39 research outputs found

    Development of the fuzzy sets theory: weak operations and extension principles

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    The paper considers the problems that arise when using the theory of fuzzy sets to solve applied problems. Unlike stochastic methods, which are based on statistical data, fuzzy set theory methods make sense to apply when statistical data are not available. In these cases, algorithms should be based on membership functions formed by experts who are specialists in this field of knowledge. Ideally, complete information about membership functions is required, but this is an impractical procedure. More often than not, even the most experienced expert can determine only their carriers or separate sets of the α -cuts for unknown fuzzy parameters of the system. Building complete membership functions of unknown fuzzy parameters on this basis is risky and unreliable. Therefore, the paper proposes an extension of the fuzzy sets theory axiomatics in order to introduce non-traditional (less demanding on the completeness of data on membership functions) extension principles and operations on fuzzy sets. The so-called α -weak operations on fuzzy sets are proposed, which are based on the use of separate sets of the α -cuts. It is also shown that all classical theorems of Cantor sets theory apply in the extended axiomatic theory. New extension principles of generalization have been introduced, which allow solving problems in conditions of significant uncertainty of information

    Development of the fuzzy sets theory: weak operations and extension principles

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    The paper considers the problems that arise when using the theory of fuzzy sets to solve applied problems. Unlike stochastic methods, which are based on statistical data, fuzzy set theory methods make sense to apply when statistical data are not available. In these cases, algorithms should be based on membership functions formed by experts who are specialists in this field of knowledge. Ideally, complete information about membership functions is required, but this is an impractical procedure. More often than not, even the most experienced expert can determine only their carriers or separate sets of the α-cuts for unknown fuzzy parameters of the system. Building complete membership functions of unknown fuzzy parameters on this basis is risky and unreliable. Therefore, the paper proposes an extension of the fuzzy sets theory axiomatics in order to introduce non-traditional (less demanding on the completeness of data on membership functions) extension principles and operations on fuzzy sets. The so-called α-weak operations on fuzzy sets are proposed, which are based on the use of separate sets of the α-cuts. It is also shown that all classical theorems of Cantor sets theory apply in the extended axiomatic theory. New extension principles of generalization have been introduced, which allow solving problems in conditions of significant uncertainty of information

    Chemistry for Sustainable Development 13 (2005) 603-610 Purification of Drainage Water from Dumps of Solid Household Wastes Using Calcium Oxide for Premembranous Treatment

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    Abstract Potentiality to use the process of treatment of drainage water from the dumps of solid household waste by calcium oxide as a method of premembranous preparation has been studied. The flow diagram has been developed for purification of drain age water with processing of the resulting slimes into marketable products. The suggested technology assumes the re-use of the obtained products in this technological process and their salvaging within other branches of the n ation al economy. Technological dependences of the variation in the baromembrane processes parameters after a prior reagent purification of drain age water from dumps have been obtained. Tests of a semiindustrial setup have been performed under field conditions

    The method of translation additive and multiplicative error in the instrumental component of the measurement uncertainty

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    The paper proposes a method of conversion additive and multiplicative errors, mathematical models are obtained by a Taylor expansion of the transformation equations used measuring instruments in the instrumental component of the measurement uncertainty

    Особливості мікроциркуляції крові в матці та яєчниках у жінок із дисплазією сполучном´язової тканини тазового дна

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    Doplerometrics of the uterine and ovarian arteries in 38 women of different age groups with dysplasia of the connective tissue of the pelvic floor with uterine prolapse have been carried out. The analysis of doplerometry values of blood flow in the uterine arteries showed the levels of PI, IL decrease in the women of reproductive, premenopausal and postmenopausal age. The ratio C/D was reduced only in the women of reproductive age, but it became higher in premenopausal and postmenopausal age groups. Histopathological study of the elastic frame round uterine ligaments and vaginal walls showed different degrees of degenerative changes, which should be regarded as one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the uterine prolapse. More pronounced pathological changes were observed in the ligaments of the uterus than in the wall of the vagina. These involutive changes in all uterine ligaments tissue begin earlier or occur more rapidly.Проведены допплерометрические исследования маточных и яичниковых артерий у 38 женщин разных возрастных групп с дисплазией соединительномышечной ткани тазового дна и пролапсом матки. У женщин репродуктивного, пременопаузального и менопаузального возраста анализ допплерометрических показателей кровообращения в маточных артериях с пролапсом матки показал снижение ПИ, ИР. Соотношение С/Д было снижено только у женщин репродуктивного возраста, тогда как у женщин пременопаузального и менопаузального возраста оно было повышено. Патогистологическое исследование состояния эластичного каркаса круглых маточных связок и стенок влагалища показало разную степень дегенеративных изменений, которые следует считать одним из патогенетических механизмов пролапса матки. Более выраженные патологические изменения наблюдаются в связочном аппарате матки, чем в стенке влагалища. Эти инволютивные изменения в круглых маточных связках начинаются раньше или происходят более быстрыми темпами.Проведено допплерометричне дослідження маткових та яєчникових артерій у 38 жінок різних вікових груп із дисплазією сполучном’язової тканини тазового дна та пролапсом матки. У жінок репродуктивного, пременопаузального та постменопаузального віку аналіз допплерометричних показників кровообігу в маткових артеріях показав зниження ПІ, ІР. Співвідношення С/Д було знижене тільки в жінок репродуктивного віку, тоді як у жінок пременопаузального та постменопаузального віку воно було підвищене. Патогістологічне дослідження стану еластичного каркасу круглих маткових зв’язок та стінок вагіни показа різний ступінь дегенеративних змін, які слід вважати одним із патогенетичних механізмів пролапсу матки. Більш виражені патологічні зміни спостерігаються в зв’язковому апараті матки, ніж у стінці вагіни. Ці інволютивні зміни в круглих маткових зв’язках починаються раніше або відбуваються більш швидкими темпами


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    An algorithm for determining optimal electrical network topologies based on the evaluation of improvement options when changing the topology of local areas, as well as the algorithm for determining the main routing.Предложен алгоритм определения оптимальной топологии сети на основе использования оценки улучшения варианта при изменении топологии в локальных зонах, а также алгоритм определения пути прокладки магистрали.Запропоновано алгоритм визначення оптимальної топології мережі на основі використання оцінки поліпшення варіанту при зміні топології в локальних зонах, а також алгоритм визначення шляху прокладання магістралі