3,908 research outputs found
Charges in nonlinear higher-spin theory
Nonlinear higher-spin equations in four dimensions admit a closed two-form
that defines a gauge-invariant global charge as an integral over a
two-dimensional cycle. In this paper we argue that this charge gives rise to
partitions depending on various lower- and higher-spin chemical potentials
identified with modules of topological fields in the theory. The vacuum
contribution to the partition is calculated to the first nontrivial order for a
solution to higher-spin equations that generalizes AdS4 Kerr black hole of
General Relativity. The resulting partition is non-zero being in parametric
agreement with the ADM-like behavior of a rotating source. The linear response
of chemical potentials to the partition function is also extracted. The
explicit unfolded form of 4d GR black holes is given. An explicit formula
relating asymptotic higher-spin charges expressed in terms of the generalized
higher-spin Weyl tensor with those expressed in terms of Fronsdal fields is
obtained.Comment: 23 pages; V3: typos corrected; references and acknowledgement added;
example of the topological contribution to spin-4 charge added; new Section
3.1 added establishing relation of our construction for asymptotic charges
with the canonical one. Version published in JHE
Lorentz covariant form of extended higher-spin equations
The extension of nonlinear higher-spin equations in d=4 proposed in
[arXiv:1504.07289] for the construction of invariant functional is shown to
respect local Lorentz symmetry. The equations are rewritten in a manifestly
Lorentz covariant form resulting from some Stueckelberg-like field
transformation. We also show that the two field-independent central terms
entering higher-spin equations which are not entirely fixed by the consistency
alone get fixed unambiguously by the requirement of Lorentz symmetry. One of
the important advantages of the proposed approach demonstrated in the paper is
the remarkable simplification of the perturbative analysis.Comment: V2: 20 pages, typos corrected, references added. Version published in
Financial management of small organizations based on a cognitive approach
In most cases small business organizations insufficiently justify economic calculations for the formation of financial resources, which adversely affects their sustainable development.
Under the current circumstances, the need for sound financial management increases, which ensures a stable financial status of the organization and the prospects for increasing its value.
The aim of this paper is to identify the conditions for the dynamic financial management of small organizations based on a cognitive approach.
The proposed cognitive model allows establishing the mechanism of mutual influential factors of internal and external environment on the effective use of financial resources.
Using the proposed model, it is possible to forecast changes in financial results.peer-reviewe
Classical double copy and higher-spin fields
Kerr-Schild double copy is shown to extend naturally to all free symmetric
gauge fields propagating on in any dimensions. Similarly to the
standard lower-spin case, the higher-spin multicopy comes along with the
zeroth, single and double copies. The mass-like term of the Fronsdal spin
field equations fixed by gauge symmetry and the mass of the zeroth copy both
appear to be remarkably fine tuned to fit the multicopy pattern forming a
spectrum organized by higher-spin symmetry. On the black hole side this curious
observation fills up the list of miraculous properties of the Kerr solution.Comment: 14 page
Professional education in tourism: problems of the regional level
The article reveals the main problems of professional education in the sphere of tourism at the regional leve
Interferometry of hyper-Rayleigh scattering by inhomogeneous thin films
The use of specific symmetry properties of the optical second-harmonic
generation (the s,s-exclusion rule) has allowed us to observe high-contrast
hyper-Rayleigh interference patterns in a completely diffuse light - an effect
having no analog in case of linear (Rayleigh) scattering.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
Changes in the structure and dominance of the zooplankton community of the Kremenchuk Reservoir under the effect of climate changes
Zooplankton plays an important role in aquatic food webs and changes in its abundance and diversity under changing climatic conditions can significantly affect the abundance and diversity of other aquatic organisms. The aim of the study was to assess quantitative and qualitative parameters of zooplankton development, dynamics of development of its dominant groups and the effect of water temperature. Species composition and abundance of zooplankton of the Kremenchuk Reservoir were studied in 2006, 2010–2012 and 2020 in relation to water temperature and pollution. Zooplankton species diversity fluctuated significantly over the years of the study. A total of 46 taxa were recorded in the reservoir during the study period. The number of recorded zooplankton taxa ranged 26 to 32 depending on the year. The most abundant zooplankters were Chydorus sphaericus, Copepoda nauplii, Brachionus diversicornis. The abundance of zooplankters in the reservoir during the study period ranged 23·103 to 256·103 ind./m3, and biomass 0.14 to 0.89 g/m3. A significant positive relationship was observed between the abundance of cladocerans, including some individual species (Ch. sphaericus and Ceriodaphnia sp.), and water temperature. Indicator species of water pollution in different years and in different parts of the Kremenchuk Reservoir differed significantly, which probably depended on the presence or absence (in a certain period of time) of polluting discharges. The total saprobity index in different years in different parts of the reservoir was in the range of 1.5–1.9. Structural indicators of zooplankton and its dominant complexes characterize the water in the Kremenchuk Reservoir as β-mesosaprobic. It is probably too early to assess the impact of climate change zooplankton as these changes are still unstable and short in time, but it is necessary to constantly monitor the biota of aquatic ecosystems to further study and summarize the data, which could later allow an identification of such changes
Agrobiological evaluation of Allium ampeloprasum L. variety samples in comparison with Allium sativum L. cultivars
ArticleThe purpose of investigation is to study the biological and morphological features, to
establish the economic and valuable characteristics of the introduced and local forms of Allium
ampeloprasum L. in comparison with Allium sativum L. and to study the effect of removal of the
scape in the yield. The studies used field, statistical, settlement and analytical methods. The
weight of the bulb without removing the inflorescence shoot of the cultivar Sofiivskyi was 28.4–
53.3 g smaller than the variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 respectively. With removing the scape
the difference increased by 60.5–68.6 g. The yield of No. 2 variety sample Allium ampeloprasum L.
without removing the scape was lower than the standard by 1.7 t ha-1 while the variety sample
No. 3 exceeded the standard by 1.1 t ha-1
. With the removal of inflorescence shoot the yields of
variety samples No. 2 and No. 3 exceeded the cultivar Sofiivskyi by 1.6 and 2.2 t ha-1
. It has been
established according to the researches that introduced forms of Allium ampeloprasum L. have
high indicators of economic and valuable characteristics, but they are limited in the first years of
cultivation, by the period of adaptation to the new soil and climatic conditions
Identification of the risks of consumer credit cooperatives
Various types of classification of risks of credit consumer cooperatives have been considered. The author’s approach to the classification of cooperative risks based on the account of losses associated with risk situations has been adduced. It has been proposed to carry out a quantitative risk assessment, which is demonstrated by the example of the assessment of various types of savings risk. Directions of reduction of risks of losses of credit consumer cooperatives have been designated. The necessity of identification of risks of credit consumer cooperatives for substantiation of strategy and tactics of cooperative development has been emphasized
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