472 research outputs found

    Plasticity in habitat use of two native Ponto-Caspian gobies, Proterorhinus semilunaris and Neogobius fluviatilis: implications for invasive populations

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    The Ponto-Caspian region is an important source area for some invasive gobiid fishes. These fishes have colonised several freshwater ecosystems in Europe, as well as in North America. As knowledge on their habitat utilisation in their native range remains limited, the seasonal habitat uses of Western tubenose goby, Proterorhinus semilunaris and monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis were studied in four natural lakes in the Marmara Region (NW Turkey). Habitat use of both species was highly variable between the lakes and seasons, with P. semilunaris showing higher plasticity. In general, the main habitats used by P. semilunaris were shallow waters in littoral areas that had vegetation cover, whereas N. fluviatilis consistently used sandy substratum in deeper waters that lacked vegetation. These results suggested there was high plasticity in the habitat utilisation of these two gobiids, especially in P. semilunaris, which potentially facilitates their ability to establish and invade novel environments. The habitats that are especially vulnerable to P. semilunaris invasion are medium size substrates which provide individuals with sufficient interstitial space for refuge. Waters providing differing habitats, such as sandy substrata, might inhibit their colonisation, but are potentially more vulnerable to N. fluviatilis invasion

    Trophic interactions of two Ponto-Caspian gobies in the Turkish part of their native range

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    Several Ponto-Caspian gobiids have expanded from their native distribution ranges to Europe and North America. As knowledge on their bio-ecological features in their native range is still limited, the trophic ecology of monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis and Western tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris was studied in three natural lakes in the Marmara Region of NW Turkey using the stable isotopes of δ13C and δ15N. In two of the lakes, the trophic niches (as the isotopic niche) of the gobies were highly divergent with co-existing native fishes, with no overlap. Moreover, mixing models suggests considerable inter-specific dietary differences. In all lakes, the trophic niches of gobies were never significantly larger than those of co-existing fishes. These results suggest that when introduced outside of their natural range, the gobies might integrate into new fish communities via exploiting resources that are underexploited by native fishes or will initially share resources with these species before their niches diverge, perhaps through competitive displacement

    Evidence of threat to European economy and biodiversity following the introduction of an alien pathogen on the fungal–animal boundary

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    Recent years have seen a global and rapid resurgence of fungal diseases with direct impact on biodiversity and local extinctions of amphibian, coral, or bat populations. Despite similar evidence of population extinction in European fish populations and the associated risk of food aquaculture due to the emerging rosette agent Sphaerothecum destruens, an emerging infectious eukaryotic intracellular pathogen on the fungal–animal boundary, our understanding of current threats remained limited. Long-term monitoring of population decline for the 8-year post-introduction of the fungal pathogen was coupled with seasonal molecular analyses of the 18S rDNA and histological work of native fish species organs. A phylogenetic relationship between the existing EU and US strains using the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences was also carried out. Here, we provide evidence that this emerging parasite has now been introduced via Pseudorasbora parva to sea bass farms, an industry that represents over 400 M€ annually in a Mediterranean region that is already economically vulnerable. We also provide for the first time evidence linking S. destruens to disease and severe declines in International Union for Conservation of Nature threatened European endemic freshwater fishes (i.e. 80% to 90 % mortalities). Our findings are thus of major economic and conservation importance

    Plasticity in life history traits of the native Proterorhinus semilunaris suggests high adaptive capacity in its invasive range

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    Invasion risk assessments are reliant on ecological data that assist the predictions of whether an introduced species will adapt to novel conditions. Data from the native range of potential invaders can thus assist these assessments. Here, the growth and reproductive characteristics of the Western tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris, a Ponto-Caspian gobiid, were assessed in three natural lakes in their native range, as there are few extant data on these traits. Across the three lakes, the gobies were found in varying abundances. Sex ratios varied, with females significantly outnumbering males in only one lake, with equal sex ratios in the other lakes. The fish always showed a positive allometric growth, but had high variability in their somatic growth rates and relative body conditions between the lakes. Scale ageing revealed all populations comprised individuals to age four years, with one lake having individuals to 5 years old. Reproductive characteristics, such as size at maturity, gonad-somatic index and fecundity, did not differ significantly between the lakes. These data suggest that plasticity in aspects of their life history traits provides P. semilunaris with considerable adaptive capacity following their introduction into novel conditions

    Automated low frequency load cutoff

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    Interactions of invasive pumpkinseed with a riverine endemic fish indicate trophic overlap but minimal consequences for somatic growth and condition

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    The North American invasive fish pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus has been associated with some detrimental ecological consequences in some parts of its invasive range. Here, we tested the trophic interactions of pumpkinseed with the endemic stream fish Aegean chub Squalius fellowesii ('chub') in a Mediterranean-type water course in SW Anatolia, Turkey, using a bulk stable isotope approach (d13C, d15N). Seven sampling sites were able to be grouped as chub in pumpkinseed presence (n=2) and absence (n=3), and pumpkinseed in chub absence (n=2). Across these groups, stable isotope metrics revealed that chub trophic (isotopic) niche size was similar in pumpkinseed presence/absence, but pumpkinseed had a larger niche in chub presence. In sites where they are co-habited, their niches showed some convergence, but with no apparent consequences for their growth or body condition, suggesting there were minimal ecological consequences of this sharing of food resources. These results suggest that the trophic consequences of this riverine invasion of pumpkinseed on this endemic chub was minimal

    Recombinant Production of MFHR1, A Novel Synthetic Multitarget Complement Inhibitor, in Moss Bioreactors

