16 research outputs found

    Mineral composition of repair raspberry (<i>Rubus idaeus</i> L.) fruits

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    In recent years, raspberry breeding has shifted its emphasis from agronomic performance to characteristics related to the sensory qualities of the fruit and its potential health benefits. The therapeutic and preventive properties of raspberries are related to their biochemical composition. In this regard, the purpose of the work was to determine the content of macro- and micronutrients in fruits of different cultivars of repair raspberry using modern high-tech analytical methods and the selection of genetic sources of the analyzed elements for further breeding. The objects of the research were 17 cultivars of repair raspberry of different ecological and geographical origin from the genetic plant bioresource collection of FSBSO ARHCBAN. It was found that the ash residue of berries contains 12 major elements, which form the following descending series: K&gt;P&gt;Mg≥Mo&gt;Ca&gt;S≥Ni&gt;Zn&gt;Mn&gt;Se&gt;Fe≥Co. The largest proportion of ash residue in raspberry fruits is K. Depending on the cultivar, its quantity averaged from 12.81 wt % (Samorodok and Karamelka) to 22.37 wt % (Atlant). The minimum K content was observed in the ash of the Carolina cultivar (5.62 wt %), while in berries of this cultivar Mg (2.91), Ca (2.62) and Zn (0.14 wt %) accumulated above average. Among the group of early maturing cultivars, the cultivar Yubileinaya Kulikova stands out with a high content of Mo (4.63), Ca (2.19), Fe (0.25) and Co (0.21 wt %). The cultivar Pingvin is characterized by a high content of K (22.65) and Se (0.31 wt %). The medium maturity cultivar Samorodok is characterized by a higher content of P (4.08), S (0.47), Ni (0.51) and Zn (0.26 wt %). Among the late maturing cultivars, the cultivar Poranna Rosa stands out with the preferential accumulation of nine elements: Mg (2.98), P (4.42), S (0.36), K (20.34), Ca (1.71), Mn (0.14), Co (0.13), Se (0.21) and Mo (3.08 wt %). Correlation relationships between the elements have been established. Samples with the highest accumulation of macro- and microelements in berries represent genetic sources for further selection of raspberry for improvement of the mineral composition of fruits

    Клинический случай сочетанной инфекционной патологии (ветряной оспы и геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом) у пациента с распространенным псориазом

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    The article describes in detail the clinical case of a severe course of a combined viral disease (Varicella-Zoster, Hantaan Hemorrhagic Fever), complicated by bilateral interstitial pneumonia, cerebral edema, and disseminated vascular coagulation syndrome, developed in an immunocompromised patient during the treatment period of exacerbation of a background disease (plaque psoriasis, progressive stage) with a cytostatic drug. The role of the main and associated diseases (pathogenetic mechanisms of comorbidity), specificly, hantavirus infection and psoriasis, as co-factors in the formation of an unfavourable course of varicella-zoster in an adult, is discussed. An example of an individual approach to the patient, a comprehensive diagnosis and rational treatment that contributed to a favorable outcome of the disease is given.В статье подробно описан клинический случай тяжелого течения сочетанного вирусного заболевания (ветряная оспа, геморрагическая лихорадка с почечным синдромом), осложненного двусторонней интерстициальной пневмонией, отеком головного мозга, синдромом диссеминированного сосудистого свертывания, развившегося у иммунокомпрометированного пациента в период лечения обострения фонового заболевания (распространенный вульгарный псориаз, прогрессирующая стадия) цитостатическим препаратом. Обсуждается роль основного и сопутствующих заболеваний (патогенетических механизмов коморбидности), а именно хантавирусной инфекции и псориаза, как ко-факторов в формировании неблагоприятного течения ветряной оспы у взрослого. Приведен пример индивидуального подхода к больному, комплексной диагностики и рационального лечения, способствовавших благоприятному исходу заболевания

    Concepts and principles of the sustainable digital technologies use: process science and activity theory view

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    Using information technologies and implemented with their help information operations to implement sustainable development systems in the economy and society is considered. Based on the previously performed systematic literature review, the conclusions made about future research directions on using information technologies for sustainable development. A set of corresponding theoretical tools is proposed. This set should allow solving the problem based on mathematical models and methods. The concepts and principles of using information operations to study sustainably developed systems are proposed to solve the specified problem

