141 research outputs found

    Economic links between Russia and China: from cross-border to interregional cooperation (the case of Sverdlovsk region and Heilongjiang province)

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    The article considers major trends in the cooperation between Russia and China on the regional level. China is one of Russia’s main trade partners, which makes it particularly important to enhance the efficiency of this relationship on the national as well as on the regional level. Considering the dynamics of international integration processes, the authors analyze how the role of cross-border and interregional cooperation is changing over time, paying special attention to those regions that are remote from each other. The article focuses on the case of Sverdlovsk region and Heilongjiang province. The available data demonstrate the diversity of the existing trade and other relations between these industrial regions and enable the authors to characterize the institutional framework for this cooperation, its key priorities and problems. A general overview of the current and prospective joint projects is also provided. The authors compare economic specialization, systems of settlement, the level of urbanization of Sverdlovsk region and Heilongjiang province and draw a conclusion that the economies of these regions are complementary. The article also points out that it is essential to consider the long-term effects of Eurasian integration projects and to assess the positive and negative impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative on Sverdlovsk region in order to identify priorities for the region’s foreign policy

    Оценка экономической безопасности в уральском регионе в контексте развития малых и средних предприятий

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    Enhancing economic security of regions is crucial for the development of the whole country, which is what makes research in this sphere particularly important. This study aims to analyze and compare the economic security data on the regions constituting the Ural Federal District (Russia). In contrast with current studies in the field, we are conducting detailed analysis of the factors that affect the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and business climate in the regions. The conceptual framework of this research relies on entrepreneurship theories and theoretical approaches to analysis and evaluation of regional economic security. We develop methodology based on sets of quantitative and qualitative indicators and apply analytical, comparative and statistical methods as well as the method of expert evaluation. The data are provided by the regional statistic services and business support foundations. We also analyze regional support programs for small and medium-sized businesses. We found that all regions of the Ural Federal District are characterized by the medium (acceptable) level of economic security and moderate risk. In the economic security ranking, Tyumen region is at the top while the second place is occupied by Sverdlovsk region; Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions are at the bottom.Укрепление экономической безопасности регионов имеет важное значение для развития всей страны, что делает исследования в этой сфере крайне важными. Данное исследование направлено на анализ и сравнение данных экономической безопасности в регионах, входящих в Уральский федеральный округ (Россия). В отличие от текущих исследований в данной области, мы провели детальный анализ факторов, влияющих на развитие малых и средних предприятий (МСП) и делового климата в регионах. Концептуальные рамки этого исследования основаны на теориях предпринимательства и теоретических подходах к анализу и оценке региональной экономической безопасности. Мы разработали методологию на основе наборов количественных и качественных показателей и применили аналитические, сравнительные и статистические методы, а также метод экспертной оценки. Данные предоставлены региональными службами статистики и поддержки бизнеса. Мы также анализируем региональные программы поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса. Мы обнаружили, что все регионы Уральского федерального округа характеризуются средним (приемлемым) уровнем экономической безопасности и умеренным риском. В рейтинге экономической безопасности Тюменская область находится на вершине, а второе место занимает Свердловская область; Челябинская и Курганская области находятся внизу

    Legal and Administrative Foundations of Police Activity in Social Order Protection and Public Security

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    The article deals with the problems of activities organization of a divisional inspector of police in effectuation of administrative supervision. The authors consider the issues in exposure at administrative stations of the persons who do not comply with administrative restrictions and evade the duties established by administrative supervision as well as preventive measures of corresponding administrative violations of law are considered

    Experience in implementing the European Union’s regional investment policy to attract foreign direct investments

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    The article reviews the investment policy of the Eurozone regions in relation to foreign direct investments (hereinafter-FDI). A quantitative assessment of FDI in the global aspect and at the level of the European Union has been given. It has been determined that both global FDI flows and at the level of the EU economy decreased at the end of 2018. The rating of the Eurozone countries by the level of FDI for 2018, the leaders of which are Germany, Ireland and France, is given. The FDI market by type of economic activity has been analysed. It has been revealed that a large share of the market is made up of sales and marketing (up to 40%) and production sector (up to 30%). In more detail the trends in the investment policy of those countries that recorded a sharp growth or a sharp decline in FDI have been highlighted, namely, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Poland and Ireland. The main factors that negatively affect the investment situation in the European Union have been emphasized, including: General political instability, threats of global protectionism, high levels of public debt in a number of countries, fiscal reform and US economic policy, and others.At the end, taking into account the current problems in the EU, recommendations have been formulated to activate the investment policy in the field of FDI at the level of this regional Association, aimed at promoting its socio-economic development. The main focus of investment policy development in the EU countries should be on aspects that promote macroeconomic and political stability, create a favorable business environment and create a reliable legal framework. In addition, it is extremely important to carry out structural reforms in the financial sector: to reduce the budget deficit and public debt in a number of countries. In conclusion, it is emphasized that by implementing an investment policy in accordance with the current needs of the Eurozone economy, it is possible to reduce the gap in the development of European regions and create an integrative and stronger economic Union

