8 research outputs found
Kőrispataki Szalmakalap Múzeum : falusi turizmus vagy rituális tér születése? : egy székelyföldi magángyűjtemény avató ünnepe
The study describes the events of the opening ceremony of a private collection inaugurated in a village of Székely land (Kőrispatak, Hargita County, Romania) as the birth of new ritual space. I examined the circumstances and background of the process of the inauguratory event. In the course of events covering a whole day, I found several parallels with social events emphasizing national identity mushrooming in the villages of Transylvania inhabited by Hungarians. On the one hand, we can talk about the birth of ritual space as the „Straw-Hat Museum" is a collection „summarizing" the past of a minority village, its traditional values and specificities manifested in objects and exhibitions. The Museum, at first glance, has been established to present a unique ethnological value of Hungarians living in Rumania: the domestic production of straw. On the other hand, if we examine the circumstances of the organization of the Museum, the basic elements and ceremonial phases of the celebration, the final aim has some significance beyond this. If we get to know the future function of the main building, the yard and the additional subsidiary buildings and furniture of the Museum, it is proper to assume that the newly inaugurated space lays the foundation of a well-constructed conception of village tourism. In absence of any other local institutions, the Museum area can simultaneously serve as the site of village festivals. The inventor, constructor and central figure of the inauguratory ceremony is no other than the person who is going to realize this long term programme
Az átszerkesztett emlékezet
The study discusses the function of photographs as ordered, stored and used in peasant communities. It draws attention to photographing rites de passage in human life and to the way these events are represented by photos. Separate categories are made up of childhood photos (picture 7), photos of the First Communion, Confirmation (picture 8) photos of girlhood and young manhood, friendships, souvenir photos from military service, engagement, marriage ceremonies and wedding feasts (picture 9), lying in state (pictures 10, 11), gravestones, which are also connected with funerals (picture 12), photos of life in America, soldiers in the two World Wars (picture 13), the possession of technical equipment (threshing-machines or other implements). We mention as a separate category the photographs which are mutilated (picture 14) or transformed for various reasons (pictures 17,18). Reconstituting photos (mutilating or making montages) can mean that, at the same time, memory is also recomposed and represented
Situation of the Straw Plaiting Cottage Industry in the Carpathian Basin in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Research on cottage industry in the Carpathian Basin has not paid very much attention to work with straw. In peasant self-sufficiency, in addition to wickerwork and rush weaving, plaits made of wheat and rye straw were among the main materials used for agricultural and household storage containers. In some areas the making of straw hats as an income-supplementing activity carried out together with agricultural work also acquired special importance. In the 19th century with the expansion of trade this cottage industry in places rose to the level of a manufacturing industry. At the turn of the century the movements promoting domestic industry and the trade exhibitions gave special impetus to this activity. It flourished right up to the Trianon decision of 1920. As a consequence of the dictated peace Hungary lost around two-thirds of its territory and economic ties were suddenly severed. In some parts of the Great Plain, e.g. in Hajdúnánás (today Hajdú-Bihar County), and especially in the villages of the Székelyföld region, traditional straw hat making has survived right up to the present as a women's activity, providing a livelihood for many women working at home. This article deals with the industrial history background, with questions affecting cottage industry in general, and with the past of once flourishing trade connections, devoting special attention to a few villages in Hungary and in the Székelyföld region in the territory of today's Romania
