153 research outputs found

    Resource-aware Approach in the Design of Complex Information Systems as a Problem of Multicriteria Optimization

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    One of the modern information society tasksis the design of complex multiprocessor information systems, taking into account the rational use of system resources. It includes the development of a new resourceaware approach for the design of next generation information systems, such as smart home systems, autonomous transport, cyber-physical systems, etc. The paper has an educational character and is intended for novice researchers with the aim of introducing them to the subject area. It considers a demonstrative explanation of the problem of resource allocation in the design of complex information systems. It describes the basics of the problem of complex assessments of the technical solutions and the formal approach for solving this problem, including the methods from the theory of Data Mining and Operation Research. It also considers the problem of finding a trade-off between system parameters when looking for new solutions. Approaches to the comparative assessment of multiprocessor systems are demonstrated using simple examples. The ranking of the multiprocessor systems is performed in accordance with a complex criterion. Due to the specifics of technical solutions the formation of such a complex criterion is a rather difficult task, therefore many criteria (parameters) are used to make the assessment. The problem of finding the optimal variant of a multiprocessor system is presented as a problem of multicriteria optimization. The use of multicriteria optimization makes it possible to search for a trade-off between several alternatives or to find the non-dominant solutions, where none of them is better than the other in all the considered parameters and therefore have the same importance. In this case, many solutions are allowed, each of which is acceptable in the absence of preliminary information about the importance of the criteria. From the set of several non-dominated solutions obtained as a result of multicriteria optimization, it is possible to choose one that is most preferable for a specific applied problem

    Analysis of reliability, survivability and telemetry data of on-board equipment of small satellites

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    In paper we present the solution of relevant problems of estimation, analysis and forecasting the indicators of reliability and survivability of the onboard equipment of small satellites. The solution of the problem of intelligent data analysis of telemetry onboard equipment of small satellites in order to detect the states of its operation and do operability analysis. A set of software tools and techniques for the evaluation and analysis of reliability, survivability and telemetry of small satellites onboard equipment was developed. The developed software tools and techniques are based on the methods and algorithms of reliability theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, Boolean algebra, machine learning and image processing. The suggested software tools set is implemented in desktop and web versions, and has a flexible service-oriented architecture

    DNA markers in oat breeding for crown rust resistance (a review)

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    Crown rust is the most harmful disease of oat (Avena sativa L.) around the world. The purpose of this review is to analyze and generalize the available information about DNA markers developed for oat breeding for resistance to crown rust. The review reveals the mechanisms of the A. sativa resistance to the fungus Puccinia coronata Corda f. sp. avenae Erikss. which causes crown rust disease. Special attention is paid to the race-specific resistance caused by the action of Pc genes and the nonspecific resistance controlled mainly by the loci of quantitative traits. Strategies for creating resistant genotypes and the role of molecular markers in oat breeding for crown rust resistance are discussed. Currently, research is focused mainly on the search for and development of molecular markers related to the oat race-specific resistance to P. coronata.The article presents the technological advantages and disadvantages of the existing DNA markers. KASP, TaqMan and HRM markers are currently the most promising technologies for identifying crown rust resistance genes. The validated SCAR and STS markers for the Pc39, Pc68, Pc91, Pc94 genes are recommended as the most available for implementation in practical oat breeding. The results of recent studies on identifying loci of nonspecific resistance to P. coronata are also presented. In general, the use of DNA markers has significant potential for creating oat genotypes resistant to crown rust under present-day conditions. DNA markers of various types are recommended for practical use, in particular for pyramiding genes and increasing the resistance period of new cultivars. Introduction of DNA markers into oat breeding will increase with the growth of molecular genetic data and the improvement of technologies for identifying genes and loci associated with both race-specific and nonspecific resistance of oat to P. coronata

    High-efficiency freezing-induced loading of inorganic nanoparticles and proteins into micron- and submicron-sized porous particles