    Financial Income and Expenses of Collective Farmers of the Molotov Region in the First Post-War Five Years (1946—1950)

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    The issues related to the financial income and expenses of the families of collective farmers in the Molotov region are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the public interest shown in the study of various aspects of  the material living conditions of the population. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that previously unpublished archival materials stored in the Russian State Archive of Economics (RSAE) are introduced into circulation. The results of a comparative analysis of the average per capita financial income of collective farmers in the Molotov region and other territories of the Ural region are presented. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the tables presented by the author containing numerical data on the topic of the article. It is stated that the progressive improvement of the quality of the material living conditions of citizens today is one of the priority goals of the policy of any state that positions itself as social. Attention is focused on the fact that in the first post-war five years, the income of collective farmers was influenced by two main factors: the consequences of the Second World War and the attitude of the authorities to the collective farm peasantry. It is proved that the incomes of collective farmers in the Molotov region were lower than those of collective farmers in the economically more developed Sverdlovsk region, but were quite comparable with the incomes of collective farmers in other regions of the Urals

    Оценка экономической безопасности в уральском регионе в контексте развития малых и средних предприятий

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    Enhancing economic security of regions is crucial for the development of the whole country, which is what makes research in this sphere particularly important. This study aims to analyze and compare the economic security data on the regions constituting the Ural Federal District (Russia). In contrast with current studies in the field, we are conducting detailed analysis of the factors that affect the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and business climate in the regions. The conceptual framework of this research relies on entrepreneurship theories and theoretical approaches to analysis and evaluation of regional economic security. We develop methodology based on sets of quantitative and qualitative indicators and apply analytical, comparative and statistical methods as well as the method of expert evaluation. The data are provided by the regional statistic services and business support foundations. We also analyze regional support programs for small and medium-sized businesses. We found that all regions of the Ural Federal District are characterized by the medium (acceptable) level of economic security and moderate risk. In the economic security ranking, Tyumen region is at the top while the second place is occupied by Sverdlovsk region; Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions are at the bottom.Укрепление экономической безопасности регионов имеет важное значение для развития всей страны, что делает исследования в этой сфере крайне важными. Данное исследование направлено на анализ и сравнение данных экономической безопасности в регионах, входящих в Уральский федеральный округ (Россия). В отличие от текущих исследований в данной области, мы провели детальный анализ факторов, влияющих на развитие малых и средних предприятий (МСП) и делового климата в регионах. Концептуальные рамки этого исследования основаны на теориях предпринимательства и теоретических подходах к анализу и оценке региональной экономической безопасности. Мы разработали методологию на основе наборов количественных и качественных показателей и применили аналитические, сравнительные и статистические методы, а также метод экспертной оценки. Данные предоставлены региональными службами статистики и поддержки бизнеса. Мы также анализируем региональные программы поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса. Мы обнаружили, что все регионы Уральского федерального округа характеризуются средним (приемлемым) уровнем экономической безопасности и умеренным риском. В рейтинге экономической безопасности Тюменская область находится на вершине, а второе место занимает Свердловская область; Челябинская и Курганская области находятся внизу


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    We carried out clinical-psychological examination of 504 children of 12—17 years old. According to the comparative analysis of indices of children in main (with arterial hypertension — AH) and control (without AH) groups we resealed frequency, age and. sex structure, factors of risk of arterial hypertension. We analyzed, psychosocial (acute and chronic psychologic traumatic experience) and sociocultural factors (medico-demographic and social-economic family status), studied individual and. typological features of the person, structure of temperament, psychic conditions, peculiarities of interpersonal attitudes (in family and. in school). We studied interactions and determined diagnostic significance of studied indices as the factors of risk of development of hypertension with estimation of their quantitative characteristics by the index of chances ratio and. its confidence intervals

    Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes as a genetic and selection trait

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    The results of long-term studies on legume symbiogenetics and breeding are summarized by the example of pea Pisum sativum L. A collection of symbiotic mutants was developed by chemical and radiational mutagenesis of pea varieties and genetically characterized. Various sym genes were recognized. From the large set, supernodulating (proved to be recessive) and dominant hypernodulating types of symbiotic mutants were chosen for breeding programs. Varieties differed dramatically in hypernodulation degree. Aiming at nitrogen fixation intensification, accessions bearing recessive genes for supernodulation (nod4) and dominant genes for hypernodulation (Nod5) were selected. The recurrent method of symbiotic mutants utilization in pea breeding for nitrogen fixation intensification was developed. The best results were obtained by combining two sym genes in one pea genotype: the dominant hypernodulation gene Nod5 and the recessive supernodulation gene nod4. A set of recurrent lines tagged with both these genes was raised to use in breeding programs as donors of intense nitrogen fixation combined with good performance. In addition, they are good preceding crops. After their harvesting, soil accumulates large amounts of nitrogen-rich root and bacterial biomass. The nitrogen is preserved for years, whereas mineral nitrogen is rapidly washed out with precipitation. Endemic pea accessions originated from various regions can be successful starting material in breeding for nitrogen fixation intensification, accessions from Egypt and Syria having provided best results. Nodulation and nitrogen fixation intensities were assessed in seven cultivars derived from three promising pea lines raised at the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Breeding and Selection

