14 research outputs found

    Statistical study of magnetic non-potential measures in confined and eruptive flares

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    Using the HMI/SDO vector magnetic field observations, we studied the relation of degree of magnetic non-potentiality with the observed flare/CME in active regions. From a sample of 77 flare/CME cases, we found a general relation that degree of non-potentiality is positively correlated with the flare strength and the associated CME speeds. Since the magnetic flux in the flare-ribbon area is more related to the reconnection, we trace the strong gradient polarity inversion line (SGPIL), Schrijver's R value manually along the flare-ribbon extent. Manually detected SGPIL length and R values show higher correlation with the flare strength and CME speed than the automatically traced values without flare-ribbon information. It highlights the difficulty of predicting the flare strength and CME speed a priori from the pre-flare magnetograms used in flare prediction models. Although the total, potential magnetic energy proxies show weak positive correlation, the decrease in free energy exhibits higher correlation (0.56) with the flare strength and CME speed. Moreover, the eruptive flares have threshold of SGPIL length (31Mm), R value (1.6×10191.6\times10^{19}Mx), free-energy decrease (2×10312\times10^{31}erg) compared to confined ones. In 90\% eruptive flares, the decay-index curve is steeper reaching ncrit=1.5n_{crit}=1.5 within 42Mm, whereas it is beyond 42Mm in >70>70% confined flares. While indicating the improved statistics in the predictive capability of the AR eruptive behavior with the flare-ribbon information, our study provides threshold magnetic properties for a flare to be eruptive.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Ap

    Formation and eruption of sigmoidal structure from a weak field region of NOAA 11942

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    Using observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory, we studied an interesting example of a sigmoid formation and eruption from small-scale flux canceling regions of active region (AR) 11942. Analysis of HMI and AIA observations infer that initially the AR is compact and bipolar in nature, evolved to sheared configuration consisting of inverse J-shaped loops hosting a filament channel over a couple of days. By tracking the photospheric magnetic features, shearing and converging motions are observed to play a prime role in the development of S-shaped loops and further flux cancellation leads to tether-cutting reconnection of J-loops. This phase is co-temporal with the filament rise motion followed by sigmoid eruption at 21:32 UT on January 6. The flux rope rises in phases of slow (vavg_{avg} = 26 km~s1^{-1}) and fast (aavg_{avg}= 55 ms2^{-2}) rise motion categorizing the CME as slow with an associated weak C1.0 class X-ray flare. The flare ribbon separation velocity peaks at around peak time of the flare at which maximum reconnection rate (2.14 Vcm1^{-1}) occurs. Further, the EUV light-curves of 131, 171\AA~have delayed peaks of 130 minutes compared to 94\AA~and is explained by differential emission measure. Our analysis suggests that the energy release is proceeded in a much long time duration, manifesting the onset of filament rise and eventual eruption driven by converging and canceling flux in the photosphere. Unlike strong eruption events, the observed slow CME and weak flare are indications of slow runway tether-cutting reconnection where most of the sheared arcade is relaxed during the extended post phase of the eruption.Comment: Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical journal on 19 February, 2019. It has 17 pages including 12 figure

    Finding the critical decay index in solar prominence eruptions

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    The background field is assumed to play prime role in the erupting structures like prominences. In the flux rope models, the critical decay index (ncn_c) is a measure of the rate at which background field intensity decreases with height over the flux rope or erupting structure. In the real observations, the critical height of the background field is unknown, so a typical value of nc=1.5n_{c}=1.5 is adopted from the numerical studies. In this study, we determined the ncn_c of 10 prominence eruptions (PEs). The prominence height in 3D is derived from two-perspective observations of \textit{Solar Dynamics Observatory} and \textit{Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory}. Synoptic maps of photospheric radial magnetic field are used to construct the background field in the corona. During the eruption, the height-time curve of the sample events exhibits the slow and fast-rise phases and is fitted with the linear-cum-exponential model. From this model, the onset height of fast-rise motion is determined and is considered as the critical height for the onset of the torus-instability because the erupting structure is allowed to expand exponentially provided there is no strapping background field. Corresponding to the critical height, the ncn_c values of our sample events are varied to be in the range of 0.8-1.3. Additionally, the kinematic analysis suggests that the acceleration of PEs associated with flares are significantly enhanced compared to flare-less PEs. We found that the flare magnetic reconnection is the dominant contributor than the torus-instability to the acceleration process during the fast-rise phase of flare-associated PEs in low corona (<1.3R<1.3R_{\odot}).Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures and 2 table

    Formation and Eruption of Sigmoidal Structure from a Weak Field Region of Noaa 11942

