99 research outputs found

    ECDL per il problem solving : uso innovativo del foglio elettronico nella scuola secondaria di 2\ub0 grado

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    L\u2019articolo presenta un progetto di diffusione dell\u2019uso dello strumento foglio elettronico, contestualizzato alla risoluzione di problemi tipi delle materie curricolari presenti negli ultimi anni delle scuole secondarie di 2\ub0 grado. L\u2019approccio orientato al \u201cproblem solving\u201d viene proposto attraverso l\u2019analisi di un certo numero di esempi che costituiranno un materiale didattico di prossima realizzazione da parte di AICA

    Scenari d’uso della tecnologia 5G per l’apprendimento dentro e fuori la scuola

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    La disponibilit\ue0 della tecnologia 5G per la comunicazione ad alte prestazioni con dispositivi mobili apre nuovi scenari all\u2019adozione di strumenti e metodi per la didattica multimediale a distanza, sinora destinati, di fatto, a un utilizzo su postazioni fisse. In questo articolo si analizzano, da un lato, i requisiti prestazionali della didattica multimediale e, dall\u2019altro, le potenzialit\ue0 della tecnologia 5G, per arrivare infine a delineare alcuni possibili scenari che questo binomio render\ue0 possibili

    Il progetto CampusOne e la certificazione ECDL nelle universit\ue0 italiane

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    Questo articolo presenta i risultati del progetto CampusOne della Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universit\ue0 Italiane (CRUI), con particolare riferimento all\u2019accreditamento delle abilit\ue0 nell\u2019uso degli strumenti informatici di base e alla certificazione ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence). L\u2019articolo analizza il ruolo e la diffusione della certificazione ECDL nelle Universit\ue0 Italiane e discute i metodi di formazione e i criteri adottati per il suo riconoscimento come parte dei percorsi universitari

    Formazione e certificazione informatica nelle scuole superiori

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    Questo articolo presenta i risultati di una rilevazione statistica e di un insieme di interviste a studenti sul tema della formazione e certificazione informatica nelle scuole superiori di tre regioni: Lazio, Lombardia e Puglia

    Italian olympiad in informatics : an analysis of participating Italian High School students

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    This paper deals with the behavior of Italian high school students participating to the selection steps planned by the Italian Olympiad in Informatics to identify the four students admitted every year to the International Olympiad in Informatics (world finals). After an insight into the number and type of schools and students involved, the paper discusses the results of students in the last four scholastic years, and draws some conclusions

    An analisys of students enrolled to an undergraduate university course offered also online

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    This paper analyzes the main characteristics of the students enrolled to a three-years undergraduate course on Security of Computer Systems and Networks, offered in traditional, classroom based fashion as well as online at the University of Milan (Italy). This allows to compare classroom and online students from several points of view, and gives useful information to institutions willing to exploit e-learning as a vehicle for extending the enrollment to already existing traditional courses

    Comparison of university students enrolled to a dual-mode degree: in presence and online

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    This paper highlights the main characteristics and performance of the students enrolled to a three-year undergraduate degree on Security of Computer Systems and Networks, offered both in presence and online at the University of Milan (Italy). This comparison between classroom and online students helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the online approach and gives useful information to institutions willing to extend already existing traditional degrees with e-learning

    Comparison of students in an undergraduate university degree offered both in presence and online

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    Purpose: This paper aims to compare the students enrolled to a three-year undergraduate, bachelor degree on Security of Computer Systems and Networks, offered in traditional, classroom fashion as well as online at the University of Milan (Italy). Its main purposes are to estimate the main characteristics of the two different student populations addressed (i.e. online vs classroom students) to understand if an online version of an already existing traditional university degree allows to extend the enrollment of students; and to evaluate the effectiveness of the e-learning approach adopted, comparing performance of the two student populations. The study aims to supply a significant case study, based on a real experience more than 10 years long. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on the statistical interpretation of a huge amount of data, collected during the overall life of Sicurezza dei Sistemi e delle Reti Informatiche (SSRI) online, regarding student age, income, grades obtained in exams and after final dissertation and graduation time. Findings: The paper allows to conclude that the online student population has very limited overlap with the classroom one, which means that the online version of an already existing degree can definitely enlarge the student enrollment and reach older students; and a carefully designed e-learning environment allows committed online students to obtain results comparable when not better than the ones of classroom students. Research limitations/implications: The study refers to a single, specific degree in computer science and technology; thus, it may lack generalizability. Similar experiences in other areas could be useful. Originality/value: This paper fulfills an identified need to study how e-learning can be successfully applied to already existing traditional university degrees

    I laureati di primo livello negli atenei Stella

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    How to offer also online an undergraduate university degree

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    This paper describes the implementation of the online version of an undergraduate university degree in Security of Computer Systems and Networks, already activated at the University of Milan in traditional, classroom based fashion. In particular, the paper focuses on the process followed to transform classroom lectures into online materials \u2013 preserving didactical contents while facilitating asynchronous fruition by remote students \u2013 and on the additional supports planned to help these students to keep the correct study pace
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