56 research outputs found

    Пьеса Т. Мидлтона и У. Роули «Оборотень» как «трагедия порока»

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    The article is devoted to the consideration of the motif of “lapse from virtue” based on the example of the heroine of the Renaissance revenge tragedy “The Changeling” (1622) by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley. The article identifies the key scenes of the tragedy, helping to understand the multidimensionality and allusiveness of the heroine. In the context of the relationship of the heroine to other characters in the tragedy, the authors determine and analyse the character metamorphosis and stages of the moral decay of Beatrice-Joanna. Examples of the subversion of the audience’s expectation are given. The authors examine scenes of the tragedy, which help to reveal the motifs of the double and shapeshifting, related to the image of the main character. The system of characters in the play by Middleton and Rowley is considered in the context of the most significant dramatic works of the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras.El artículo está dedicado a la consideración del motivo de la caída con el ejemplo de la imagen de la heroína principal de la sangrienta tragedia renacentista de la venganza de T. Middleton y W. Rowley (Thomas Middleton, 1580-1627, y William Rowley, 1585-1626) "El hombre lobo" (1622). El artículo identifica escenas clave del drama que ayudan a comprender la no unidimensionalidad y la alusividad de la imagen del personaje principal. En el contexto de la relación de la heroína con otros personajes del drama, los autores revelan y analizan las metamorfosis del personaje y las etapas de degradación moral de Beatrice-Joanna. Se dan los ejemplos del uso de la recepción del engaño de las expectativas del público. Los autores consideran escenas del texto del drama que ayudan a descubrir los motivos de la dualidad y a trabajar en la imagen del personaje principal. El sistema de personajes de la obra de T. Middleton y W. Rowley se considera en el contexto de las obras dramáticas más llamativas de las épocas Isabelina y Yakoviana.Статья посвящена рассмотрению мотива грехопадения на примере образа главной героини ренессансной кровавой трагедии мести Т. Мидлтона и У. Роули (Thomas Middleton, 1580-1627, and William Rowley, 1585-1626) «Оборотень» («The Changeling», 1622). В статье выявлены ключевые сцены драмы, помогающие понять неодномерность и аллюзивность образа главной героини. В контексте взаимоотношений героини с другими персонажами драмы авторы выявляют и анализируют метаморфозы характера и этапы нравственного разложения Беатрисы-Джоанны. Приведены примеры использования приема обмана зрительских ожиданий. Авторы рассматривают сцены из текста драмы, помогающие раскрыть мотивы двойничества и оборотничества, связанные с образом главной героини. Система персонажей пьесы Т. Мидлтона и У. Роули рассмотрена в контексте наиболее ярких драматических произведений Елизаветинской и Яковианской эпох

    Experimental animal models of scoliosis for understanding the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis

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    Idiopathic scoliosis is a common disease of the musculoskeletal system, affecting 2–3% of children and adolescents worldwide. The etiology and pathogenesis of scoliotic spinal deformity have not yet been disclosed, despite numerous long-term studies. Animal modeling of scoliosis can become the basis for studying possible etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of the pathology in question and the prospects for possible treatment of scoliosis in the future. To date, many different types of models of scoliotic disease have been created and studied. The purpose of this review was to analyze the literature data on animal modeling of scoliosis in order to understand the etiological factor of idiopathic scoliosis in humans. Material and methods. The review was carried out using databases of electronic information resources PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, eLibrary.ru. The analysis of scientific literature was carried out according to the search words: “idiopathic scoliosis”, “experimental model of scoliosis”, “animal model of scoliosis”, “mechanical models of scoliosis”, “pineal gland resection models”, “genetic models of scoliosis”. Results. The analysis of scientific literature data confirms the high importance of experimental animal models of scoliosis for the study of the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis. The review summarizes and analyzes data on the main directions of modeling scoliotic deformity: mechanical, neuroendocrine and genetic models. Conclusions. The models of scoliosis presented in the literature have been implemented with varying degrees of success and have not been able to clarify the etiology of spinal pathology, but they are a useful tool for testing interventions aimed at correcting and preventing deformity. The development of an optimal experimental model of scoliosis in animals will further overcome the existing limitations in determining the etiological factor of idiopathic scoliosis and describe the processes of disease development characteristic of humans