Gábor BARNA(Hrsg.): „Mária megsegített". Fogadalmi tárgyak Máriaradnán I-II.-„Maria hat geholfen." Votivgegenstände in Maria-Radna I-II. (Devotio Hungarorum 9/I-II.) Szeged 2002. I. Band: 292 Seiten, II. Band: 295 Seiten, 123 Farb-, 549, Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos; Szegedi Vallási Néprajzi Könyvtár-Bibliotheca Religionis Popularis Szegedien-sis. Bd. 1-4. 1.; Gábor BARNA(Hrsg.): Szentemberek-a vallásos élet szervezô egyéniségei [Heilige Menschen-Organisatorische Persönlichkeiten des religiösen Lebens]. Budapest-Szeged 1998, 395 Seiten; 2.; Gábor BARNA(Hrsg.): Religious Movements and Communities in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Szeged 1999, 174, Seiten; 3. Bertalan; PUSZTAI (Hrsg.): Szent és profán között. A szeged-alsóvárosi búcsú-Between the Sacred and the Profane. The Pilgrimage Feast of Szeged-Alsóváros. Szeged 1999, 189 Seiten, 35 Abb.; 4.; László JÓZSA: Megszentelt kövek. Kápolnák, szobrok, keresztek és temetôk Kunszentmártonban-Geweihte Steine. Kapellen, Statuen, Kreuze und Friedhöfe in Kunszentmárton. Szeged 1999, 430 Seiten, 199 Abb.; Gábor BARNA(ed.): A szenttisztelet történeti rétegei és formái Magyarországon és Közép-Európában. A magyar szentek tisztelete [Historical Strata and forms of Veneration of the Saints in Hungary and Central Europe. Veneration of the Hungarian Saints]. (Bibliotheca Religionis Popularis Szegediensis 8.) Szeged 2001, 294 pp.; Gábor BARNA et alii: Egy szent raktár-A Sacred Depot (Devotio Hungarorum 10.) Szeged 2003, 94 pages, appendix: 189 black and white and colour photographs; Die religionsethnologische Quellenpublikationsreihe Devotio Hungarorum 1. János SÁVAI-Tamás GRYNAEUS: Tüdô Vince betegei-Die Kranken von Vince Tüdô. Szeged 1944, 144 Seiten, 6 Abb. 2. Zoltán SZILÁRDFY: A magánáhítat szentképei a szerzô gyûjteményébôl I. 17-18. század- Kleine Andachtsbilder des Barock aus der Sammlung des Verfassers I. 17.-18. Jahrhundert. Szeged 1995, 93 Seiten, 816 Abb. 4. Zoltán SZILÁRDFY: A magánáhítat szentképei a szerzô gyûjteményébôl II. 19-20. század-Kleine Andachtsbilder des Barock aus der Sammlung des Verfassers II. 19.-20. Jahrhundert. Szeged 1997, 93 Seiten, 816 Abb. 3. Gábor BARNA: A tállyai Fáklyás Társulat jegyzôkönyvei-Documents of the Candle-bearers' Confraternity in Tállya. Szeged 1996, 234 Seiten, 10 Abb. 5. Gábor BARNA: Az Élô Rózsafüzér kunszentmártoni társulatának jegyzôkönyvei, 1851-1940-Minutes of the Living Rosary Confraternity in Kunszentmárton, 1851-1940. Szeged 1998, 334 Seiten, 16 Abb. 6. Krisztina FRAUHAMMER: Levelek Máriához. A máriakálnoki kegyhely vendég-könyve-Briefe an Maria. Das Gästebuch des Gnadenorts Máriakálnok/Gahling. Szeged 1999.; Antal JUHÁSZ (Hrsg.): Településformák, népi építészet, földmûvelés. (Néprajziszöveggyûjtemény) [Siedlungsformen, Volksarchitektur, Ackerbau. Ethnographische Textsammlung]. Auswahl, Druckvorbereitung und Zusammenstellung der Bibliographie: Antal Juhász und András Simon. Szeged: JATEPress 2000, 214 Seiten; Bertalan PUSZTAI (ed.): Megalkotott hagyományok és falusi turizmus. A pusztamérgesi eset-Invented Traditions and Village Tourism. The Pusz tamérges Case. Szeged 2003, 232 pp.; Tibor BELLON: A Tisza néprajza. Ártéri gazdálkodás a tiszai Alföldön [Ethnography of the River Tisza. Farming on the River Flats along the Tisza on the Great Plain]. Budapest: Timp Kiadó 2003, 231 pp.; László MÓD-András SIMON: A hajtástól az újborig. A szôlô és bor ünnepei a Lendva-vidéken [Vom Rebling bis zum Heurigen. Trauben- und Weinfeste im Lendava-Kreis]. Lendva 2002, 159 Seiten, 19 Fotos; Gyermekkorom faluja. Forgácsok Göncz János hetési képeibôl, emlékeibôl [Dorf meiner Kindheit. Bilder- und Erinnerungssplitter von János Göncz aus Hetés]. Konzeption, Einleitung und Textbetreuung von Tibor BELLON. Lendva 2001, 92 Seiten; Katalin SERES: Pusztai vadóc [Steppenwildfang]. Mesterszállás o. J., 587 Seiten, 29 Farb- und 12 Schwarz-Weiß-Bilder; Luther H. MARTIN, Iva DOLEZALOVA, Dalibor PAPOUSEK(eds): The Academic Study of Religion During the Cold War: East and West. Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing 2001, xvii + 336 pp.; Ian MACDOUGALL: Bondagers. Eight Scots Women Farm Workers. (Flashbacks 10.) East Linton: Tuckwell Press 2000, 240 pp. 1 map, photo illustration