30 research outputs found

    Gender differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system of pre-school children

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    Relevance Investigation of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children of different ages, especially pre-school and school periods of childhood, becomes essential, since the further development of the brain and its proper functioning depends on the way it functions. Considering the MRI indications of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children is important for the development of neurology and neurosurgery, it is necessary to consider gender differences in the brain size and structure.Objective To study the sex differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system in seven-year-old children.Material and Methods For the study, archival data on the sizes of the lateral ventricles of the brain of 120 children aged 7 (60 boys and 60 girls) were involved, in particular: 1) the length of the anterior horn; 2) the width of the anterior horn; 3) the length of the central part; 4) the width of the central part; 5) the length of the posterior horn; 6) the width of the posterior horn; 7) the length of the lower horn; 8) the anteroposterior size; 9) the distance between the anterior horns; 10) the distance between the posterior horns; 11) the length of the third ventricle; 12) the height of the third ventricle; 13) the length of the aqueduct; 14) the length of the fourth ventricle; 15) the height of the fourth ventricle. The studies were carried out using the method of magnetic resonance imaging. Quantitative indicators were assessed for compliance with the normal distribution using the KolmogorovSmirnov test. The accumulation, correction, systematization of the initial information were carried out in Microsoft Excel 2016. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft Inc., USA). The results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.Results The data obtained in the study of the cerebrospinal fluid system in children during their pre-school period of childhood are indicators of the norm and can be used for diagnostic studies in the departments of radiation diagnostics. The bilateral asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain in pre-school children, discovered during the work, is of crucial clinical significance. The morphometric indicators of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system should be considered by specialists in the study of brain neuroplasticity.Conclusion Analysis of the obtained in vivo encephalometric data indicates the presence of sexual variability of the brain and parameters of the structures of the cerebrospinal fluid

    The market of vocational professional education in Russia in the new economic conditions

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    Since the end of 2014, the Russian economy has undergone major changes. The crisis continued until 2018, followed by stabilization and short-term growth in 2018-2019. The emerging positive trends were interrupted by the pandemic. All this has had a signifcant impact on the vocational professional eduation market, both in quantitative and structural terms. The modern world is changing too fast, it is necessary to form the creative potential of a person. The article states that specialists’ adaptation mechanisms to new conditions should change with the help of advanced training, obtaining new knowledge and skills in all forms of education, including the system of vocational professional education. This means that the market of educational services formed by state, departmental and corporate educational institutions must respond to the demands of the economy and consumers of these services. Such advanced technologies and methods as online studying should be used along with and in combination with ofine classes. The conducted research has shown that large corporations allocate signifcant funds for the training and retraining of specialists corresponding to the level of technological development, capable of making effective management decisions. The authors of the article note that in the system of vocational professional education consumers of educational services are most interested in training programs related to management, marketing, information and computer technologies, which is quite consistent with the digital economy and the knowledge econom


