. MYCN gene amplification and 1p deletion are designated as adverse molecular genetic features. Prognostic impact of genetic aberrations and unfavorable histology were calculated using event-free and overall survival values.В статье приведены результаты морфологического и молекулярно-биологического исследования 87 случаев нейробластомы у детей, верифицированных с учетом принятых стандартов исследования данной опухоли. Приведены морфологические варианты и критерии диагностики нейробластомы в рамках современных классификаций, а также современные подходы к стратификации больных нейробластомой на группы риска для проведения селективной риск-адаптированной терапии. Амплификация гена MYCN и делеция короткого плеча хромосомы 1 в клетках нейробластомы являются неблагоприятными прогностическими факторами и используются в различных схемах стратификации пациентов на группы риска. Проанализирована бессобытийная выживаемость (БСВ) и общая выживаемость (ОБ) в группах пациентов при наличии генетических аберраций и при неблагоприятной гистологической форме опухоли


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    The paper is devoted to the study of little-known and previously unknown bacteria isolated from patients with various diseases. Here we present the data on 22 strains that are little-known or previously unknown as human pathogens and isolated from patients with various diseases. Most of the isolates were found to have multiple antibiotic resistances. Moreover, in many conditions potentially pathogenic spore-forming bacteria were identified. Spore formation provides bacteria for survival in the environment and promotes high resistance to antiseptics and disinfectants. Spore-forming bacteria are high survival and especially dangerous as potential hospital-acquired infections because of its antibiotic resistance but the activity of this antibiotic therapy doesn’t concern microbial spores.Работа посвящена изучению малоизвестных и ранее не известных бактерий, изолированных у больных с патологиями различной локализации. Выделенные и изученные 22 штамма малоизвестных бактерий или вообще не описаны ранее как возбудители заболеваний человека, или обнаружены при патологии другой локализации. Большинство полученных бактерий обладает множественной  устойчивостью к различным  антибиотикам. При  разных  заболеваниях в материале обнаружено много потенциально-патогенных спорообразующих   бактерий. Спорообразование   обеспечивает бактериям  сохранение  жизнеспособности в окружающей среде и повышенную устойчивость к антисептикам и дезинфектантам. Спорообразующие бактерии хорошо   сохраняются   и особенно  опасны  в качестве потенциальных  возбудителей внутрибольничных   инфекций,   поскольку резистентны к антибиотикотерапии, активность которой не распространяется на микробные споры

    Economic Ideas and Institutional Change: Evidence from Soviet Economic Discourse 1987-1991

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    The article deals with issues related to the development of the external educational institution, which is due to the improvement of quality of its interaction with the target audience. Improving the quality of interaction between educational organization with the target audience is ensured through the use of different types of marketing communications. In view of the development of modern information and communications technology area of information marketing communications is a priority. In addition to the classical definition of marketing communications, we introduce the definition of informatization of educational marketing communications organizations.To form an individual package the most effective for a particular educational organization of marketing communications is necessary not only to eliminate the differences existing strategic objectives of the educational organization and identify the desired long-term effect of the use of marketing tools. We consider a set of universal methods of marketing communication of information, which provide a steady positive development of the educational organization. Among these methods are: infographic summary of the educational organization, the cube -transformer like inforgraphic resume educational organization with a QR-code cards, parents’ meetings in the form of webinars, click “Share” on the website of an educational organization, registration of educational institution official group in the social network. Increasing the efficiency of interaction with the target audience improves its loyalty to a particular educational institution


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    Aim. To study clinical efficacy of a new domestic metabolic drug Eltacine in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).Material and methods. 134 patients with CHF of I-III functional classes were randomized in two parallel groups of patients receiving Eltacine or placebo additionally to standard therapy. Common clinical and laboratory investigations were used as well as 6-minute-walking test and Echocardiography. Besides Holter monitoring with determination of heart rate variability, peroxidal oxidation of lipids (POL) and cell anti-oxidant protection were implemented.Results. Eltacine increased in tolerance to physical burden, improved cardiac haemodynamics, parameters of POL and cell anti-oxidant protection, improved the patient quality of life.Conclusion. The efficacy and safety of Eltacine as metabolic and antioxidant therapy was shown in patients with CHF.</p

    Monitoring of use of means of information in the russian system of secondary education

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    In article results of the analytical research spent in the majority of regions of Russia are described. The questioning devoted to features of use of information and telecommunication technologies on the secondary education, was spent among administration of rural and city schools, teachers and schoolboys