53 research outputs found

    Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 8 PACS 85

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    Abstract. We consider the features of formation of AuTiPd ohmic contacts to p + -Si. Metallization was made by vacuum thermal sputtering of Pd, Ti and Au films onto the Si substrate heated up to 330 С. It is shown that the contact resistivity increases with temperature; this is typical of metallic conductivity. We suggest that the ohmic contact is formed owing to appearance of shunts at Pd deposition on dislocations or other structural defects. The number of shunts per unit area is close to the measured density of structural defects at the metalSi interface

    Methods for the detection and verification of mineral particles in the lungs

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    Morphological methods of revealing mineral dust particles in the lungs are considered in the article. It is shown that the features revealed during polarization microscopy are of significant importance in the verification of bauxite, titanium pneumoconiosis, and talc-associated lesions. It is recommended to use scanning electron microscopy to determine the elemental composition of dust on histological sections. It is established that the integrated application of research methods promotes the identification of mineral particles in lung tissue.В статье рассмотрены морфологические методы выявления минеральных пылевых частиц в легких. Показано, что обнаруженные при поляризационной микроскопии особенности имеют существенное значение в верификации бокситового, титанового и других пневмокониозов, а также тальк-ассоциированных поражений. рекомендовано использовать сканирующую электронную микроскопию для определения элементного состава пыли в гистологических срезах. Установлено, что комплексное применение различных методов морфологического исследования способствует выявлению и верификации минеральных частиц в ткани легкого

    Protestant women in the late Soviet era: gender, authority, and dissent

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    At the peak of the anti-religious campaigns under Nikita Khrushchev, communist propaganda depicted women believers as either naïve dupes, tricked by the clergy, or as depraved fanatics; the Protestant “sektantka” (female sectarian) was a particularly prominent folk-devil. In fact, as this article shows, women’s position within Protestant communities was far more complex than either of these mythical figures would have one believe. The authors explore four important, but contested, female roles: women as leaders of worship, particularly in remote congregations where female believers vastly outnumbered their male counterparts; women as unofficial prophetesses, primarily within Pentecostal groups; women as mothers, replenishing congregations through high birth rates and commitment to their children’s religious upbringing; and women as political actors in the defence of religious rights. Using a wide range of sources, which include reports written by state officials, articles in the church journal, letters from church members to their ecclesiastical leaders in Moscow, samizdat texts, and oral history accounts, the authors probe women’s relationship with authority, in terms of both the authority of the (male) ministry within the church, and the authority of the Soviet state

    The STAR experiment at the relativistic heavy ion collider

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    Strike-slip related continental rifting of the eastern margin of Asia

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    The present paper considers the research of the Cretaceous-Cenozoic rifting for the Eastern margin of Asia occurring under the strike-slip related geodynamic regime, which resulted from development of the Eastern Asian global strike-slip fault zone (EAGSSFZ). The EAGSSFZ infrastructure proves to be recognized. It includes the longitudinal system of the NE (25-30°) trending sinistral faults, which form the through strike-slip fault zone to be pivot for the EAGSSFZ, together with two diagonal systems: the NE (50-70°) trending near-continental system of obligue-reverse-slip faults and the N-S trending near-oceanic fault system, which are feathering for the pivot zone. The paragenesis of the longitudinal and diagonal near-continental systems is studied. There are two paragenetic stages of their development: 1) the Jurassic-to-Early-Cretaceous orogenic stage is to be an effect of the formation of the diagonal system of the fold-thrust dislocations as compression structures of the longitudinal sinistral fault system (orogenic strike-slip related constriction of masses continued through the end of Early Cretaceous); 2) the Late-Cretaceous-to-Cenozoic riftogenic stage is to be an effect of riftogenic extension (pulling apart) of the crustal block bounded by the sinistral faults of the longitudinal system and due to the rifting that was caused by substitution (within the diagonal system) of predominantly reverse-and-thrust fault kinematics (of the 1st stage) for sinistral slips with development of the riftogenic extension structures controlling sedimentary basins along the strike-slip faults. At the same time, the sinistral activation of the diagonal fault system comprising the Bohai-Amur (BA) zone caused transformation of the Tan-Lu (TL) strike-slip fault into the extension structure, forming here the up-to-80-km-wide riftogenic trough with subsidence of its sides that led to formation of the North Chinese sedimentary basin up-to-700-km-wide. Being identical with the TL rift by orientation, morphology, and depth of initiation, the Eastern Amur rift formed also synchronously with the TL rift that corroborates opening of the latter via south-westward displacements of the NW sides of the BA system’s strike-slip faults. The established sinistral displacements of the NW sides for the faults belonging to both the diagonal and longitudinal systems to the south-westward (the total displacements’ sector is SW 205-250°) show dynamo-kinematic activity of the Asian continent in the processes of rifting of the Eastern margin of Asia

    Reactive Pulsed Laser Deposition of Clustered-Type MoSx (x ~ 2, 3, and 4) Films and Their Solid Lubricant Properties at Low Temperature

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    We studied the tribological properties of amorphous molybdenum sulfide (MoSx) thin-film coatings during sliding friction in an oxidizing environment at a low temperature (−100 °C). To obtain films with different sulfur contents (x ~ 2, 3, and 4), we used reactive pulsed laser deposition, where laser ablation of the Mo target was performed in H2S at various pressures. The lowest coefficient of friction (0.08) was observed during tribo-testing of the MoS3 coating. This coating had good ductility and low wear; the wear of a steel counterbody was minimal. The MoS2 coating had the best wear resistance, due to the tribo-film adhering well to the coating in the wear track. Tribo-modification of the MoS2 coating, however, caused a higher coefficient of friction (0.16) and the most intensive wear of the counterbody. The MoS4 coating had inferior tribological properties. This study explored the mechanisms of possible tribo-chemical changes and structural rearrangements in MoSx coatings upon contact with a counterbody when exposed to oxygen and water. The properties of the tribo-film and the efficiency of its transfer onto the coating and/or the counterbody largely depended on local atomic packing of the nanoclusters that formed the structure of the amorphous MoSx films