347 research outputs found

    Study of natural formation and anthropogenic change in soils for sustainable land-use

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    In this work, we have presented an approach to rational territorial organization of the environment with the aim of harmonizing natural, economic and socio-demographic processes. Successive stages of the action for the development of basin nature management projects are proposed by us. Design technology rational land use is implemented for one of the small river basi


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    The purpose of the article: The Relevance of the study is determined by modern trends in the development of the labor market, based on demand and supply of goods - a graduate of the University. At the same time, student’s professional training in the educational process of the University is traditionally carried out based on the basic values of the specialist's individual, due to the need for them, and the demand and supply of the labor market are determined by the demand for a specialist as an intellectual resource of production. Materials and methods: The methodology of this study is based on the innovative content of professional training of a University student, focused on the needs of a specialist in professional self-affirmation as a personal and social value corresponding to the demand and supply of the labor market, presented in the concept of cultural competency-based approach to training, in the theory of changes in the labor market, in projects of future changes in the labor market, where demand and supply for the training of a modern competent specialist are used as driving forces. Results of the research: the algorithm of designing cognitive, motivational, behavioral, emotional components of the values of the student’s professional training is justified and their compliance with the demand and supply of the labor market is proved. Knowledge about the value aspects of a University student’s professional training, about the features of their compliance with the labor market’s demand and supply, will help to avoid, localize or eliminate problems in the real educational process. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of an axiological aspect of student professional training: matching demand and offers of labor market is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of most common rheumatic diseases, and currently there is no effective pharmacological treatment of OA. It has been suggested that lack of effective treatment is, in part, due to the disease heterogeneity which may lead to development of several OA subtypes (phenotypes). Diabetes-associated OA is among the proposed OA phenotypes. The key mechanism involved into inflammatory and degenerative changes in OA is a decrease in DNA methylation suggested for several cell types, that was also demonstrated in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Therefore, pharmacological increase of DNA methylation may be an effective treatment strategy which may exert pleiotropic effects in diabetes-associated OA. In a randomized crossover study, we have evaluated efficacy and safety of ademetionine, a methyl group donor, in comparison with chondroitine sulfate in patients with OA associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The patients were randomly assigned to sequential treatment of chondroitine sulfate/ademetionine or ademetionine/chondroitine sulfate during one month, with a washout period of 2 weeks. The primary endpoint was pain measured according to visual analogue scale (VAS). Painful symptoms, as well as function and disease signs in knee, hip and hand joints were also assessed with KOOS, WOMAC, and FIHOA scales. General performance was assessed with SF–36 scale. To evaluate systemic inflammation, we measured serum IL-6, IL-18, adiponectin, and CRP using ELISA technique. Concentrations of serum cartilage destruction biomarkers (aggrecan and antibodies to collagen type II) were assessed by ELISA. Serum lipid levels were measured with standard method; glycated hemoglobin was assessed with liquid chromatography. Ten patients (all women, age 61.7-74.2 year with BMI of 1.1-38.4 kg/m2) were included in the study. It has been demonstrated that ademetionine showed a statistically significant analgetic effect (decrease in VAS pain), improved knee function and reduced symptoms in knee joints (as measured by KOOS subscales), and did not influence the levels of systemic inflammation or cartilage destruction biomarkers. There was also no change in lipid levels and glycated hemoglobin concentrations. Ademetionine was well tolerated, no serious adverse events occurred during the treatment. In conclusion, ademetionine does not have pleiotropic pharmacological effects in diabetes-associated OA. Its potential application in cases of different comorbidities requires further studies

    System of monitoring of Internet resources as instrument of digital marketing

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    The concept of digital marketing as targeted and interactive marketing of goods and services which is directed to improve the operating mechanism of sales of products through the application of different digital technologies has been considered. Working process with information, necessary for improvement of content of the website and optimization of sales propositions has been shown. The main indicators of web analytics, including its analytical cycle have been considered in detail. The fundamental objectives, tools and services of web analytics, allowing to organize effectively its work, have been determined

    Comparative Reproducibility Analysis of Thoracic Aorta Morphometric Parameters According to Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Angiography