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    We demonstrate a novel approach to the controlled loading of inorganic nanoparticles and proteins into submicron- and micron-sized porous particles. The approach is based on freezing/thawing cycles, which lead to high loading densities. The process was tested for the inclusion of Au, magnetite nanoparticles, and bovine serum albumin in biocompatible vaterite carriers of micron and submicron sizes. The amounts of loaded nanoparticles or substances were adjusted by the number of freezing/thawing cycles. Our method afforded at least a three times higher loading of magnetite nanoparticles and a four times higher loading of protein for micron vaterite particles, in comparison with conventional methods such as adsorption and coprecipitation. The capsules loaded with magnetite nanoparticles by the freezing-induced loading method moved faster in a magnetic field gradient than did the capsules loaded by adsorption or coprecipitation. Our approach allows the preparation of multicomponent nanocomposite materials with designed properties such as remote control (e.g. via the application of an electromagnetic or acoustic field) and cargo unloading. Such materials could be used as multimodal contrast agents, drug delivery systems, and sensors

    Глобальное неравенство и особенности развития современной Африки

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    The article examines the main trends and forecasts of Africa’s development. The global inequality is seen by the authors as a key factor threatening the continent today and the future. As it shows by the authors, the global inequality influences on the development of Africa differentlly: by social, economical, ecological, political aspects. The certain aspects and statistical characteristics of inequality such as poverty, resources’ deficit (food shortages and water crisis) are analyzed by the present study. Degradation of the environment is happening due to the irrational use of nature that becomes an inhibitory factor in development of the African continent. A comprehensive analysis of current and forecasted demographic indicators has been carried. Africa’s role in the future demographic processes has been characterized, considering that the continent is of the rising “demographic giants”. Migration processes from Africa to the European Union countries has been assessed, as well as the prospects of an increasing inflow of migrants from Africa to Russia. As a consequence of demographic influence together with the adverse environmental impact, the authors point to extremely low standard of living, social inequality, disordered urbanization. However, despite the fact that Africa in the early 21st century is associated with conflicts (interstate and civil wars, inter-ethnic clashes), uncontrolled migration, insurmountable poverty, environmental disasters, hunger, deadly diseases, drug production and export, the authors note that global interest in Africa and the economic community first of all significantly increases in the third millennium. It is concluded that there is a need for a balanced assessment of the main risks and benefits of Russian-African relations at the present stage. Future planning of Russian-African relations must to take into account both the tremendous natural resources and demographic potential of Africa together with the global challenges and threats it bears.В статье рассматриваются основные тенденции и прогнозы развития Африки на современном этапе. В качестве ключевого фактора, угрожающего как настоящему, так и будущему региона, авторы выделяют глобальное неравенство, подчеркивая его комплексное, всеобъемлющее влияние на развитие Африканского континента. В работе проанализированы отдельные аспекты и статистические характеристики неравенства в Африке: проблемы бедности, дефицит ресурсов (продовольствия, “водный кризис”), которые уже сегодня наряду с экологическими бедствиями стали мощным тормозом развития для африканского населения. Также авторами проведен комплексный анализ современных и прогнозных демографических показателей, на основании чего выявлена роль Африки как одного из “демографических гигантов” в будущих мировых демографических процессах. Дана оценка развития миграционных процессов из Африки в страны Европейского союза и перспектив увеличения потока мигрантов из стран Африки в Россию. Как следствие влияния глобального неравенства, демографического фактора в совокупности с неблагоприятным воздействием окружающей среды, авторы указывают на крайний низкий уровень жизни, проблемы стихийной урбанизации. Однако несмотря на то что Африка в начале XXI в. ассоциируется с конфликтами (межгосударственные и гражданские войны, межэтнические столкновения), неуправляемой миграцией, непреодолимой нищетой, экологическими катастрофами, голодом, смертоносными болезнями, производством и вывозом наркотиков, авторы отмечают, что интерес к Африке со стороны мирового, прежде всего, экономического, сообщества, существенно возрастает в третьем тысячелетии, что, по мнению авторов, вызывает необходимость взвешенной оценки основных рисков и выгод развития российскоафриканских отношений на современном этапе, при планировании которых необходимо учитывать, как огромный природно-ресурсный и демографический потенциал Африки, так и глобальные вызовы и угрозы, которые он несет