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    The human complement system is an important part of the immune system responsible for lysis and elimination of invading microorganisms and apoptotic body cells. Improper activation of the system due to deficiency, mutations, or autoantibodies of complement regulators, mainly factor H (FH) and FH-related proteins (FHRs), causes severe kidney and eye diseases. However, there is no recombinant FH therapeutic available on the market. The first successful recombinant production of FH was accomplished with the moss bioreactor, Physcomitrella patens. Recently, a synthetic regulator, MFHR1, was designed to generate a multitarget complement inhibitor that combines the activities of FH and the FH-related protein 1 (FHR1). The potential of MFHR1 was demonstrated in a proof-of-concept study with transiently transfected insect cells. Here, we present the stable production of recombinant glyco-engineered MFHR1 in the moss bioreactor. The key features of this system are precise genome engineering via homologous recombination, Good Manufacturing Practice-compliant production in photobioreactors, high batch-to-batch reproducibility, and product stability. Several potential biopharmaceuticals are being produced in this system. In some cases, these are even biobetters, i.e., the recombinant proteins produced in moss have a superior quality compared to their counterparts from mammalian systems as for example moss-made aGal, which successfully passed phase I clinical trials. Via mass spectrometry-based analysis of moss-produced MFHR1, we now prove the correct synthesis and modification of this glycoprotein with predominantly complex-type N-glycan attachment. Moss-produced MFHR1 exhibits cofactor and decay acceleration activities comparable to FH, and its mechanism of action on multiple levels within the alternative pathway of complement activation led to a strong inhibitory activity on the whole alternative pathway, which was higher than with the physiological regulator FH

    Impact of Acceptor Quadrupole Moment on Charge Generation and Recombination in Blends of IDT-Based Non-Fullerene Acceptors with PCE10 as Donor Polymer

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    Advancing non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) organic photovoltaics requires the mitigation of the efficiency-limiting processes. Acceptor end-group and side-chain engineering are two handles to tune properties, and a better understanding of their specific impact on the photophysics could facilitate a more guided acceptor design. Here, the device performance, energetic landscape, and photophysics of rhodanine and dicyanovinyl end-capped IDT-based NFAs, namely, O-IDTBR and O-IDTBCN, in PCE10-based solar cells are compared by transient optical and electro-optical spectroscopy techniques and density functional theory calculations. It is revealed how the acceptors’ quadrupole moments affect the interfacial energetic landscape, in turn causing differences in exciton quenching, charge dissociation efficiencies, and geminate versus non-geminate recombination losses. More precisely, it is found that the open circuit voltage (VOC) is controlled by the acceptors’ electron affinity (EA), while geminate and non-geminate recombination, and the field dependence of charge generation, rely on the acceptors’ quadrupole moments. The kinetic parameters and yields of all processes are determined, and it is demonstrated that they can reproduce the performance differences of the devices’ current–voltage characteristics in carrier drift-diffusion simulations. The results provide insight into the impact of the energetic landscape, specifically the role of the quadrupole moment of the acceptor, beyond trivial considerations of the donor–acceptor energy offsets

    Enhanced Fusion Pore Expansion Mediated by the Trans-Acting Endodomain of the Reovirus FAST Proteins

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    The reovirus fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins are virus-encoded membrane fusion proteins that function as dedicated cell–cell fusogens. The topology of these small, single-pass membrane proteins orients the majority of the protein on the distal side of the membrane (i.e., inside the cell). We now show that ectopic expression of the endodomains of the p10, p14, and p15 FAST proteins enhances syncytiogenesis induced by the full-length FAST proteins, both homotypically and heterotypically. Results further indicate that the 68-residue cytoplasmic endodomain of the p14 FAST protein (1) is endogenously generated from full-length p14 protein expressed in virus-infected or transfected cells; (2) enhances syncytiogenesis subsequent to stable pore formation; (3) increases the syncytiogenic activity of heterologous fusion proteins, including the differentiation-dependent fusion of murine myoblasts; (4) exerts its enhancing activity from the cytosol, independent of direct interactions with either the fusogen or the membranes being fused; and (5) contains several regions with protein–protein interaction motifs that influence enhancing activity. We propose that the unique evolution of the FAST proteins as virus-encoded cellular fusogens has allowed them to generate a trans-acting, soluble endodomain peptide to harness a cellular pathway or process involved in the poorly understood process that facilitates the transition from microfusion pores to macrofusion and syncytiogenesis

    Migraine headaches among university students using id migraine test as a screening tool

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Migraine is a significant health problem, especially for the young people, due to its frequency and accompanying morbidity, causing disability and loss of performance. In this study, our aim was to determine the prevalence of migraine headaches among university students in Edirne, a Turkish city.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this cross-sectional and descriptive study, study population was composed of students registered to Trakya University in the academic year of 2008-2009. Out of these, 3694 of them accepted to participate. Participants who had two or more headaches in the last 3 months formed the headache group. Afterwards, two preliminary questions were applied to the headache group and participants with at least one affirmative response were asked to perform the validated ID-Migraine™ test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age of 3694 students participated in the study was 19.23 ± 1.84 (17-39 years), with adolescents:adult ratio being 2.5:1. 1613 students (43.7%) did have at least two headaches in the last three months. Migraine-type headache was detected in 266 subjects (7.2%) based on the ID-Migraine™ test. Of the migraine group, 72 were male (27.1%) and 194 were female (72.9%). There was no significant difference in migraine prevalence between adolescent and adult age groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>With a prevalence similar to adults, primary care physicians should be aware of the probability of migraine headaches in university students in order to maintain a successful school performance.</p