    Regionally Adapted Model of an Ideal <i>Malus×domestica</i> Borkh Apple Variety for Industrial-Scale Cultivation in European Russia

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    Apple is one of the most common fruit crops in the Russian fruit-growing industry, with huge varietal diversity and a vast cultivation area. The key regions for industrial-scale apple cultivation are the Central, Central Chernozem, and North Caucasian Districts. The main disadvantage of the relevant apple cultivars, especially the ones intended for intensified horticultural practices, is their low resistance against abiotic stresses and the fruit’s low quality and poor marketable condition. In Russia, apple is a crop of strategic importance that is consistently included in the household food basket, so fruit producers hold new varieties to higher standards and expect them to outperform their predecessors in terms of yield per plant, resistance against abiotic and biotic stresses, and quality, as well as show strong competitiveness and a more rapid return on investment, while satisfying stricter requirements. The objective of the present study was to summarize the data on the phenotypic manifestations of economically valuable traits of the apple cultivars approved for use in the Russian Federation depending on the region of cultivation; to determine the parametric characteristics of the most valuable traits in the form of a model of an “ideal” regionally adapted industrial cultivar, and to identify the sources of the traits in the regions suitable for their production. A regionally adapted model of commercial apple cultivars, characterized by 28 features and properties divided into three groups and defining the cultivar’s resistance against abiotic and biotic stresses, yield per plant, product quality, and suitability for mechanized harvesting, is presented in this paper. In the European part of Russia, the optimal parameters of a commercial apple tree cultivar are as follows: plant height on a medium-sized rootstock under 3 m; potential yield per plant of at least 25–50 kg; high fruit uniformity above 80%; winter and late-winter harvest maturity period; high storability of over 210 days and good transportability; average fruit mass from 120 g to 220 g; juicy and shattering crisp pulp; small seed cavity; fragrant fruits with taste rating of at least 4.5 points; appearance rating of 5 points and attractive, mostly red, glossy color with natural wax bloom; regular, symmetric, but diverse shapes; content of sugar above 10%, ascorbic acid above 15 mg/100 g, organic acids up to 1% (for dessert varieties); content of soluble dry solids of at least 20%. The cultivars that come closest to the regionally adapted model of an ideal variety based on the set of features discussed are as follows: Feya, Soyuz, Orfej, Margo, Sirius, Noktyurn, Vasilisa Karmen, Florina, Dayton, Early Mac, Gala and Gala Schniga in the North Caucasian District; Svezhest’, Orlovskoe Poles’e, Aprel’skoe, Ven’yaminovskoe, Bolotovskoe, Vympel, Uspenskoe, Fregat, Bylina, Flagman, and Akademik Kazakov in the North Caucasian District; and varieties Imrus, Mayak Zagor’ya, and Bolotovskoe in the Central District. These cultivars are characterized by high resistance against weather anomalies, scab immunity, high yields, marketable quality, and storability. In addition, in southern regions, a prolonged bloom period acts as a protective adaptive response to low-temperature stress

    Nanoaggregates of Biphilic Carboxyl-Containing Copolymers as Carriers for Ionically Bound Doxorubicin

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    Application of nanocarriers for drug delivery brings numerous advantages, allowing both minimization of side effects common in systemic drug delivery and improvement in targeting, which has made it the focal point of nanoscience for a number of years. While most of the studies are focused on encapsulation of hydrophobic drugs, delivery of hydrophilic compounds is typically performed via covalent attachment, which often requires chemical modification of the drug and limits the release kinetics. In this paper, we report synthesis of biphilic copolymers of various compositions capable of self-assembly in water with the formation of nanoparticles and suitable for ionic binding of the common anticancer drug doxorubicin. The copolymers are synthesized by radical copolymerization of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone and acrylic acid using n-octadecyl-mercaptan as a chain transfer agent. With an increase of the carboxyl group&rsquo;s share in the chain, the role of the electrostatic stabilization factor of the nanoparticles increased as well as the ability of doxorubicin as an ion binder. A mathematical description of the kinetics of doxorubicin binding and release is given and thermodynamic functions for the equilibrium ionic binding of doxorubicin are calculated