    Congenital dislocation of the hip – theories, etiological and predisposing factors (risk factors)

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    According to current statistics worldwide, congenital orthopedic pathologies rank second quantitatively after congenital diseases of the nervous system. Congenital dislocation of the hip is one of the most common and severe pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents. The theories of its development and etiological factors are not only of historical interest but also create prerequisites for determining the true cause of this complex process. The problem of predicting the development of hip dysplasia remains relevant. The practical significance lies in determining the etiological factor (predisposing or risk factors) of the disease onset or manifestation. Analysis of the literature suggests that hip dysplasia is based on a genetic substrate as an etiological factor. Predisposing factors only increase the risk of pathology manifestation. Further studies to determine the etiological factor will make it possible to formulate more specific recommendations for the management of patients with hip dysplasia and possibly expand the methods of prevention and conservative treatment

    Two-particle decays of B_c meson into charmonium states

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    The factorization of hard and soft contributions into the hadronic decays of B_c meson at large recoils is explored in order to evaluate the decay rates into the S, P and D-wave charmonia associated with rho and pi. The constraints of approach applicability and uncertainties of numerical estimates are discussed. The mode with the J/psi in the final state is evaluated taking into account the cascade radiative electromagnetic decays of excited P-wave states, that enlarges the branching ratio by 20-25%.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX axodraw-style, 1 figure, 2 table

    Possibility of using the infrapatellar (Hoffa’s) fat pad as a source of autologous stem cells

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    Stem cells are the basis for the creation of tissue-engineered structures in regenerative medicine. The most well-studied sources of stem cells are the embryo and bone marrow. The use of embryonic cells is associated with ethical problems, and the collection of bone marrow is accompanied by invasive procedures. Using adipose tissue as a source of stem cells avoids these problems. But the collection of adipose tissue requires additional interventions, which does not exclude the occurrence of cosmetic defects. Aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from the infrapatellar (Hoffa’s) fat pad.Material and methods. As a source of MSCs, tissue samples of Hoffa’s fat pad removed during the operation were used (8 cases), as a control - MSCs isolated from human adipose tissue (6 cases). MSCs were isolated using an enzymatic method. At the 3rd passage, phenotyping with specific antibodies against CD34, CD45, CD73, CD90, CD105 was performed by flow cytometry. Differentiation in the chondro- and osteogenic direction was carried out at the 3rd passage with the appropriate differentiation media. Chondrogenic differentiation was confirmed by staining with alcian blue, osteogenic - staining according to von Kossa.Results and discussion. Statistically significant decrease in CD105 expression, increase in CD73, CD34 expression and lack of adequate differentiation under standard conditions of differentiation media by MSCs isolated from the Hoffa’s fat pad compared to control was found. The data obtained indicate a discrepancy between the cells isolated from the Hoffa’s fat pad and the requirements for MSCs.Conclusion. The infrapatellar (Hoffa’s) fat pad_cannot be used as a source of standardized MSCs


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    The article presents the results of a study of psychological factors of survival and the course of the disease in women with breast cancer. As a result of a longitudinal study, data were obtained on the relationship of psychological indicators with various variants of the course of the disease, as well as on the dynamics of personal and subjective characteristics with different outcomes of the disease. The authors have outlined further prospects for a longitudinal study on a sample of women with breast cancer with a fiveyear survival rate.В статье приводятся результаты исследования психологических факторов выживаемости и течения болезни у женщин с раком молочной железы. В результате лонгитюдного исследования получены данные о связи психологических показателей с различными вариантами течения болезни, а также о динамике личностных и субъектных характеристик при различных исходах болезни. Авторами обозначены дальнейшие перспективы лонгитюдного исследования на выборке женщин с раком молочной железы при пятилетней выживаемости.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 19-18-00426)

    Method for preserving the viability of a chicken embryo with a shell defect in experiment