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    Objective: to compare intra- and inter-operator reproducibility of thoracic aorta (ThAo) morphometric parameters, calculated by multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Material and methods. The prospective study included 20 patients with ascending aorta (AAo) dilatation (≥45 mm). All patients underwent MSCT- and MRI-angiography in electrocardiogram-gated mode. Mean diameter (Dmean) and cross-sectional area (CSA) were measured at different ThAo levels in the systole and diastole along the inner contour of the vessel. All measurements were performed by two radiologists. Each of them took measurements twice at an interval of at least 1 month. The reproducibility of repeated measurements was studied using intraclass correlation coefficient. Results. The analysis of the systolic frame revealed significant differences between the methodsfor measuring Dmean (MRI: 42.5 (41.0–47.8) mm; MSCT: 37.7 (34.7–40.3) mm; p = 0.003) and CSA at the level of the sinotubular junction (MRI: 14.8 (12.7–17.9) cm2; MSCT: 11.4 (10.3–13.3) cm2; p = 0.009), AAo CSA(MRI: 17.6 (14.6–20.8) cm2; MSCT: 19.6 (16.7–21.5) cm2; p = 0.035) and Dmean at the level proximal to left subclavian artery (LSA) (MRI: 31.5 (31.0–34.0) mm; MSCT: 31.7 (27.3–32.9) mm; p = 0.041). For the diastolic frame, significant differences between the methods were observed when measuring AAo CSA (MRI: 17.0 (14.5–19.7) cm2; MSCT: 19.7 (15.3–21.8) cm2; p = 0.025), Dmean (MRI: 30.5 (29.3–32.8) mm; MSCT: 29.8 (27.1–31.3) mm; p = 0.05) and CSA at the level proximal to LSA (MRI: 7.5 (6.9–7.9) cm2; MSCT: 7.4 (5.9–7.8) cm2; p = 0.007), as well as CSA at the left atrium level (MRI: 4.9 (4.2–5.0) cm2; MSCT: 5.1 (4.67–5.5) cm2; p = 0.042). For MSCT-angiography, good intra- and inter-operator reproducibility of measurements at all ThAo levels was obtained. For MRI-angiography, there was a strong intra- and interoperator variability in determining Dmean and CSA at the levels of aortic arch and descending aorta.Conclusion. Aortic cross-sectional area showed the best intra- and inter-operator reproducibility and comparability of measurements between MSCT- and MRI-angiograph

    Антропологическое понимание города и методология урбанистического изучения

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    Предметом статьи является анализ города как социального и культурного объекта. Рассматриваются точки зрения зарубежных и отечественных авторов по изучению культурного пространства города, его культурного образа и городской идентичности. Представленные точки зрения и накопленный исследовательский материал позволяют сделать вывод, что вопрос о культурной специфике города находится в начальной стадии исследований. В культурологии, этнологии и социологии урбанистическое направление до сих пор остается неинституционализированным: в стране нет авторитетных центров изучения городских сообществ и городской культуры. В отечественных учебниках ни антропологическое, ни социологическое, ни этнологическое изучение города не представлены самостоятельными научными направлениями, в то время как в классических западных учебниках ситуация противоположная. В российской науке до настоящего времени до сих пор достаточно четко не определены ни предметное поле российской городской антропологии, ни ее методы, хотя уже проводятся конференции, темой которых обозначается именно антропология города. Дискуссии по поводу предмета и методов уже имели место, но они ограничились констатацией того факта, что город — весьма сложный объект для изучения, и потому при анализе культурных процессов, происходящих в нем, необходим междисциплинарный подход. Не претендуя на то, чтобы изложить всю проблематику антропологии города, авторы статьи поставили своей целью очертить историческую эволюцию западной и отечественной антропологии города, а также ее актуальные современные проблемы

    Розвиток саморегуляції – складова ефективної професійної діяльності майбутніх правоохоронців

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    Новікова, Н. А. Розвиток саморегуляції – складова ефективної професійної діяльності майбутніх правоохоронців / Н. А. Новікова, Т. В. Сазонова // Підготовка поліцейських в умовах реформування системи МВС України : зб. наук. пр. [конф. (м. Харків, 31 трав. 2019 р.)] / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Каф. тактич. та спец.-фіз. підгот. ф-ту № 2. - Харків: ХНУВС, 2019. - С. 165-167.Розглянуто проблему забезпечення всебічного розвитку особистості всупереч пристосувальним реакціям організму, що є важливою складовою підвищення ефективності професійної діяльності майбутньої офіцерів поліції. Одним із перспективних напрямків психологічних досліджень саморозвитку особистості є психічна саморегуляція людини. З огляду на це, для успішної професійної діяльності поліцейських необхідне формування ефективних стратегій психічної саморегуляції.The problem of ensuring the comprehensive development of personality in spite of the adaptive reactions of the body, which is an important component of improving the efficiency of professional activities of future police officers. One of the promising areas of psychological research of personal self-development is mental self-regulation. In view of this, the successful professional activity of police officers requires the formation of effective strategies for mental self-regulation.Рассмотрена проблема обеспечения всестороннего развития личности вопреки приспособительным реакциям организма является важной составляющей повышения эффективности профессиональной деятельности будущей офицеров полиции. Одним из перспективных направлений психологических исследований саморазвития личности является психическая саморегуляция человека. Учитывая это, для успешной профессиональной деятельности полицейских необходимо формирование эффективных стратегий психической саморегуляции