    Assessment of Potential Companies Based on Performance and Financial Component under Conditions of New Economic Growth Model

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    In the article there are presented the features of the components that make up the economic capacity of the organization, improve the ability to deepen the analysis of their impact on the effectiveness of and prospects for stable development of the business entity in the new paradigm of economic development. Also, it the authors have developed the technique of evaluating the economic potential of the entertainment, through the application of the component approach and integrated rating. The complex analysis of the economic potential of "Istochnik" based on the proposed method of scoring production and financial potential of the company. Keywords: Economic potential, financial strength, system, production, finance, numerical score, a technique JEL Classification: O1

    Biomimetic sol-gel mineralization of polysaccharides by silicon and titanium polyolates

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    In this work, we have demonstrated that in addition to silicon tetraglycerolate, a new water-soluble biocompatible polyolate precursors – silicon tetrapolyethylene glycolate Si[O(CH2CH2O)nH]4 [5, 6] and titanium tetrapolyethylene glycolate Ti[O(CH2CH2O)nH]4 [5] – can be successfully utilized in biomimetical mineralization of polysaccharides of various nature. By the example of chitosan (cationic), xanthan gum (anionic), and hydroxyethyl cellulose (uncharged) polysaccharides, an accelerating effect has been demonstrated on the gelation process and a stabilizing effect has been revealed on the hydrogels formed as transparent monoliths showing resistance to syneresis. Thus formed silicon- and titanium-containing 3D-network of gels is found to be polymeric and appears to have ordered amorphous morphostructure, which can be explained as caused by the influence from the polysaccharides serving as templates. The presence of polyolate bridges between silicon or titanium atoms in the polymeric network is characteristic of polyolate precursors only and is determined mainly by the nature of the precursor and by the contents of polyol and water in the system. The formation of polyolate bridges is facilitated by the low reactivity of the precursor, by low water content, and also by polyol excess in the system. The sol-gel process utilized to obtain the silicon- and titanium-polysaccharide-containing hydrogels proceeds under the mild conditions at room temperature, with no catalyst or any organic solved to be used, and thus can be regarded as belonging to the green chemistry methods that show promise for biomedical materials applications.This work was carried out in the framework of the Russian State Assignment (theme № АААА-А19-119011790134-1)

    Сложности дифференциальной диагностики рассеянного склероза и синдрома Сусака

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    Retino-cochleo-cerebral angiopathy or Susac syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that selectively affects the vessels of the retina, the inner ear and the central nervous system. Differentiation of Susac syndrome and multiple sclerosis presents difficulties due to the similarity of MRI semiotics of these two diseases. This article presents two clinical cases of patients with Susac syndrome who were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the onset of the disease. Based on the analysis of our own clinical observations and literature data, the issues of differential diagnosis of Susac syndrome and multiple sclerosis are highlighted. For the first time a variant of the MRI picture transformation in Susac syndrome is presented.Ретино-кохлео-церебральная ангиопатия, или синдром Сусака, является достаточно редким аутоиммунным заболеванием, которое избирательно поражает сосуды сетчатки глаза, органов внутреннего уха и центральной нервной системы. Дифференциация синдрома Сусака и рассеянного склероза представляет сложности ввиду схожести МРТ семиотики этих двух заболеваний. В настоящей статье представлены два клинических случая пациентов с синдромом Сусака, котором в дебюте заболевания ошибочно был выставлен диагноза рассеянного склероза. На основании анализа собственных клинических наблюдений и данных литературы освещены вопросы дифференциальной диагностики синдрома Сусака и рассеянного склероза, а также впервые представлен вариант трансформации МРТ-картины в динамике при синдроме Сусака