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    The egg has always been and remains an ideal object for conducting various scientific research. An egg is an isolated egg cell outside the mother’s body. Therefore, it is an ideal object for studying embryogenesis and performing various manipulations during embryogenesis and before the birth of a viable organism. The existing methods allow conducting experimental manipulations with the embryo in  situ, inside the egg shells without damaging them. However, the achievement of ideal parameters for closing the defect of the fertilized egg shell in the experiment is the key to  the successful completion of the experiment. Periods of embryogenesis, especially at the last stage, when osteogenesis occurs, require the presence of a sufficient amount of calcium ions in the metabolism of the developing chicken, which are vital for the formation of a full-fledged chicken.The aim: to develop an optimal method for closing the defect and fixing the egg shell after manipulation or during the experiment.Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out on fertile eggs of the breed of chickens – meat breed of broilers Ross-308 (ROSS-308), JSC Poultry Farm “NovoBaryshevskaya” (Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Region, Russian Federation). In the experiment, 120 fertilized eggs were used. Eggs weighing 60–70 g were incubated at a temperature of 37.5–38.0 °C and 50–55 % humidity. Comparative anatomical and physiological parameters were evaluated on the 7th, 14th, 20th day of incubation and on the 1st day of the postnatal period. In the experimental group, the shell defect was covered with a fragment of the egg shell of the donor. Incubation was carried out in an incubator – a household incubator “Nesushka” (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation).Results. The proposed method of fixing and closing the defect of the fertilized egg shell excludes the use of foreign materials that have an adverse effect on the development of the embryo. There were no anatomical and physiological deviations in the chicks of the study group when comparing the indicators with the parameters in the comparison group and the Hamburger – Hamilton classification

    History of the study of the neural crest (review)

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    The neural crest has long attracted the attention of evolutionary biologists and, more recently, clinical specialists, as research in recent decades has significantly expanded the boundaries of knowledge about the involvement of neural crest and neural crest cells in the development of human pathology. The neural crest and neural crest cells are a unique evolutionarily based embryonic structure. Its discovery completely changed the view of the process of embryogenesis. Knowledge of neural crest development sheds light on many of the most «established» questions of developmental biology and evolution. Our article will reflect on the historical stages of the discovery and study of the neural crest and the impact of this discovery on entrenched ideas about germ layer specificity and the theory of germ layers – the reasoning of the neural crest as the fourth germ layer. The aim of this review is to describe the history of the discovery and study of neural crest and neural crest cells based on an analysis of the literature. In writing this article, an analysis of the scientific literature was conducted using the search terms «neural crest», «neural crest cells», «neural crest cell morphology», «germinal layers» and «embryonic development» in the computer databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and eLibrary. The depth of the analytical search corresponds to the period of the discovery of the neural crest and the first mention of the neural crest as an embryonic morphological structure in the scientific literature. The information presented confirms the high interest of research scientists and clinical specialists in the study of neural crest and neural crest cells. The involvement of neural crest cells in the formation of somatic and musculoskeletal pathologies has received particular attention in recent decades. The literature sources are represented by 169 full-text manuscripts and monographs mainly in English. Conclusions. Neural crest and neural crest cells are unique evolutionary structures. Regularities of formation, reasons which condition migration, differentiation, interaction of neural crest cells with other structures during embryogenesis as well as their potential, which is realized in postnatal period, continue to be the subject of research up to now

    Time Domain Astronomy: Use of Photometric Surveys for Study of Eclipsing Binaries

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    Долгопериодические затменные двойные — ценный источник данных для расчета звездных масс. Такие объекты имеют достаточное количество как фотометрических, так и спектральных данных для определения их параметров и дальнейшего анализа. Нами реализуется проект по изучению долгопериодических массивных затменных двойных с целью определения масс их компонентов и уточнения соотношения «масса — светимость» для звезд умеренных и больших масс. Мы описываем суть проекта в общих чертах, более подробно останавливаясь на использовании фотометрических обзоров в наших исследованиях. Представлены результаты анализа фотометрических данных исследуемых объектов, а также демонстрируется несколько случаев, когда анализ данных из обзоров позволяет получить значения орбитальных периодов, заметно отличающиеся от известных ранее.Long-period eclipsing binaries are a valuable source of data for calculating stellar masses. Such objects have a sufficient amount of both photometric and spectral data for determining their parameters and further analysis. We are implementing a project to study long-period massive eclipsing binaries in order to determine their component masses and refine the mass-luminosity relation for stars of high and intermediate masses. We describe our project in general terms, focusing in more detail on the use of photometric surveys in our studies. We present the results of photometric data analysis for the objects we study and besides demonstrate several cases when the data analysis makes it possible to obtain values of orbital periods that differ noticeably from those previously known