195 research outputs found

    Structure of 3D Printed Ti-6Al-4V Alloy after Low-frequency Processing

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    The structure and residual elastic stresses in 3D printed (Selective laser melting) Ti-6A1-4V samples after the low-frequency vibration processing were investigated. The studied samples were manufactured horizontally in respect to the building platform. Different vibration oscillations modes (vertical, horizontal, and elliptical) were chosen for study. The oscillations were done with frequency of 16 Hz, and a processing time was 20 minutes. Studies shown that 3D printed samples had a high level of residual elastic stresses, which were changed after vibration treatment. The influence of the low-frequency processing on the phase composition of the alloy was found. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Standardization in the field of powder metallurgy

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    Standardization always contributes to technical development. Insufficient standards in all areas of activity and slower updating of existing ones make it difficult to respond to innovations, to speed up their access to domestic and global marketsСтандартизация всегда способствует техническому развитию. Недостаточное число стандартов в любых сферах деятельности и замедленное обновление существующих затрудняет реагирование на инновации, ускорение их доступа на внутренние и глобальные рынк

    The ratio of the terms «concentrate» and «enriched coal», used in the coal processing industry to identify commercial products

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    В статье рассмотрены термины, применяемые в обогатительной промышленности угля – «концентрат» и «обогащенный уголь». Приведены сведения, представленные в действующих нормативных документах, и сформулированы проблемы идентификации товарной продукции, получаемой в процессе обогащения угля.The article describes the terms, used in the coal processing industry – «concentrate» and «enriched coal». The information presented in the current regulations, and formulated the problem of identification of commercial products obtained in the process of coal enrichment

    The market of vocational professional education in Russia in the new economic conditions

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    Since the end of 2014, the Russian economy has undergone major changes. The crisis continued until 2018, followed by stabilization and short-term growth in 2018-2019. The emerging positive trends were interrupted by the pandemic. All this has had a signifcant impact on the vocational professional eduation market, both in quantitative and structural terms. The modern world is changing too fast, it is necessary to form the creative potential of a person. The article states that specialists’ adaptation mechanisms to new conditions should change with the help of advanced training, obtaining new knowledge and skills in all forms of education, including the system of vocational professional education. This means that the market of educational services formed by state, departmental and corporate educational institutions must respond to the demands of the economy and consumers of these services. Such advanced technologies and methods as online studying should be used along with and in combination with ofine classes. The conducted research has shown that large corporations allocate signifcant funds for the training and retraining of specialists corresponding to the level of technological development, capable of making effective management decisions. The authors of the article note that in the system of vocational professional education consumers of educational services are most interested in training programs related to management, marketing, information and computer technologies, which is quite consistent with the digital economy and the knowledge econom

    The necessity and complexity of standardization

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    -The standards are one of the most important infrastructural elements of the economy. The relationship between all factors ensuring product quality and safety is carried out by using complex standardization. The standards establish and ensure the technically achievable level of safety, quality and competitiveness of products. The main factors of standardization object: the object composition, object production and monitoring, in their turn, form the following more precise groups of factors, determining the object quality: primary products and materials, component nodes and parts, production technology, equipment, tools and appliances, measurement means, and test methods. On the example of a specific standard, the "tree of references" of the first and second levels and the problems of an integrated approach for establishing quality requirements for a specific product is considered. The necessity and complexity of updating the requirements that ensure the systematization, optimization and coordination of all interacting factors influencing a specific object of standardization and providing an economically optimal level of quality of the object are demonstrated. © 2020, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. All rights reserved

    Indicators of Pasture Digression in Steppe Ecosystems of Mongolia

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    The research shows that widely used key measures of vegetation structure (species diversity, projected cover and above-ground phytomass) are not always suitable as indicators of pasture degradation. Based on an analysis above-ground phytomass composition, new quantitative indices are offered that give a more realistic picture of rangeland condition in Mongolia

    Development of the Concept of the Electronic Library of Standards

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    For a successful transition to the digital economy, along with other tasks, it is necessary to form a digital twin of the national fund of standards - an electronic library of standards. Such a library should constantly provide relevant information, taking into account all possible changes in the reference tree of the standard, as well as the possibility of developing and transforming the form and content of the standard itself. On the basis of the ideas of German scientists who developed the ways of development of Industry 4.0, the possibility of informatization and the coherence of the information available in the standards fund was considered. In the process of research, the main functions of the electronic library of standards were determined and a set of tasks that must be solved when creating an electronic library of standards was formed. Based on the carried out functional analysis, a correspondence between the library controls and compliance components was established, the points of conformity assessment in different processes of the electronic standards library functioning were determined. © 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved

    О формировании химического и изотопного состава подземных вод иренского горизонта (на примере Кунгурской ледяной пещеры)

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    Seasonal changes in the chemical and isotopic composition (deuterium and oxygen-18) of surface runoff water, atmospheric precipitation, infiltration and groundwater of the Kungur Ice Cave were studied. The study was conducted for the purpose of a comprehensive analysis of groundwater, determination of patterns of change, and relationship between the characteristics of different water types, that is necessary for a more effective assessment of groundwater resources and prediction of the composition and quality of groundwater. The movement of groundwater in the cave has a complex character. The main flow paths, periodicity and some peculiarities of water movement in the karst massif have been determined and confirmed. Obtained data are valuable for hydrochemical monitoring in the cave.Изучены сезонные изменения химического и изотопного состава (дейтерия и кислорода-18) вод поверхностного руслового стока, атмосферных осадков, инфильтрационных и подземных вод Кунгурской ледяной пещеры. Исследование проведено с целью комплексного анализа подземных вод, определения закономерностей изменения и зависимостей между составом разных видов вод, необходимого для более эффективной оценки ресурсов подземных вод и осуществления прогнозирования состава и качества подземных вод. Установлены и подтверждены основные пути, временной интервал и некоторые особенности перемещения вод в карстовом массиве. Эти данные имеют ценное значение при проведении гидрохимического мониторинга в пещер

    FIA Standards for Safety in Motorsport

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    Настоящая статья посвящена проблемам формирования нормативной базы при обеспечении безопасности автогонок.This article is devoted to the problems of the formation of the regulatory framework in ensuring the safety of motor racing


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    Obstructive jaundice is one of the most frequent complications of cancer of pancreatobiliary zone that starts the developments of hemorrhagic complications. This group of patients has decrease of coagulation potential that is expressed in changes of process of thrombin generation even before the operative treatment. The article presents the results of the research of indices of process of thrombin generation by Calibrated. Automated. Thrombogram. method in 57 patients with cancer of pancreatobiliary zone complicated with obstructive jaundice before the operative treatment