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    The influence of foreign substances on the results of spectrophotometric determination of polyphenol antioxidants by FRAP assay is investigated. The assay is based on the reduction of Fe3+ ions by polyphenols in the presence of 2,2'-dipyridyl. Quercetin, rutin and gallic acid were used as model compounds. The absorbance at 520 nm is measured 60 minutes after mixing the reagents. The sensitivity of polyphenols determination  decreases in the presence of fluorides, phosphates, citrates, tartrates and other substances not forming their own analytical signals but binding Fe3+ ions in the stable complex compounds. This effect can be predicted by the calculation of complexation degree and taking into account the ligand concentration and pH value. The increase of the initial concentration of Fe(III) up to 10-3 M decreases the effect of fluorides, but leads to side processes involving phosphates or salicylates. Binding of iron(III)  leads to the systematic error when the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) is determined with a calibration curve (underestimation). The analysis of model mixtures with the additives method significantly reduces the impact of complexants and the abovementioned error. Foodstuffs which contain 10-4 M complexants or more have to be analyzed by the method of standard additives, which leads to higher TAC values than using of traditional TAC determination with calibration curve; the difference is about 20-50%. For the majority of examined foodstuffs the difference in the mean results for these analytical methods is statistically valid. The accuracy of the proposed method for some products (wine, beer, tea etc.) was confirmed with the added–found standard technique. Keywords: foodstuff, food analysis, polyphenols, complexants, FRAP assay, antioxidant activityDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.3.004 N.S. Brilenok, V.I. Vershinin, M.V. Bakhareva Dostoevsky Omsk State University (OmGU)55A Mira pr., Omsk, 644077,Russian Federation   Исследовано влияние посторонних веществ на результаты спектрофотометрического определения антиоксидантов полифенольного типа методом FRAP, основанным на восстановлении Fe(III) полифенолами в присутствии 2,2'-дипиридила.В качестве модельных соединений применяли кверцетин, рутин и галловую кислоту. Оптическую плотность измеряли при 520 нм через 60 минут после смешивания реагентов. Чувствительность определения полифенолов снижается в присутствии фторидов, фосфатов, цитратов, тартратов и других веществ, не формирующих собственные аналитические сигналы, но связывающих ионы Fe3+ в прочные комплексные соединения. Влияние комплексантов можно прогнозировать, рассчитывая закомплексованность Fe(III) с учетом концентрации лиганда и значения рН. Увеличение исходной концентрации реагента до 10-3 М несколько снижает влияние фторидов, но приводит к побочным процессам с участием фосфатов и салицилатов. Cвязывание Fe3+ комплексантами  приводит к возникновению мультипликативной систематической погрешности при определении обобщенной антиоксидантной активности (АОА) модельных смесей по градуировочному графику; величина АОА оказывается сильно заниженной. Переход к определению АОА модельных смесей по способу добавок значительно уменьшает влияние всех комплексантов. Поэтому анализ пищевых продуктов, содержащих комплексанты на уровне 10-4 М и выше, рекомендуется проводить по способу добавок, что ведет к более высоким (на 20-50 %)  значениям АОА, чем при использовании традиционных методик анализа тех же продуктов. Для большинства исследованных продуктов  различия результатов анализа статистически достоверны. Приблизительная правильность результатов анализа пищевых продуктов по разработанным методикам подтверждена по способу «введено-найдено».   Ключевые слова: анализ пищевых продуктов, полифенолы, комплексанты,  метод FRAP, обобщенная антиоксидантная  активность,  селективность,  способ добавок DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.3.00

    Spectroscopic diagnostics for ablation cloud of tracer-encapsulated solid pellet in LHD

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    In the Large Helical Device (LHD), various spectroscopic diagnostics have been applied to study the ablation process of an advanced impurity pellet, tracer-encapsulated solid pellet (TESPEL). The total light emission from the ablation cloud of TESPEL is measured by photomultipliers equipped with individual interference filters, which provide information about the TESPEL penetration depth. The spectra emitted from the TESPEL ablation cloud are measured with a 250 mm Czerny?Turner spectrometer equipped with an intensified charge coupled device detector, which is operated in the fast kinetic mode. This diagnostic allows us to evaluate the temporal evolution of the electron density in the TESPEL ablation cloud. In order to gain information about the spatial distribution of the cloud parameters, a nine image optical system that can simultaneously acquire nine images of the TESPEL ablation cloud has recently been developed. Several images of the TESPEL ablation cloud in different spectral domains will give us the spatial distribution of the TESPEL cloud density and temperature

    Chronotropic action of immobilized subtilisins during the perfusion of an isolated rat heart

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    The pharmacological experiments on isolated organs (ex vivo) are the preferred method for assessing the primary pharmacodynamics of the studied drugs, since this method is completely excluded the systemic influence of neurohumoral regulation. In the last decade, a new group of thrombolytic drugs based on immobilized subtilisins has been formed. At the stage of registrational preclinical and clinical studies, their pleiotropic pharmacological effects have not been studied. Meanwhile, there is a reason to consider that their pharmacological activity in the bloodstream is not limited to thrombolytic action, but may be extended to a systemic effect on the cardiovascular system. The aim of the study was to investigate the chronotropic effects of an isolated heart during its perfusion with solutions of immobilized subtilisins at different concentrations. Material and methods. The isolated rat heart model according to Langendorff was used in the study. The experiment included 50 Wistar rats, which were divided into 5 groups: isolated hearts perfused only with Krebs – Henseleit solution (control) or with immobilized subtilisins in 4 concentrations (170, 340, 510 и 1020 U/l). Results and discussion. The immobilized subtilisins have a negative chronotropic effect. The onset of the effect depends on the drug concentration in the solution: the higher concentration, the earlier effect. From 5 to 10 minutes of perfusion, a negative chronotropic effect is observed using of immobilized subtilisins at any dose. The duration of its increase is manifested up to 10–20 minutes, depending on the drug concentration in solution. After 20 minutes of perfusion, the achieved negative chronotropic effect remains at a plateau level up to 40 minutes. Conclusion. The immobilized subtilisins have an independent pharmacological effect on heart rate