    Quality of Housing of Collective Farm Families in Sverdlovsk Region and Construction “Boom” of Second Half of 1950-ies

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    Изложены результаты исследования качества жилья, в котором проживала одна из самых многочисленных категорий населения Свердловской области — крестьяне-колхозники — на исходе 1950-х годов XX века. Базой проведенного исследования стали результаты статистических обследований жителей села, которые проводились в СССР с начала 1930-х до второй половины 1960-х годов. Вводятся в оборот новые архивные материалы. Констатируется, что в истории XX века жилищная проблема осталась еще одной из перечня тех, которые советская командно-административная система так и не смогла разрешить. Заявляется, что вопросы обеспеченности жильем сельских жителей и его качества практически не получили освещения в трудах среднеуральских обществоведов. Отмечается, что основное внимание исследователей обычно занимали материальные условия жизни колхозников, то есть их доходы, расходы, а также уровень потребления. Декларируется, что к середине 1950-х годов напряженность ситуации в жилищной сфере страны достигла своего апогея. Утверждается, что с 1956 года началась полная модернизация всей организации строительного дела в СССР. Выдвигается тезис о том, что не стоит переоценивать развитость городской инфраструктуры Среднего Урала в 1950-е годы. Делается вывод, что почти по всем показателям жизни населения среднеуральская деревня находилась в явно худших условиях, а строительный «бум» второй половины 1950-х мало отразился на объеме и качестве ее жилищного фонда.The results of the study of the quality of housing, where one of the largest categories of the population of the Sverdlovsk region — peasants-collective farmers — lived at the end of the 1950-ies of 20th century. The base of the conducted research were the results of statistical surveys of the villagers, which were held in the USSR since the early 1930-ies until the second half of 1960-ies. New archival materials are being put into circulation. It is stated that in the history of the 20th century the housing problem has remained one of the list of those that the Soviet command and administrative system has not been able to solve. It is stated that the issues of provision of housing for rural residents and its quality are practically not covered in the works of Middle Ural social scientists. It is noted that the main researchers’ attention is usually occupied by the material conditions of life of farmers, that is, their income, expenses, as well as the level of consumption. It is declared that by the mid-1950-ies the tension in the housing sector of the country reached its apogee. It is argued that since 1956 a complete modernization of the entire organization of construction business in the USSR had begun. The thesis that the development of urban infrastructure of the Middle Urals in the 1950-ies should not be overestimated is put forward. It is concluded that the Middle Ural village was in clearly the worst conditions by almost all indicators of life of the population, and the construction “boom” of the second half of the 1950-ies had little impact on the volume and quality of its housing stock

    Financial Income and Expenses of Collective Farmers of the Molotov Region in the First Post-War Five Years (1946-1950)

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    Рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с денежными доходами и расходами семей колхозников Молотовской области. Актуальность исследования обусловлена общественным интересом, проявляемым к изучению различных сторон материальных условий жизни населения. Научная новизна работы видится в том, что в оборот вводятся не публиковавшиеся ранее архивные материалы, хранящиеся в Российском государственном архиве экономики (РГАЭ). Представлены результаты сопоставительного анализа среднедушевых денежных доходов колхозников Молотовской области и других территорий Уральского региона. Особое внимание уделяется рассмотрению представленных автором таблиц, содержащих цифровые данные по теме статьи. Констатируется, что поступательное повышение качества материальных условий жизни граждан в наши дни является одной из приоритетных целей политики любого государства, позиционирующего себя как социальное. Акцентируется внимание на том, что в первое послевоенное пятилетие на денежные доходы колхозников оказывали влияние два основных фактора: последствия Второй мировой войны и отношение властей к колхозному крестьянству. Доказывается, что денежные доходы колхозников Молотовской области уступали доходам колхозников экономически более развитой Свердловской области, но были вполне сравнимы с доходами колхозников других регионов Урала.The issues related to the financial income and expenses of the families of collective farmers in the Molotov region are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the public interest shown in the study of various aspects of the material living conditions of the population. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that previously unpublished archival materials stored in the Russian State Archive of Economics (RSAE) are introduced into circulation. The results of a comparative analysis of the average per capita financial income of collective farmers in the Molotov region and other territories of the Ural region are presented. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the tables presented by the author containing numerical data on the topic of the article. It is stated that the progressive improvement of the quality of the material living conditions of citizens today is one of the priority goals of the policy of any state that positions itself as social. Attention is focused on the fact that in the first post-war five years, the income of collective farmers was influenced by two main factors: the consequences of the Second World War and the attitude of the authorities to the collective farm peasantry. It is proved that the incomes of collective farmers in the Molotov region were lower than those of collective farmers in the economically more developed Sverdlovsk region, but were quite comparable with the incomes of collective farmers in other regions of the Urals