263 research outputs found

    A.N. Tolstoy’s Works in 1914–1917: From the Publicistic Statement to the Artistic Image

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    The article analyzes the relationship between various works of different genres by A.N. Tolstoy, which were created during World War I. These works share a common theme, which includes opinion pieces such as Tragic Spirit and Haters (1914) and From the Diary for 1917 (1917), cycles of sketches on the military theme (Through Volhynia, Through Galicia, In the Caucasus), and the writer’s prose fiction, including stories such as An Ordinary Man (1914), On the Mountain (1915), Under Water (1915), A Passing Man’s Tale (1917). Tolstoy’s stories of this period rely on the material he collected during his trips to the war zone and reflected for the first time in journalism. The assessments made in these stories were not always a return to specific plots and characters. The author’s involvement in the events described was more evident in his prose fiction. His works had a sense of authenticity due to the spirit of the times and the necessary details he included. The article also traces the genesis of the writer’s attitude towards the war, both during 1914–1917 and later in the novel Road to Calvary (1919–1921)

    The Current Issues of Trade Cooperation Between the EAEU and China

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    INTRODUCTION. The EAEU, as a subject of international law, undergoes a process of integration cooperation with states. Interaction of the EAEU with countries is characterized by a variety of forms and despite the fact that it relies on the legal experience of most international organizations, nevertheless it chooses its own exclusive way. One example of a fruitful partnership, although not unambiguous on some issues, is the cooperation between the EAEU and the PRC. The purpose of this article is to trace the realization of the economic potential of the EAEU and the PRC to create the Silk Road Economic Belt as part of the PRC's global initiative "One Belt, One Road. In addition, to analyze the interlinking of expectations and economic reasons for this of each of the EAEU member states.MATERIALS AND METHODS. The research uses various documents of international legal nature, including international treaties, doctrinal sources and national legislation of foreign countries. The research is carried out with the use of general scientific and special scientific methods. In the process of legal analysis and forecasting methods of legal modeling were used.RESEARCH RESULTS. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the international legal framework of economic cooperation between the EAEU and the PRC and also formulates recommendations for improving this mechanism. The overland economic corridors and their correlation with the opportunities of EAEU member states within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative are analyzed in detail, as well as the results of each EAEU country's participation in this project. In addition, the initiatives of China, the so-called "Digital Silk Road" and the interest of EAEU member states in this direction are considered. In addition, the author conducts a legal examination of the basic agreements signed between the EAEU and the PRC.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The study of the problems and prospects of cooperation between the EAEU and its member countries allows us to note the systematic nature of the EAEU's activities in the field of integration interaction with third countries. At the same time, the variety of forms of cooperation allows the EAEU to respond flexibly to the level of readiness of one or another country to simplify trade procedures. The author concludes that, structurally, the process of pairing the EAEU and the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) occurs both as an interlinking of integration initiatives' development agendas and as cooperation with individual EAEU countries. The article emphasizes the inefficiency of a bilateral format of the EAEU member states' accession to the SREB initiative. Considering the legal basis for cooperation between the EAEU and the PRC, the author notes a consistent algorithm of joint actions at the current stage of integration. Nevertheless, for the future it is necessary to develop other formats of international cooperation, which would not be geographically contingent, but would ensure effective coordination between different economic blocs of states, including those at different stages (forms) of integration. We should note the topicality of the digital agenda of mutually beneficial cooperation for both the PRC and the EAEU countries on a long-term basis


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    Students of a transport university should realize that they belong to the socially significant normative reference group. This awareness can be formed with the help of educational professional- personal strategy in the general context of formation of service type of behavior of students. The issues of these strategies are constantly put at the forefront in all documents on work with personnel. The solution of these issues influences not only the vector of business process management, but also the requirements for education in the humanities in a technical higher education institution. Furthermore it leads to the particular choice of the path for humanities students in an educational institution with strong dynastic traditions, where there is a certain corporation focused on a particular mode of transport, a unique brand of the oldest railway university.Обучающийся в транспортном вузе должен осознать свою принадлежность к социально значимой нормативной референтной группе. Этому осознанию помогают образовательные профессионально-личностные стратегии в общем контексте формирования у студенчества сервисного типа поведения. Вопросы таких стратегий постоянно ставятся во главу угла во всех документах по работе с кадрами. От их решения зависит не только вектор управления бизнес-процессами, но и характер требований к гуманитарному образованию в техническом вузе. А отсюда и особенности выбора пути для студента-гуманитария в учебном заведении, где сильны династические традиции, существуют ориентированная на свой вид транспорта корпорация, уникальный бренд старейшего железнодорожного вуза