    Hemispheric Asymmetry Gender Differences in Preadolescent Children

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    Background: Investigating various postnatal parameters of cerebral hemispheres is of great practical value.Objective: To study gender differences in hemispheric parameters and interhemispheric interactions in preadolescent children.Materials and methods: The retrospective study assessed archived brain magnetic resonance images of 60 eight-year-old boys and 60 eight-year-old girls. The analyzed parameters were as follows: 1) hemispheric length; 2) hemispheric width; 3) hemispheric height; 4) width-longitudinal index of a hemisphere; 5) altitude-longitudinal index of a hemisphere; 6) length of frontal lobes; 7) length of parietal lobes; 8) length of occipital lobes; 9) length of temporal lobes. Quantitative indicators were assessed for normal distribution using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Source data were accumulated and arranged in Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheets. Statistica 10.0 was used for the statistical analysis. The results were considered statistically significant with P < 0.05.Results: The analysis of cephalometric indicators suggests sex-related variation in the cerebral hemispheres. Based on the obtained data we can identify morphometric parameters of interhemispheric variability that may act as one of the morphometric criteria for the brain asymmetry. The study results can be widely used for neuroimaging.Conclusions: We determined cephalometric reference values for various cerebral hemispheres parts in preadolescent children

    Evaluation of polyphenols antioxidant capacity in the presence of complexants by FRAP assay

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    The influence of foreign substances on the results of spectrophotometric determination of polyphenol antioxidants by FRAP assay is investigated. The assay is based on the reduction of Fe3+ ions by polyphenols in the presence of 2,2’-dipyridyl. Quercetin, rutin and gallic acid were used as model compounds. The absorbance at 520 nm is measured 60 minutes after mixing the reagents. The sensitivity of polyphenols determination decreases in the presence of fluorides, phosphates, citrates, tartrates and other substances not forming their own analytical signals but binding Fe3+ ions in the stable complex compounds. This effect can be predicted by the calculation of complexation degree and taking into account the ligand concentration and pH value. The increase of the initial concentration of Fe(III) up to 10-3 M decreases the effect of fluorides, but leads to side processes involving phosphates or salicylates. Binding of iron(III) leads to the systematic error when the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) is determined with a calibration curve (underestimation). The analysis of model mixtures with the additives method significantly reduces the impact of complexants and the abovementioned error. Foodstuffs which contain 10-4 M complexants or more have to be analyzed by the method of standard additives, which leads to higher TAC values than using of traditional TAC determination with calibration curve; the difference is about 20-50%. For the majority of examined foodstuffs the difference in the mean results for these analytical methods is statistically valid. The accuracy of the proposed method for some products (wine, beer, tea etc.) was confirmed with the added–found standard technique.Исследовано влияние посторонних веществ на результаты спектрофотометрического опре- деления антиоксидантов полифенольного типа методом FRAP, основанным на восстановлении Fe(III) полифенолами в присутствии 2,2’-дипиридила.В качестве модельных соединений применяли кверцетин, рутин и галловую кислоту. Оптическую плотность измеряли при 520 нм через 60 минут после смешивания реагентов. Чувствительность определения полифенолов снижается в присут- ствии фторидов, фосфатов, цитратов, тартратов и других веществ, не формирующих собственные аналитические сигналы, но связывающих ионы Fe3+ в прочные комплексные соединения. Влияние комплексантов можно прогнозировать, рассчитывая закомплексованность Fe(III) с учетом концен- трации лиганда и значения рН. Увеличение исходной концентрации реагента до 10-3 М несколько снижает влияние фторидов, но приводит к побочным процессам с участием фосфатов и салици- латов. Cвязывание Fe3+ комплексантами приводит к возникновению мультипликативной система- тической погрешности при определении обобщенной антиоксидантной активности (АОА) модель- ных смесей по градуировочному графику; величина АОА оказывается сильно заниженной. Переход к определению АОА модельных смесей по способу добавок значительно уменьшает влияние всех комплексантов. Поэтому анализ пищевых продуктов, содержащих комплексанты на уровне 10-4 М и выше, рекомендуется проводить по способу добавок, что ведет к более высоким (на 20-50 %) зна- чениям АОА, чем при использовании традиционных методик анализа тех же продуктов. Для боль- шинства исследованных продуктов различия результатов анализа статистически достоверны. При- близительная правильность результатов анализа пищевых продуктов по разработанным методикам подтверждена по способу «введено-найдено».This work was financially supported by RFBR (grant 16-43-550479, 2016) and the Ministry of Education (in the framework of state job-number 2014/147, 2016)


