738 research outputs found

    Identification of new cataclysmic variables in the 1RXS and USNO-B1.0 catalogs

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    As a result of applying the original optical variability search method on publicly available data, we have found eight new cataclysmic variables and two possible Optically Violent Variable quasars among the previously unidentified X-ray sources in the ROSAT catalog. We describe the search method and present the characteristics of the newly identified variable stars. The obtained results demonstrate the large potential of the concept of Virtual Observatory for identifying new objects of astrophysical interest.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; submitted to Astronomy Letter

    LC nanocomposites: induced optical singularities, managed nano/micro structure, and electrical conductivity

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    Microstructure, phase transitions, electrical conductivity, and optical and electrooptical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (NTs), dispersed in the cholesteric liquid crystal (cholesteryl oleyl carbonate, COC), nematic 5CB and their mixtures, were studied in the temperature range between 255 K and 363 K. The relative concentration X=COC/(COC+5CB)was varied within 0.0-1.0. The concentration CpC_p of NTs was varied within 0.01-5% wt. The value of X affected agglomeration and stability of NTs inside COC+5CB. High-quality dispersion, exfoliation, and stabilization of the NTs were observed in COC solvent ("good" solvent). From the other side, the aggregation of NTs was very pronounced in nematic 5CB solvent ("bad" solvent). The dispersing quality of solvent influenced the percolation concentration CpC_p, corresponding to transition between the low conductive and high conductive states: e.g., percolation was observed at Cp=1C_p=1% and Cp=0.1C_p=0.1% for pure COC and 5CB, respectively. The effects of thermal pre-history on the heating-cooling hysteretic behavior of electrical conductivity were studied. The mechanism of dispersion of NTs in COC+5CB mixtures is discussed. Utilization of the mixtures of "good" and "bad" solvents allowed fine regulation of the dispersion, stability and electrical conductivity of LC+NTs composites. The mixtures of COC and 5CB were found to be promising for application as functional media with controllable useful chiral and electrophysical properties.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Comparative legal analysis of mediation in Russia and the EU

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    The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics of mediation procedures, review them as extrajudicial method of conflict resolution. As the methodological basis of the research we use the synergistic, phenomenological and dialectical analysis techniques to examine the main aspects of the mediation as well as identify its principal features. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that in Russia it is necessary to take into account the international experience of mediation, legislation to support the mediation process and in some cases give it forceful character, to develop cooperation with the courts and notaries with the mediators.peer-reviewe

    Political and Economic Cooperation between Russia and the Slovak Republic: Possible Development Scenarios

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    The article is dedicated to recent domestic political transformations in Slovakia and their possible impact on Russian-Slovak relations. The paper studies the main aspects of the current political and economic partnership between the Russian Federation and the Slovak Republic; it is indicated that economic cooperation with Russia remains a relatively significant foreign policy aspect for Slovakia, primarily due to energy supplies. Nevertheless, the gradual decrease in the intensity of bilateral interaction is highlighted. According to the authors, the “anti-Russian pivot” of Slovakia in 2020 can contribute to a further reduction in the scale of Russian-Slovak cooperation; the Slovak elections radically altered the configuration of political forces within the country, the republic’s parliament is led by the opposition forces with clear anti-Russian rhetoric.Considering possible variations of Russian-Slovak political and economic cooperation in the foreseeable future, authors propose moderately optimistic, neutral and pessimistic scenarios. It is underlined that the damage from the predicted deterioration in relations for Russia due to the current trends in bilateral cooperation between the countries is assessed as rather insignificant

    Determination of the parameters of the scheme of substitution of the anchor winding of the inductive supexciter of the combined multifunctional brushless exciter

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    The picture of the magnetic field of scattering and mutual induction of the anchor winding of the exciter for the three types of configuration of the tooth-groove layer is considered. The inductive resistance is calculated for the entire phase


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    Background: Adverse course of HIV infection, rapid development of immunosuppression, severe opportunistic infections and malignant tumors and high mortality substantiate the importance of timely prescription of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The initial therapy pattern must remain efficient and safe in the long term.Objective: Our aim was to study effectiveness and safety of different patterns of initial HAART in HIV-infected children.Methods: The randomized controlled trial involved HIV-infected children aged 1–3 years. Clinical, immunological and virological examinations were conducted before and 12 months after HAART. The initial therapy pattern included 2 nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors — zidovudine and lamivudine. Children were randomized to the groups differing in the third therapy component: lopinavir/ritonavir or nevirapine.Results: 25 patients were randomized to the lopinavir/ritonavir group, 23 children — to the nevirapine group. After 12 months of treatment, HIV replication suppression (blood viral load < 50 copies/ml) was achieved in 25 (100%) lopinavir/ritonavir group patients and in 16 (70%) nevirapine group patients (p = 0.003). HIV infection did not progress clinically regardless of the pattern. The median number of CD4+CD3+ lymphocytes in the lopinavir/ritonavir group increased from 20.5% (12; 23) to 30% (27; 34) (p < 0,001), in the nevirapine group — from 21.5% (17; 23) to 29% (27; 38) (p < 0.001). Adverse events developed in 13 (27%) children. 3 and 2 children in the lopinavir/ritonavir group suffered from nausea and emesis, respectively. 1 and 1 patient in the nevirapine group suffered from allergic rash and drug-induced hepatitis, respectively.Conclusion: High effectiveness and safety of lopinavir/ritonavir allow recommending this drug as the third component of the initial HAART pattern for HIV-infected children

    Calculation of the inductive resistance of the phase of the anker winding of the sup-exciter of the combined multifunctional brushless exciter

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    In this paper, the picture of the magnetic field of scattering and mutual induction of the anker winding of the sup-exciter for the three types of configuration of the tooth-groove layer is considered.. The inductive resistance of scattering and mutual induction for the entire phase is calculated.В данной статье рассмотрена картина магнитного поля рассеяния и взаимоиндукции якорной обмотки подвозбудителя для трёх типов конфигурации зубцово-пазового слоя. Рассчитано индуктивное сопротивление рассеяния и взаимоиндукции для всей фазы

    Discovery of an unusual bright eclipsing binary with the longest known period: TYC 2505-672-1 / MASTER OT J095310.04+335352.8

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    We report on the MASTER Global Robotic Net discovery of an eclipsing binary, MASTER OT J095310.04+335352.8, previously known as unremarkable star TYC 2505-672-1, which displays extreme orbital parameters. The orbital period P=69.1 yr is more than 2.5 times longer than that of epsilon-Aurigae, which is the previous record holder. The light curve is characterized by an extremely deep total eclipse with a depth of more than 4.5 mag, which is symmetrically shaped and has a total duration of 3.5 yrs. The eclipse is essentially gray. The spectra acquired with the Russian 6 m BTA telescope both at minimum and maximum light mainly correspond to an M0-1III--type red giant, but the spectra taken at the bottom of eclipse show small traces of a sufficiently hot source. The observed properties of this system can be better explained as the red giant eclipsed by a large cloud (the disk) of small particles surrounding the invisible secondary companion.Comment: 8 figures, 9 pages, Astronomy and astrophysics in prin