786 research outputs found

    The role of Project Management Office (PMO) in stimulating innovation in projects initiated by owner and operator organizations

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    This article explores the extent to which innovations are driven by the project management office (PMO), an internal unit within owner and operator organizations that is responsible for overall project assurance and control. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with organizational members of Transport for London (TfL), a public transport owner and operator organization and a key stakeholder in the UK infrastructure sector. This was combined with the analysis of four project assurance reviews initiated and delivered by TfL. The findings demonstrate that the PMO provides opportunities for building and enhancing innovative capabilities of the owner and operator organization

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Prospects for the Ferronickel Production Development from the Urals Oxidized Nickel Ores

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    Methods of ore processing are divided into hydro- and pyrometallurgical. The latter method is more common. Ferronickel is seeing high demand at present. It is produced by reducing electric smelting of previously calcined ore. This method is typically used because of the composition and quality of the products obtained (there is a particularly large market for Ferronickel of the standard ISO 6501:1988, containing at least 15% Ni). Processing technologies for converting poor oxidized nickel ores into ferronickel offer significant advantages, reducing the environmental impact and energy consumption, and increase the recovery of valuable metals. This study considers the processing technology of serpentinite ores, which includes: ore preparation (averaging, crushing and screening, drying); roasting a mixture of dried ore and crushed dolomite (flux) in tubular rotary kilns; melting of hot cinder with the addition of a reducing agent in an ore-smelting direct-current electric furnace to produce a rough ferronickel; refining ferronickel from impurities of carbon, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, chromium was substantiated. During the industrial testing of electric smelting of calcined ores from the Ural deposits, ferronickel, containing (in wt. %) 8.9-15.5 Ni, 1.1 Cr, 0.17 Co, 0.1 S, 0.1 C was produced. Nickel extraction in ferronickel was 96.1 %, cobalt – 89.1 %. Keywords: ore, nickel, production, heating, roasting and reduction, phase transition

    Microelectromechanical Sensors and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications

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    The solutions in the sphere of MEMS technologies in space are overviewed in this article. The main emphasis is on micro-thrusters, which have the potential to enable missions that require micro-propulsive maneuvers for formation flying and precision pointing of micro-, nano-, or pico-sized satellites. The possible use of MEMS sensors and technologies of production are shown
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