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    The paper declares that effectiveness of building productional breeding flock depends mainly on the quality of feeds applied. Development of valuable feeds requires knowledge about fish food spectrum in natural conditions. The data analysis about sterlet’s food preferences allowed developing the special combined feed for replacement stock and its producers. New special feeds allow accelerating of starlet replacement breeding flock building from the natural population. The authors recommend controlling physiology of sturgeons population when keeping them. The blood characteristics of fish allows making conclusion about growing conditions and energy value of feeds. Appropriate and correct applying of valuable combined feeds balanced on essential aminoacids, fatty acids and vitamins influences sturgeons population of replacement breeding flock blood composition and their physiology. The authors developed a test-diet for starlet, which has similar composition of nutrients to the natural feeds. The research results of growing starlet replacement flock by means of applying new combined feed demonstrated positive influence on fish physiology and their productional properties.Эффективность формирования продуктивных маточных стад зависит, прежде всего, от качества используемых кормов. Для разработки полноценных комбикормов необходимы знания о спектре питания рыб в естественных условиях. Анализ сведений о пищевом предпочтении стерляди в различном возрасте позволил разработать специальный комбикорм для ремонтного стада, а также для производителей. Новые специализированные комбикорма дают возможность ускоренного формирования ремонтно-маточного стада стерляди из особей природной популяции. При содержании коллекционных стад осетровых рыб рекомендуется проводить регулярный контроль их физиологического состояния. На основании характеристики состава крови рыб можно судить об условиях выращивания, а также о полноценности пищевого рациона. Правильное применение полноценных комбикормов, сбалансированных по незаменимым аминокислотам, жирным кислотам и витаминам, при выращивании и содержании ремонтно-маточного стада осетровых рыб на рыбоводных предприятиях положительно отражается на составе крови и их общем физиологическом состоянии. Разработанная тест-диета для стерляди приближена по составу питательных веществ к естественной пище рыб. Результаты выращивания ремонтной группы стерляди с использованием нового комбикорма показали его положительное влияние на физиологическое состояние рыб и ее продукционные свойства

    Features of the brainstem and its cavities in three-year-old children

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    Background: Little is known about the brainstem in healthy three-year-old children; yet there is a need for further studies because children at this age are growing and developing rapidly.Objective: To study differences in the brainstem and its cavities in healthy three-year-old children, considering the sex and bilateral asymmetry.Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 120 MRI scans of healthy three-year-old children (60 boys and 60 girls) to study the brainstem features. The following parameters of the brain stem structures were assessed: 1) the length of the pons (mm), 2) the height of the pons (mm), 3) the length of the medulla oblongata (mm), 4) the height of the medulla oblongata at the upper and lower borders (mm), 5) the length and height of the vermis (mm), 6) the width of the cerebellum (mm), 7) the length, width, height of the cerebellar hemispheres (mm), 8) the length and height of the third ventricle, 9) the length of the cerebral aqueduct (mm), 10) the length and height of the fourth ventricle (mm). We assessed the compliance of quantitative parameters with the normal distribution according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion. We used Microsoft Excel 2016 tables to accumulate, correct and systemize the raw data. Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft. Inc., USA) along with the corresponding statistical method provided the digital data. The differences were considered significant at P < .05.Results: We aimed to study sex-related differences in the basic sizes of the brainstem. The length and height of the pons, the length of the third and the fourth ventricles, and the size of the cerebellar hemispheres were greater in boys. We found a bilateral asymmetry in cerebellar hemispheres (length, width, and height).Conclusions: The changes in the complex brainstem of three-year-old children are sex-dependent and consist in active transformations of its structures