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    Using observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we studied an interesting example of a sigmoid formation and eruption from small-scale flux-canceling regions of active region (AR) 11942. Through an analysis of Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly observations we infer that initially the AR is compact and bipolar in nature, evolved to a sheared configuration consisting of inverse J-shaped loops hosting a filament channel over a couple of days. By tracking the photospheric magnetic features, shearing and converging motions are observed to play a prime role in the development of S-shaped loops and further flux cancellation leads to tether-cutting reconnection of J loops. This phase is cotemporal with the filament rise motion, followed by sigmoid eruption at 21:32 UT on January 6. The flux rope rises in phases of slow (vavg = 26 km s−1) and fast (aavg = 55 m s−2) rise motion categorizing the coronal mass ejection (CME) as slow with an associated weak C1.0 class X-ray flare. The flare ribbon separation velocity peaks at around the peak time of the flare at which the maximum reconnection rate (2.14 V cm−1) occurs. Furthermore, the extreme ultraviolet light curves of 131, 171 Å have delayed peaks of 130 minutes compared to 94 Å and are explained by differential emission measure. Our analysis suggests that the energy release is proceeded by a much longer time duration, manifesting the onset of the filament rise and an eventual eruption driven by converging and canceling flux in the photosphere. Unlike strong eruption events, the observed slow CME and weak flare are indications of slow runway tether-cutting reconnection in which most of the sheared arcade is relaxed during the extended phase after the eruptio

    The CAESAR project for the ASI space weather infrastructure

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    This paper presents the project Comprehensive spAce wEather Studies for the ASPIS prototype Realization (CAESAR), which aims to tackle the relevant aspects of Space Weather (SWE) science and develop a prototype of the scientific data centre for Space Weather of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) called ASPIS (ASI SPace Weather InfraStructure). To this end, CAESAR involves the majority of the SWE Italian community, bringing together 10 Italian institutions as partners, and a total of 92 researchers. The CAESAR approach encompasses the whole chain of phenomena from the Sun to Earth up to planetary environments in a multidisciplinary, comprehensive, and unprecedented way. Detailed and integrated studies are being performed on a number of well-observed “target SWE events”, which exhibit noticeable SWE characteristics from several SWE perspectives. CAESAR investigations synergistically exploit a great variety of different products (datasets, codes, models), both long-standing and novel, that will be made available in the ASPIS prototype: this will consist of a relational database (DB), an interface, and a wiki-like documentation structure. The DB will be accessed through both a Web graphical interface and the ASPIS.py module, i.e., a library of functions in Python, which will be available for download and installation. The ASPIS prototype will unify multiple SWE resources through a flexible and adaptable architecture, and will integrate currently available international SWE assets to foster scientific studies and advance forecasting capabilities

    Confinedness of an X3.1-class Solar Flare Occurred in NOAA 12192: Analysis from Multi-instrument Observations

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    The nonassociation of coronal mass ejections with high energetic flares is sparse. For this reason, the magnetic conditions required for the confinedness of major flares is a topic of active research. Using multi-instrument observations, we investigated the evolution and effects of confinedness in an X3.1 flare, which occurred in active region (AR) 12192. The decrease of net fluxes in the brightening regions near the footpoints of the multisigmoidal AR in the photosphere and chromosphere, indicative of flux cancellation favoring tether-cutting reconnection (TCR), is observed using the magnetic field observations of HMI/SDO and SOT/Hinode, respectively. The analysis of spectropolarimetric data obtained by the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer over the brightening regions suggests untwisting of field lines, which further supports TCR. Filaments near the polarity inversion line region, resulting from TCR of low-lying sheared loops, undergo merging and form an elongated filament. The temperature and density differences between the footpoints of the merged filament, revealed by DEM analysis, cause streaming and counterstreaming of the plasma flow along the filament and unload at its footpoints with an average velocity of ≈40 km s ^−1 . This results in a decrease of the mass of the filament (density decreased by >50%), leading to its rise and expansion outward. However, due to strong strapping flux, the filament separates itself instead of erupting. Further, the evolution of nonpotential parameters describes the characteristics of confinedness of the flare. Our study suggests that the sigmoid–filament system exhibits upward catastrophe due to mass unloading but gets suppressed by strong confinement of the external poloidal field

    Eruption of the EUV Hot Channel from the Solar Limb and Associated Moving Type IV Radio Burst

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    International audienceAbstract Using the observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we study an eruption of a hot-channel flux rope (FR) near the solar limb on 2015 February 9. The pre-eruptive structure is visible mainly in EUV 131 Å images, with two highly sheared loop structures. They undergo a slow rising motion and then reconnect to form an eruptive hot channel, as in the tether-cutting reconnection model. The J-shaped flare ribbons trace the footpoint of the FR that is identified as the hot channel. Initially, the hot channel is observed to rise slowly at 40 km s −1 , followed by an exponential rise from 22:55 UT at a coronal height of 87 ± 2 Mm. Following the onset of the eruption at 23:00 UT, the flare reconnection then adds to the acceleration process of the coronal mass ejection (CME) within 3 R ⊙ . Later on, the CME continues to accelerate at 8 m s −2 during its propagation period. Further, the eruption also launched type II radio bursts, which were followed by type III and type IVm radio bursts. The start and end times of the type IVm burst correspond to the CME’s core height of 1.5 and 6.1 R ⊙ , respectively. Also, the spectral index is negative, suggesting that nonthermal electrons are trapped in the closed loop structure. Accompanied by this type IVm burst, this event is unique in the sense that the flare ribbons are very clearly observed together with the erupting hot channel, which strongly suggests that the hooked parts of the J-shaped flare ribbons outline the boundary of the erupting FR