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    The author highlights a topical issue for the communicative space of an educational brand. Alma mater symbols play identification, programming and cognitive role in the involvment of the students. Young people perceive through these symbols their belonging to a socially significant group, adapt to a certain selfprogramming using visual sense from the proposed images. It represents further personal development, future profession. This means that the symbols can communicate between educational brand and personality of a student.Автором обозначена актуальная проблема в коммуникативном пространстве образовательного бренда. В осознании причастности студентов к своей alma mater символы играют идентификационную, программирующую и когнитивную роли. Молодой человек посредством них воспринимает свою принадлежность к социально значимой группе, настраивается на некое самопрограммирование с помощью видимого в предложенных образах смысла. Поневоле это олицетворяет личное дальнейшее развитие, будущую профессию. А значит, символы осуществляют коммуникацию между образовательным брендом и личностью обучающегося


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    In the article the methodical base of cost management is investigated, the techniques suitable for effective project cost management are chosen areas of their expedient use and tasks solved with their help are defined. The conceptual plan of project cost management developed by authors including development stages and realization of formation of costs of the project depending on his look (small, average or the megaproject) and financing sources is presented in article (state or commercial). The "economic justification of the created project cost" block including the analysis of the end results and possible adjustments is allocated. Scientific novelty is represented by the tools offered in article for effective monitoring of process of project cost formation on the basis of the created limits of minimum possible and most admissible expenses

    Fighting in Cities: Problems of International Legal Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects

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    INTRODUCTION. Fighting is increasingly taking place in populated areas, including large cities, which leads to indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian objects. This problem is recognized by the UN, by an increasing number of States and requires training of combatants to choose and apply appropriate means and methods of war in populated areas to prevent or minimize accidental harm to the civilian population and civilian objects in such conditions. However, for example, the actions of the US-led coalition in 20162017 to liberate Iraqi Mosul from terrorists, the armed formations of Ukraine in the Donbas since 2014, which caused unjustifiably large civilian casualties and destruction of urban infrastructure, indicate that the Western powers and their satellites ignored these requirements.The purpose of the article is to identify and scientifically analyze problematic issues in the application of international humanitarian law for the protection of civilians and civilian objects in armed conflicts in urbanized areas.MATERIALS AND METHODS. To reveal the theoretical aspects of the problem under consideration, a system-structural approach, generalization, deduction, methods of scientific abstraction, logical and system analysis are applied. Special research methods were also used: historical-legal, comparative-legal and formal-legal.RESEAECH RESULTS. Within the framework of this publication, the authors analyzed the problems of international legal protection of civilians and civilian objects in the context of hostilities in an urbanized area and developed proposals for their solution.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. According to the results of the study, it was found that the principles and norms of international law developed by mankind as a whole make it possible to ensure the protection of the civilian population and civilian objects during the conduct of hostilities, including in cities, under the key condition the realization of responsibility for crimes against peace, humanity and war crimes


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    In the article the methodical base of cost management is investigated, the techniques suitable for effective project cost management are chosen areas of their expedient use and tasks solved with their help are defined. The conceptual plan of project cost management developed by authors including development stages and realization of formation of costs of the project depending on his look (small, average or the megaproject) and financing sources is presented in article (state or commercial). The "economic justification of the created project cost" block including the analysis of the end results and possible adjustments is allocated. Scientific novelty is represented by the tools offered in article for effective monitoring of process of project cost formation on the basis of the created limits of minimum possible and most admissible expenses

    Investigation of the digital technologies influence on the process transformation in cinema

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    Within the sectoral structure of the national economy, audiovisual industries are parts of the cultural industry. Cinema is a particularly effective means of satisfying the human need for affective self-expression and establishing emotional communication between people. To increase the audiovisual product competitiveness, an analysis of the digital technologies impact on it was carried out in order to attract an additional audience. It is noted that modern technologies have paved the way for multifunctional devices: the creative process is increasingly becoming technological in nature. The use of digital technologies has led to the creation of high-quality films. Due to technological progress, the equipment becomes available to more participants in the film business. Digital technologies have become a powerful and accessible tool that allows non-professional artists/directors to enter the cinematic space. However, for the author’s cinema, digital technologies have only become a tool to improve picture quality, as well as expand the capabilities for the artist / director to bring their ideas to life on screen

    Depression retail

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    Retail trade of Russia has finished 2015 with the worst results more than for the fortyyear period. Long decrease in consumer demand forces trade to pass into the mode of "manual control".Розничная торговля России завершила 2015 год с самыми худшими результатами более чем за сорокалетний период. Затяжное снижение покупательского спроса заставляет торговлю переходить в режим «ручного управления»