37 research outputs found

    Experience of Reconstruction of Yakut Women’s Clothing of the 17th-18th Centuries (based on the Materials of At-Daban (At-Byran) VI Burial)

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    The experience of carrying out a hypothetical reconstruction of women's clothing "tangalai" XVII-XVIII centuries is considered. It is reported that this sample of clothing was found during archaeological research in 2016 in the area of At-Byran, Khangalassky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Earlier it was revealed that the tangalai was part of the bride’s costume, which means an indispensable element of the wedding ceremony. As a result of studies of the Yakut burials of the XVII-XVIII centuries, it was established that the tangalai was included in the complex of accompanying material during the funeral rite of a married woman. An analysis of ethnographic literature, the results of field scientific research, available visual sources was made, fragments of clothing stored in museums extracted from funerary monuments were studied. As the study showed, the tangalai from the At-Daban VI burial has similar features with samples of similar shoulder-clothes found and studied earlier: general principles of decor, color scheme, and peculiarities of the location of sewn jewelry. Distinctive features: a lowered waist line and narrow bibs were revealed. Based on a detailed study of the original source, masters of decorative and applied art carried out a hypothetical reconstruction of the tangalaya. Attention was paid to leather processing, seams, design features. Unsaved pieces of clothing were recreated using existing analogues

    Pathological aspects of the maternal mortality

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    The article deals with the problem of maternal mortality. The most common causes and mechanisms of maternal mortality are analyzed. The role of treating physicians in eliminating the first symptoms of the causes of maternal mortality has been identified and substantiated.В статье рассмотрена проблема материнской смертности. Проанализированы наиболее частые причины и механизмы материнской смертности. Выявлена и обоснована роль лечащих врачей в устранении первых симптомов причин, вызывающих материнскую смертность

    New criteria of morphological assessment of the prognosis of the prostate cancer

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    New criteria of morphological assessment of the prognosis of the patients with a prostate cancer recommended for application of WHO in 2016 are presented. Prospects of the offered criteria on material of the oncology clinic of Udmurtia are shown.В работе представлены новые критерии морфологической оценки прогноза пациентов с раком предстательной железы, рекомендованных к применению ВОЗ в 2016 году. Показана перспективность предложенных критериев на материале онкологического диспансера в Удмуртии

    Morphological diagnostics of adrenals tumors

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    The analysis of morphological diagnostic of adrenals tumors during 2013-2016 is provided. There were 20 men and 50 women. Average age of men 62,7, women – 51,7. Tumors of adrenal cortex met in 31 cases, a medullar – in 39 cases. The histological and the immunohistochemical research were conducted. Malignant tumors consists of 23 observations. For their assessment used the following criteria – a polymorphism of cells, an invasion of the capsule, vessels and perineural space, existence of the focus of a necrosis, size of a mitotic index, and also an index of proliferative activity (Ki 67). Grade- stading of tumors was carried out.Приведен анализ морфологической диагностики опухолей надпочечников за 2013-2016 годы. Мужчин было 20, женщин 50. Средний возраст мужчин составил 62,7, женщин – 51,7. опухоли коры встретились в 31 наблюдении, мозгового слоя – в 39. Проведено гистологическое и иммуногистохимическое исследование. Злокачественные опухоли составили 23 наблюдения. для их оценки использовали следующие критерии – полиморфизм клеток, инвазия капсулы, сосудов и периневрального пространства, наличие очагов некроза, величина митотического индекса, а также индекс пролиферативной активности (Ki 67). Проведено Grade- стадирование опухолей

    Alcohol-related dysfunction in working-age men in Izhevsk, Russia: an application of structural equation models to study the association with education.

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    BACKGROUND: Acute alcohol-related dysfunctional behaviours, such as hangover, are predictive of poor health and mortality. Although much is known about the association of education with alcohol consumption, little is known about its association with these dysfunctional behaviours. METHODS: The study population was 1,705 male drinkers aged 25-54 years resident in the city of Izhevsk, Russia who participated in a cross-sectional survey (2003-6). Structural equation modelling was used to examine the relationships between education, beverage and non-beverage alcohol intake, drinking patterns, and acute alcohol-related dysfunction score among these drinkers. RESULTS: Dysfunction was related to all other drinking variables, with the strongest predictors being spirit intake, non-beverage alcohol consumption and drinking patterns. There was a strong relationship between education and acute dysfunction which was not explained by adjusting for alcohol intake and drinking patterns (mean adjusted dysfunction score 0.35 SD (95% CI 0.10, 0.61) lower in men with higher versus secondary education). CONCLUSIONS: Although by definition one or more aspects of alcohol consumption should explain the educational differences in alcohol-related dysfunction, detailed information on drinking only partly accounted for the observed patterns. Thus beyond their intrinsic interest, these results illustrate the challenges in constructing statistical models that convincingly identify the pathways that link educational differences to health-related outcomes

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder as a risk factor of suicide

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    The aim of the study - to determine a connection between presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients and suicidal behavior risk.Цель исследования - установление связи между наличием у пациента обсессивно-компульсивного расстройства и риском суицидальных идеаций или поведения